Born on the best continent

>born on the best continent
>but in the worst country on said continent

Last I checked, Germany wasn't in South America.

He said best continent, not shittiest

Last I checked, Germany wasn't in North America

Last I checked, Germany wasn't in Asia

>tfw was born in the best country on the best continents and don't have to experience all the horrors of German daily life

You should suffer for WWII, Nazi. Enjoy your worst country in Europe.

You need to go back, Shvëdran.

>implying that North America is not a bastard of western civilization

at least you live in Europe

I actually planned to off myself as soon as my parents are dead, get on my level.

What about Moldova?

>landlocked irrelevant even poorer romania

But you weren't born in Asia


Stop whining you sniveling runt you have it good enough

Europe > Asia > America > Oceania > Africa

At least you are white


Antarctica >

At least you aren't American. This place is autism land.

at least you don't live in the ugliest country on Earth, AmeriKKKa

Antarctica is best because there are no people there.

There is nothing good about being german except that the cunt has first world living quality.

what would you rather be then


[insert every other 1st world nation possible]

Last I checked, Germany wasn't in Zealandia.