Is BLM and SJW an insurgency?


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It's funded by the jews Soros to help kill off more white people.

why do the elite globalist jews hate white people though?

i'm sure your average everyday jew doesn't hate white people, but why do the ones at the top of the pyramid do?

because their religion says they are the best and we are just cattle, yet we have proved the opposite

but (almost) every religion says that the people no in their religion aren't real persons

yet the jewish people are the only ones who take it too far

what does it matter what other religions say? the jews are the ones who have infiltrated our banks, media and politics

They don't, but Sup Forums is fucking retarded and must draw everything back to the Jews.

Mass immigration is being done to create new voter farms for leftist parties and to destroy unions. The media promotes "diversity" because it genuinely believes its the current market and it continues to generate revenue; watch what happens when these poorly written shows and movies hit screens. Feminism is a byproduct of usurping traditional party lines and overall weakening conservative values in government.

Jews are pro immigration for everyone but Israel.



why are they like this?


Big business doesn't support immigration to Israel because it actually can effectively destroy Israel while creating no real benefit; the status quo has no interest in making Germany 80% incompetent shitskins they can pay low wages to as that would destroy the foundation of the country and thus make it impossible to operate well within. If Israel went over to mass immigration, it would simply sink its own ship and be a desert within 50 years.

Here is the fun thing as well. Reform Jews and Orthodox Jews are rarely on the same side. Many Orthodox Jews are not Zionists, or adamantly anti-Zionist. So, you'll see this odd distancing between issues and reasoning between them.

>That marriage thing
There is no civil marriage in Israel.

just because there are jews who don't try and fuck everybody over doesn't mean that the jews that try and fuck everybody over don't exist

They've been doing it for centuries, which is why they've been kicked out of so many countries.
They do it to gain control, as it destabilizes the country.
They are behind all the communist movements and left wing organizations.
They are also all neoconservatives who make America destabilize the middle east so Israel can take it over. 9/11, ISIS and terrorism are the tools to get America to take out Israel's enemies.

But that's not really exceptional in anyway.

>They've been doing it for centuries, which is why they've been kicked out of so many countries.
That's a lot more complicated. I'd argue that's more of a byproduct of simply being an isolated community for thousands of years.

>They do it to gain control, as it destabilizes the country.
But they don't often gain any sort of control. Hell, until citizenship became a popular concept, Jews were lucky to be able to hold any state positions or buy land throughout Christendom; under Dhimmi Jews faired better, but even then no one would argue that Jews had any sort of control over Moorish Spain/Ottoman Empire/Syrian Caliphates.

>They are behind all the communist movements and left wing organizations.

Vaguely. They're definitely over represented, but they also logically would be attracted to a movement that offered them actual citizenship in a nation, but this really devolves to

>Engels wasn't.
>Stalin wasn't.

>They are also all neoconservatives who make America destabilize the middle east so Israel can take it over. 9/11, ISIS and terrorism are the tools to get America to take out Israel's enemies.

Why does Israel want the middle east?

>Why does Israel want the middle east?

But why does Israel want this? If this is Israel's objective, why does Israel constantly trade land in peace agreements?



I don't get your point. Israel owned more land it annexed in various wars. It uses it as a bargaining chip in negotiations.

Still, you haven't answered the question; why would Israel want a huge portion of poor land and a large population of Arab-Muslim immigrants?

I'm done talking to an actual jew

Fuck off schlomo

>Why does Israel want the middle east?
Israel wanted the US to take out Syria back in 1996. Read "A Clean Break" [1][2].
Hillary said before the Syrian war, "The best way to help Israel deal with Iran's growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad." [3]

Israel is drilling Syria's oil fields in the Golan Heights [4] under the company Genie Energy (NYSE: GNE), which is run by Dick Cheney, Jacob Rothschild, Rupert Murdoch, James Woolsey, Larry Summers [5].
The UN rejected Israel's claim over Syria's Golan Heights [6].

>Syria challenges Israel on Lebanese soil. An effective approach, and one with which American can sympathize, would be if Israel seized the strategic initiative along its northern borders by engaging Hizballah, Syria, and Iran, as the principal agents of aggression in Lebanon, including by: striking Syrian military targets in Lebanon, and should that prove insufficient, striking at select targets in Syria proper.
>A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel.


Alright, that is a valid reason. Still, Israel does currently occupy the Golan Heights.

Still then, what bugs me about Sup Forums and Israel/Jew conspiracy theories is there are a lot of strings that really are not quite drawn together.

Greater Israel is a definition from a religious document; the vast majority of Jews that are Zionist are not only not religious, but also there is a general opposition to the religious sect within Israel due to tax issues/conscription issues; they have to form a coalition to have anything work in their favor at this point. Literally, if Israel were to annex greater Israel, there is really no benefit; they'd inherit populations that are incompatible and land that isn't worth the soldiers patrolling it.

Oy vey, they know. I'm sorry that you have to think a bit about your own argument.

How can we stop it though? It's almost impossible to start a movement against them. And even if we do start a movement like the Tea Party in the US they just end up highjacking it and then they mischaracterize the original intent in the media. The Tea Party was an antijewish anti central bank movement in this country centered around ending the Federal Reserve system and the media tried to silence and hardly ever report on it. They are leaving us with few options.

>why would Israel want a huge portion of poor land
Because it is their self appointed religious duty

> and a large population of Arab-Muslim immigrants?
The dowry without the bride has been a meme in Zionist theory for a while now.

The dowry is the land and the bride is the arabs...

>why does Israel constantly trade land in peace agreements?
Kek. Israel has never traded land for peace. It goes against the philosophy of Likud, and the Labour party before them....

Here, have book to read, it MAY make you seem less retarded.

And yet still the religious right push for it as a duty. And likud needs the religious right to maintain a governing coalition.

You really need to read more into this if you are going to have an opinion worth a damn.

Think of races as cows and the jewish elites as farmers.

Some time ago, one of these cows got violent and wanted out of the farm, in the process, it [defended itself] attacked one of the (((farmers))), almost getting all other cows up in revolt and fucking the farm up for good.
The (((farmers))) don't want to kill this cow, as its milk's variant tastes pretty good, but it can't be left alone either. The solution is then, to mongrelize the fight out of this cow making it forget what a cow even is.

>They're definitely over represented
300 of the top 383 were jewish, and most of the rest, including engels and stalin, had jewish wives, mistresses or girlfriends

So if you are interested in actual robust discourse, how about you address this?
Oh, it means YOU have to think about your argument.

you shine a light on them, they can only operate in darkness and secrecy

>300 of the top 383 were jewish, and most of the rest, including engels and stalin, had jewish wives, mistresses or girlfriends

damn lol

you got a sauce for this?

their media stranglehold of the past 100 years is almost over

yup they have already attacked cops ambulances and hospitals.

>Because it is their self appointed religious duty
But it's not. This is also the reason that the third temple was never constructed; in Ezekiel the land and the temple are literally given from God.

>The dowry is the land and the bride is the arabs...
Yeah, I really wouldn't want Arabs, either to be honest.

>Kek. Israel has never traded land for peace. It goes against the philosophy of Likud, and the Labour party before them....

But it has in the Camp David Accords.

Not really. Likud typically deals with one of the four as settlers have become a strong issue in recent decades. The ultra orthodox push maybe 28/120 seats if you're willing to put them all working for the same agenda; and they're not.

I understand you are completely autistic about politics.
>But it's not.
You can pretend that there isn't a hardcore of Zionists who think the entire Levant is their god given right. But that would make you willfully retarded. Do you want to be willfully retarded non?

>The ultra orthodox push maybe 28/120 seats
And if the other parties have close to but not quite an absolute majority, those 28 seats become very valuable in deed. Shit nigger its close to 1/4. More than enough force to push whatever side they go with over the edge of being abl to form a government

[protip; I studied with a Romanian Jew who was part of the US support team for the camp David accords and knew many of the academics behind Oslo personally]

Hello burger. Tell me how do I get a qt Jewish gf.
