Blind Mystic woman who predicted 9/11 attack, has a terrifying prediction for 2016

>Blind Mystic woman who predicted 9/11 attack, has a terrifying prediction for 2016

Well eurofags, kiss your sweet soil goodbye, the Blind Mystic Baba Vanga "foresaw the ceasing existence of europe due to the muslim extremist invasion in 2016".

Think this is just some bullshit? think again.

This women has a 100% track record. she predicted 9/11, a 2004 tsunami, an african america being the 44th president of the U.S., and the rise of isis!

So, what will you do, Eurofags? will you flee or die with your pathetic continent?

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Lies, it was proved this was a hoax, she didnt predicted anything

link :

Depends on what's meant by "ceasing existence of Europe".
Did she mean the continent, countries or the EU?

prove it faggot


Baba Yaga is a blind hack

the continent has to fall until it can rise again

Anyone who has at least some brain can predict this...


Ill laugh at all you pathetic non-believers when Europe is completely gone and youre dust.

Baba Vanga lost her eye-sight, but gained sight into the future.

>makes a claim without evidence
>someone calls bullshit
user pls.
The burden of proof is on you fool

Vanga, not Yaga, I must have /x/ spooks on the mind

>burden of proof

fucking shitposters

If I get repeating numbers she's correct

EU breaking up due to Germoney trying to impose idiotic migration policies isn't even all that far-fetched
brexit, grexit, polan-exit, hunxit, then everyone else because what's the point really

>stating the obvious is now consider magic n shit

with that track record, she must have also predicted that op is a faggot

Nigger Sup Forums talks about this shit all the time, we don't need some blind old lady to try and convince us.

Baby Virginia made many, many predictions. A lot of them have already failed.

Only /x/ could believe in something this stupid.

I belive in this too. Mystery babylon is pretty much vatikan city and Europe.

There will probably be a war between muslims (germans, france) and surrounding countries.

It's going to rain in winter. Am I an avatar now ?

fuck off with that old cunt
not even people in my country believe that shit

>implying thats equal to predicting 9/11 and a tsunami (among other things)

>1 post

"He said she said" is literally the best form of evidence you have to support the claims you're making. Are you retarded?

Good thing that i live in Poland. No muslims want to live here, because they are beaten in the streets.

regardless being true or not , baba vanga didnt specify what kind of invasion it would be or what the magnitude would be either.

Think it like this , refugee crisis did happen , so she was right , prophecy fullfilled , europe is cucked.

look at this shit, the prediction is already fulfilling.

>hearsay is evidence

Why should I trust her over this Mexican warlock?

Just read Alois Irlmaier and van Remsburg already guys, it's so easy!

this demented gypsy was wrong about a shitload of things

Mystery Babylon is almost certain to be America though.

It's total bullshit. Remeber that psychic guy that could predict people's address ? Turns out it was a total hoax as fucking per.

Still part of Europe, friendo. Poland is going too.

btw if any of you actually bothered to read the link i posted muslims are going to use chemical warfare to destroy Europe.

also a cheeky pun on the last page by the author, when they were talkin about how she predicted obama she woz all like "WELL I GUESS SHE ONLY PREDICTS DISASTERS XDDDDDD

When she says "Europe" she actually means "European Union".

holy shit the denial from you eurofags is strong.

if you're smart you leave Europe ASAP, they could attack any time.

doubt it, its a city on 7 hills (vatikan). Also, dont you see that EU is getting prepared for civil war. We are the ones importing millions of africans and muslims.

It's true but not nearly as terrifying as it sounds.

It looks like Brexit is actually going to happen as a result of muslims pushing Brits over the margin, it's not a crazy prediction to say that Brexit will be the beginning of the end of EU as we know it.

Who will lead them?

She died in 1996.

She also said the 45th President will be the last President. We emperor now

A big guy from the shadows

Good. Fuck EU. Show us the way Britain.

For you, maybe.

Hmm I wonder what the EU army could possibly be for. Putting down riots and rebellions I'd guess.

RIP Eurobetas

No, she said that the 44th would be the last.
Not that I believe it, but we'll see.

its the teeth of the one world government. but they need to unite all religions before the end times can start.

its not like they are not trying.

If Trump was emperor that would make Obongo the last president at 44. She probably meant Hilary as shes mkre likely to fuck up the planet and bring us all into war.

>the Middle East used to be largely Christian
>barely anyone thinks about taking it back

looks like Europe's gone forever folks


Baba had "predictions" for WW3 back in 2010 that never happened also

>mfw I saw a Hillary bumper sticker today

Maybe Europe as in Christian Europe, because it's turning into an islamic caliphate

I'm just joking, The united states will obviously either absorb the white people of Europe or move in and essentially annex Europe.
Get ready to have a deep south Tobacco chewing high school dropout come to your town and start killing every brown person in sight who isn't in uniform.

>hey guys lets believe this supertitious old blind gypsie, what could go wrong?
she's been debunked multiple times you fucksticks

Why couldn't she predict whatever caused her to be blind?

the fuck is happening to that old cunt? drugs?? seizures?

She said Islam will rule Europe by 2050, so I think we have time. Fuck the next generations tho, lol.

anyone can predict that this invasion lands into some bullshit. but we cant afford that ammo like the tommys

First I thought that was a joke. But OMG it's serious

Absolutely believable if you ask me. My town has already been overran by mudslimes. Brown faces and pube like beards EVERYWHERE. If you let terrorists into my town you could at least allow me to buy a gun, Mrs. Merkel.

Deus Ex predicted 9/11 more accurately too, so what?

stfu happening deniers. also, wtf you think, she saw the calendar date and hours in her visions?

we have this dumbass thread at least once a week

and it's always the same incorrect bullshit

She predicted the world would end in 2012.


genuinely laughed

fucking leafposter

looks right to me.

Can't prove it didn't, newfag

My fucking leopard gecko does the same thing when it is about to be fed.

We should start new empire in antarctica. All right wing, no cucks and minorities. Locked immigration for gib me dat people.

>More specifically, she said: "[Extremists] would use chemical warfare against Europeans."
damn, thats one fucked up way to go. Why couldnt she predict a normal civil war.


Listen here, you fucking cunt, 90% of the bullshit that's going around in the internet today has never been said by her.

The things she predicted for sure were the follwoing:
>"Dark clouds are gathering in Prague" - 1968, 8 months before the attack.
>"I see an orange dress in flames" 1969. Ghandi was murdered 1984.

>"Important people will go and things will change for the better" 1980. 1982 Leonid Brejnev dies.

>"Kursk will sink and all the world will mourn it" 1980. 2000 Kursk sinks and all 188 crew members die.

>"Fear, fear. The american brothers will fall, bitten by steel birds" - 1989. There's your 9/11.

>"The 44th president will be black" Now it's important to mention here that many people like to add "and he will be the last president", however that ain't proven.

I know from personal experience, that my family and many people I know had with her, she was the real deal.

As you can see the things she predicted came true with a 100% accuracy. That being said, a lot of information is going around from bullshit forums and shills, which is saying she predicted anything from ayyliums to mickey mouse alongside Putin ruling the world.

Do not pay attention to what Australians and leafs are posting for attention. If she really had some prophecies for the apocalypse, she kept it to herself.





Her predictions have been debunked thousand of times already. Fucking newfags


also this
>Election of Barack Obama : The Bulgarian is credited with predicting that the 44th president of the United States would be African American. She also reportedly warned that he would be the "last US president".

this makes perfect sense, they'll deny a Trump presidency by initiating dictatorship. They just need to take away the guns from citizens.

>Ghandi was murdered 1984.
umm, no.
Gandhi was shot in Jan, 1948.



Islamics are invaders bro, there's nothing civil about it.

The year has changed, the architecture, the people, the names, but war....war never changes.


She also predicted WWIII to start 2010 and end 2014.

Dahlsim is full of it.

>blah blah Sybilline oracle bullshit
>"The Tower will scream fire"
>800 more lines of similar "prophecies"
>common tarot symbols, same motifs over and over
>"any uhh... specific details Madam?"
>"...Please insert coin to continue"
>9/11 happens
>"see guys! she predicted it!"

Vanga predictions:
2016: “Muslims” will invade Europe, which will “cease to exist” as we know it. The ensuing campaign of destruction will last years, driving out populations and leaving the entire continent.

2033: World water levels will rise as the polar ice caps melt (this is already happening).

2043: Europe’s transformation into an Islamic caliphate is complete. Rome is named the capital. The world’s economy thrives under Muslim rule.

2066: America will use a new climate change weapon for the first time in a bid to retake Rome and bring back Christianity.

2076: Communism will return to Europe and the rest of the world.

2130: With the help of the aliens, civilisations will live underwater.

2170: Major global drought.

2187: Two large volcanic eruptions will be successfully stopped.

2201: Temperatures drop as the sun’s thermonuclear processes slow down.

3005: A war on Mars.

3010: A comet will hit the moon. The Earth will be surrounded by a ring of rock and ash.

3797: By this time, everything on Earth will die. However, human civilisation will be advanced enough to move to a new star system.


Ain't saying she's going to be right familio. But like the other bloke said, she said 44th. God Emperor Trump confirmed.

Fucking hell the first part of that looks like she seriously had a small seizure and then managed to make it seem like shes messing around.

How the fuck you going to make a prediction for something that already happened?

we ask kek, if I get repeat digits, baba vanga was right.

Don't forget The Lone Gunman show that was cancelled after the pilot episode

>pilot episode
Pun unintended

Vanga predictions:
2016: “Muslims” will invade Europe, which will “cease to exist” as we know it. The ensuing campaign of destruction will last years, driving out populations and leaving the entire continent.

2043: Europe’s transformation into an Islamic caliphate is complete. Rome is named the capital. The world’s economy thrives under Muslim rule.

2066: America will use a new climate change weapon for the first time in a bid to retake Rome and bring back Christianity.



those digit,

also, the first prediction seems to come true

Whoever believes this mystical bullshit that a fucking blind old granny can predict the future is a piece of shit dumb cunt and deserves to be shot.

Yeah, I didn't mean to imply that you did, it was the way I worded it, and that's my bad