I'm Afraid of You, Sup Forums
Sounds like a you problem desu
emotion appeals
shilling wont work
>Implying I'm gonna watch this dyke cry for 6 minutes
What's the point of the video?
gun control
>she does it for free
>I'm Afraid of You, Sup Forums
good, lets go to war
my guns vs your feelings
She's allowed to vote in your presidential elections.
My dick*
Someone nominate this bitch for an Oscar.
>she probably didn't actually
she claims America is at fault for a muslim terrorist shooting up a gay bar because we haven't banned evil looking guns that tens of millions of people own without incident.
evil looking guns that account for ~320 deaths annually
>I'm afraid you don't care
Her fear is entirely justified.
dumb kikelesbo
What I would do to live in a country where I could buy a glawck and shoot whatever fuck I want.
She's much too white for an Oscar in 2016.
Does she have noodz?
good. you either let that fear kill you or, make you stronger. you decide bitch.
That whole video just reeks of disingenuous emotion and narcissism.
That's the one thing the left is absolutely guilty of is not letting a tragedy to go to waste and making viral videos for the sole purpose of self promoting their youtube channels.
>listening to a short haired gigglefuck mumble mellowdramatic drivel for some sjw jelqfest agenda
not even once
>feeling sad
>feeling helpless
>feeling hopeless
i'm just one conservative among an overwhelming majority of libtards. and i often feel powerless to change anything.
this video really cheered me up, and motivated me.
thx, lesbian!
My cat bro has got me.
Not gonna watch it but it sounds like a license to carry would go a long way easing whatever fear she has.
I'm afraid of people JUST so bluepilled they still support Barack Obama and his gungrabbed.
They realize Barack Obama armed terrorist networks like Al-Qaeda and ISIS with deadly assault rifles--hell, 99.9% probability his administration supplied them the chemical weapon they used against Assad in Syria.
They realize head honcho at the DoJ Eric Holder was caught selling deadly assault rifles to mexican criminal cartels, which were used to kill americans with, right? I don't know if Loretta Lynch is selling deadly assault rifles to criminal gangs, but considering she's just as crooked as Holder and a race-baiter like her uncle Al Sharpton I imagine she is.
Guns don't kill people. Corrupt politicians do.
>Profiting off a mass murder
I made my comments on the video.
doing this for myself
Evens: go to bed
odds: go get food
>can't wait to ham up my feelins for my mindless sycophant fanbase so I can make all that good ad sense money
>Guys I'm being SO real right now, don't you understand, also make sure to like and subscribe! :)
Just tell her France has a no-gun policy and yet we had two mass shootings in just one year (Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan).
The problem is not guns. It's muslims.
Youtube shills are the worst.
Stop shilling yourself you worthless turds.
the joke was that the millennials are retarded enough to believe she would do this out of the kindness of her heart and not criticise her about gun control thus reflecting the current state of disillusionment our brainwashed youth is afflicted with and the future of humanity and also simultaneously pointing out there are people who whole heatedly would do this for free thus pointing out the need for America to be nuked a second time
liberals don't listen to sound reasoning
if they did, they wouldn't be liberals
good job helping another lazy youtuber with your views
>your rights end where my feelings begin.
There was the Thalys incident too.
The issue with saying millennials is that there really is no such thing as a millennial. The entire generation has almost zero cohesion and it's an absolute clusterfuck of past generation's mistakes.
>This dyke can vote
25 and below
Also the jewish museum in Brussels.
And yet, liberals refuse to understand.
In a political sense, saying that "millennials believe x" is absolute bullshit.
>giving women right to vote was a mistake.
>are retarded enough
>millennials believe x
>american literacy
this shit was posted a few days ago. sage this shit retards
she has a nice voice
it's asmr for leftist
Huh, really makes you think.
Time for a wank.
N-No thanks.
fuck you
I hate this fucking image
why is dat boi sed?
I'm sad now. I think I'll go to the range and cheer myself up
pls no
Come the fuck on
>inb4 a muslim rapes and kills this dyke
Is this a man or a woman?
Guns are pretty much illegal here, and yet we have an estimate of about 10 millions firearms in circulation, most of them illegal. About 5000 firearm seized every year, about 200 are assault rifles, usually AKs.
We've had robberies, murders, mass shooting perpetrated with undeclared untrackable firearms.
America is going full retard lately, you need to get your head out of your ass and take a look around.
I can't believe Hillary doesn't know what's happening elsewhere, so she has to be malicious to push such bullshit.
>tfw when she didn't make one good argument
This bitch is acting, poorly I might add
Shit. Fuck. Okay, I responded, just let my mom live.
I didn't respond some days ago and she didn't die, you liar.
Fuck you
Meme magic isn't real, but why take the chance?
Fuck you Egypt.
Fuck you
how dare you she's a nice lady!
Fuck off sand nigger
fuck you
to this post
Are American gays incapable of objective argumentation? Is it so hard to ask for a coherent and academically sound reasoning? A reasoning without muh dead muh shooting
Also, we know who is behind this bs. The eternal shitskin mudslime.
Your post justifies the Jews removing kebab.
plz no
i will hunt you down faggot
better to be safe then sorry!
I wonder if people really care as much as she does.
I literally can't give a shit about the people who died in Colorado. I don't hate them or anything, they just mean nothing to me beyond the political aspect of it.
When i read "50 dead" the first thing i thought was "nice, comfy happening on Sup Forums.
Is there something wrong with that? I think the other people are just pretending to care.
Drone strike coming
Hillary push w/e agenda she is told to push.
She has no clear objective of her own.
Hillary is bought, paid for, and owned.
Not risking it
Bitch be like
Not risking it
bobby please
She looks like this kike. DYKIKE.