Crystal Castles

So I just found out Ethan Kath is a pedo, reading all these articles and Alices blog. Hooking up with Alice when she was 15 while he was 25 as well as hooking up with some other 15 year old and the current member of CC which he also met when she was 15. Guy has a thing for young teens....

I have a bit of a story for you guys. Back in 2013 I went to see Crystal Casles with my girlfriend and another female friend which is one of my oldest friends. I was 19 and both of them were 18. We saw Etan Kath before the show and he walked up to us and I managed to get a picture with him( which I'll post). He started hitting on my friend which creeped her out. He told her he was fucked up on drugs and he wanted to fuck some flesh tonight. He told her he'd be right back and he'd get her a drink. She was already really wasted and he kept feeling her up and trying to makeout with her. He shoved his face against hers and then she told me to get her the hell out of here so i grabbed her and pulled her into the mosh pit of the opening band with my girlfriend. I remember looking back at him right before entering the mosh pit and he was swearing and screaming at the top of his lungs. I know she was of age obviously, it's just how he approached the whole situation which was messed up. I defiantly believe Alices statement after seeing how this guy behaves around girls firsthand.

Here's a pic of me at the concert. Blurring out my face for obvious reasons.

Other urls found in this thread:

Ethan is fucking based and your walking cunt friend is a piece of shit scum

who gives a fuck.

I don't even know who this cunt is


>leave band
>find new band

what's the issue? don't like how the band is run? look for a new band.

hate these 21st century sex attention whores


kaths band he had before cc got pulled at the border with meth on them
why is kath being a shitlord of any suprise?

Sorry to hear this happened to her man. Ethan Kath is a real piece of shit


I have a bit of a story for you guys. Back in 2013 I went to see Grimes with my girlfriend and another male friend which is one of my oldest friends. I was 19 and both of them were 18. We saw Claire before the show and she walked up to us and I managed to get a picture with hef( which I'll post). She started hitting on my friend which creeped him out. She told him she was fucked up on drugs and she wanted to fuck some flesh tonight. She told him she'd be right back and she'd get him a drink. He was already really wasted and she kept feeling him up and trying to makeout with him. She shoved her face against his and then he told me to get him the hell out of here so i grabbed him and pulled him into the mosh pit of the opening band with my girlfriend. I remember looking back at her right before entering the mosh pit and she was swearing and screaming at the top of her lungs. I know he was of age obviously, it's just how she approached the whole situation which was messed up. I defiantly believe Joanna Newsom statement after seeing how this girl behaves around guys firsthand.

Fuck is my post going to turn into copy pasta now. Lol i had a feeling someone would do this


basically she's admitting she'd be nothing without ethan's instrumentals
and she's right

But Ethans instrumentals are pretty shit. Nothing compared to Death Grips

Well... can you blame him?
Look at him, he's ugly as all fuck, has to hide his hideous face behind all that beard, hairdos and hoodies.
He wouldn't be able to get sex otherwise.

Fucking biggest nose. So is he Italian or a Jew?

Being totally serious, you should post this (even if on user for obvious reasons) on twitter or facebook. Consider even messaging Alice. This could help her case in court.

Should of also mentioned the show was in Toronto at the Kool Hause

his parents are italian, and his name really gives it away


everything comes back to death grips for 12 year olds
back to the joji channel shithead

loool tha musical goyim that nose tho

>Ethan is a pedo
>Guy has a thing for young teens....

Pick one

I really don't think it will hold. Shit happened a long time ago. Bitch needs to just learn to let go and move on. Yeah she may have been "raped' a few times but I really doubt she did anything to leave her situation.

underage teens

interesting find here

That is one uggo mofo, girl is a qt, shame about the daddy issues.

pedophilia is the attraction to prepubescent children magne... 15 year olds are not prepubescent

a 40 year old and a 15 year old seems fucked up lol

Zach Hill is definitely a better producer than Ethan Kath though lol

I got the fever!!!!!!!


Haven't heard this yet. He just likes Jailbait.

>He was a sleazebag at a concert

So a normal muisician then?

Can you imagine if millenials accidentally fell back in time to the 1970's and 80's.

It would be mass suicide.


It's fucking nothing.

Congrats on "saving" your girls best friend. I assume you got a threesome that night, yeah?

Goddamn she's a qt.



MacUser magazine, uh oh

i believe you op, sorry that happened to your friend, hope it didn’t affect her too badly. thankfully he is becoming less and less successful by the year so hopefully that means he will be able to do this kind of stuff less and less