Whats the fugliest flag?
IMO its Libya flag becuase its a green fucking rectangle
Fugliest Flags
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They could have a nice flag, but the fucking light blue is awful.
Albania cause its the flag of a nation of European mudshits.
Go harvest some organs or something.
Serbian flag.
at least we dont have terrorists shooting us up
Praise the sun, motherfucker.
At least Libya was stable with that flag.
Why don't you go smoke some weed and fuck some hooker who gets abused by her boyfriend like the degenerate you are?
Saw someone post this
Albania m8 you might be the scariest place on earth for a man to live. I'd rather take a shot living somewhere in the desert rather than in albania where someone would chop me up and eat the remains on the first day of arrival.
>blue = blue eyes
>yellow = blond hair
>white = white skin
Please, try to be more polite. Argentinian flag symbolizes their unreachable desire of being white.
Uruguay's sun is better. That one looks like a nigger making a duck face.
You have a distorted perception of Albania based on memes. No one is going to hurt you.
A country that betrayed their Christian heritage to please their Turkroach overlords is nothing to be proud of.
Ugly: Nepal, Zambia, Belarus, India, USA (no offense, please dont chimp out), Bosnia, Kosovo, Ireland/Ivory Coast, Germany, Belize, Qatar, Australia/New Zealand
Nice: Norway, Iceland, UK, Jamaica, Somalia, Bhutan, North Korea, France, Italy
not an argument
Leaf flag worst flag
Because all Albanians come here
All flags that aren't at least 200 years old should be banned.
Senyera master race here.
A fucking pajama pattern.
HOLY SHIT ahahahahahahah
stars and stripes pajama pants sounds pretty comfy desu
is this the republic of clip art?
Black people lol
it would be pretty ballin if every flag in the world had to be designed by a 6 year old
>literally nigger tier
Albania such a shithole. Muslim. every family owns a bakery. basically gypsies.
The Ukrainian flag looks just plain terrible.
bestflag reporting, passing judgment on inferior cuntries
best to worst shit-tier flags
>all 3-striped flaggots
>Le "fucking tree" banon
>new zealand
Fuck off convict the Union Jack is best flag. The only reason why your flag is passable is because our flag is on it.
Sorry to ruin this, but this is the new Libyan flag
my flag doesn't have a crescent moon on it cunt
The leaf is at least unique and nicely colored unlike most flags which are just 2 or 3 stripes.
fuck you abo i will fucking crescent your moms cunt
The Britbongistan flag is pretty shitty tbqhwy.
All of their county flags are literally nigger-tier
That's an actual flag?!?
Liberia is proof american nogs are dumb as a rock.
This fucking chocolate candy bar
Nepal flag a shit.
You ARE the terrorist
kek. Indonesia with the bantz.
hahaha oh indonesia
Was it made in MS Paint?
That's Poland.
It's Saudi Arabia with Islam removed
Holy Kek, it's actually real
The unemployed.
Employed in the private sector, on minimal wage.
>white stars
Employed in public administration, a.k.a. "sit on your ass whole day, drink coffee 25 times / 8h ??? PROFIT!!!"
have a rare
I suppose you'd know, Mr Sqhurh.
When you have to create your own flag you really aren't a country.
I like the sun. It's a nice touch. Flags with just 3 stripes are terrible.
RIP in peace ;_;7
Top 5 best:
1. Seychelles
2. Hong Kong
3. Somalia (shit country, A E S T H E T I C flag)
4. Macedonia
5. Marshall Islands
Honorable mention: Estonia (unique colors, looks good)
1. Uganda (they chose a fucking chicken for their flag)
2. Ukraine (literally the worst color scheme imaginable)
3. India (horrible colors with an anus in the center)
4. Qatar (chocolate bar in a wrapper)
5. Bahrain (chocolate bar made of blood in a wrapper)
Honorable mentions:
-Mayotte (has their own country's name needlessly on their flag in bold letters)
-Any flag that has the flag of another country on it as well
-Any flag that has a crescent moon on it
let me just say it for you
Anything that's just three bars of colour. They're so boring. Why couldn't we have flags with dragons and octopi fighting on them?
I've always thought Uganda was one of the best.
>dragons and shit
Sardinia has beheaded moors
kek wills it, uganda is best
Hello Indinosia
whats wrong withmour flag you inbred bastard
go fuck some goats redzep
go kill yourself
he's thinking about it.
Find anything funky?
Why did they have to go for the subsaharan dindu color scheme? It hurts the eyes and puts them in bad company.
Albania is the alpha.
Lmao at 3 stripes and a fuckin leaf
How unlike a German to be a self-hating cuck
Is there a reason three stripes is so popular?
Adidas obviously
Why did we ever fucking go with
Look how much cooler this fucking flag is
What that fuck is that even supposed to be?
Best: Canada
Worst: all 2-3 stripe faggots
>Niggers trying to pull down a tree with a rope because they're too stupid to just chop it down
Anything with columns in a 1:2 ratio, it looks stretched and ugly as sin. Ireland, Nigeria, Rhodesia.
Ours is ugly as hell. Its the fucking green and red. They were originaly the colors of the political party that overthrew the monarchy, then they invented some symbolism for them and now we have to stick with green and red.
>it completely ruins the shield
No one has mentioned Lithuania yet? What are those colors even supposed to mean? Why didn't they just use their traditional mounted knight?
Best Prussia
Worst A Fucking Leaf
The Romanian flag is absolutely hideous. There is something about these three colours together that makes it difficult to look at.