let's start some sort of movement saying that Prophet Mohammad would have supported gay marriage if he was alive today.
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self bump
bumping for interest
>Sup Forums
pick one
That would be fantastic but how do you start something like this ? On Twitter or facebook? I have those two in mind but how would it spread ?
Twitter, we should try to trick the SJW to do it, but we need way more people in on it
gonna try Sup Forums, i might get more guts from there
Already happening here in Germany. Our progressive media claims on several levels, that Islam is a religion of tolerance - especially for homosexuals.
Can't make this shit up
i'm not shitposting or anything, but i was you i would get out of that country before it's too late
bump for keks
Are there any quotes from their scriptures we can spin to support this claim?
We need something to anchor this.
>muslim is not a pig
If SJWs reject that Mohammad would have been for gay marriage, would they be the largest group of people to lack self awareness?
This is going to cause the 'religion of peace' to lash out you do know
Dear god. Come home user, you can still help us save this country
Wouldn't this help our opposition?
Kek they even quote the passage about young boys waiting for martyrers. Like this is good, fucking disgusting.
fucking bump
It's suppose to offend Muslims, and get them to expose their anger, and thus homophobia.
But you have to really be overt about it.
You have to literally imply that Muhammad was gay, or that Muslim men are all gay or something.
May be come up with some made up hadiths and quoranic verses? Like this:
Quran (4:16) - "If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, do not punish them for we find the same behaviour in all of Allah's creation. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone"
Abu Dawud (4448) - "If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, have mercy and understanding."'
Bukhari (72:774) - "The Prophet had affection for effeminate men (those men who are in the similitude (assume the manners of women) and those women who assume the manners of men, and he said, 'Take them as your companions .' The Prophet cherished such-and-such man, and 'Umar praised such-and-such woman."
OPs can't bump their own thread anymore my man, but have this one.
He'd definitely have supported child marriage. You're only as old as the girl you feel!
Considering how easily asshurt Muslims can get, I'd love to see this.
This is good
>implying the story won't turn into racist Nationalists intentionally being deceitful and trying to provoke muslims during the holy month of Ramadan
I hope you do it, stupid kuffar
okay, let's make one of this facebook profile-image solidarity add-ons with that shit
no matter how they spin it the crash of liberals promoting fagislam with real muslims will be sweet.
>implying they can't just easily negate that point by pressing on every other side
They already are the largest group of people to lack self awareness.
can we get some gay rainbow tolerance orgs and sites to promote these dank memes? Use pictures of pretty mosques or summin' and of couse "islam is peace".
the Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him, was gay, trans and black
I don't think insulting a prophet is the right way forward. Very rarely does agitating your enemy work in your favour.
LOL that last one is good.
The first ones only call for leniency for the sinners, maybe it would be better to openly endorse faggotry.
Kek, forgot about that
Ot works very well. Its a legit tactic.
Tippi paper with poo on country
What do Arabs say? The enemy of your liberal is your friend? Am I saying that correctly?
it's about the truth, Mohammad was gay friendly.
Thats why they throw them off buildings and shoot faggot clubs to dust?
This is actually a pro tier idea. Bumpy dumpy bump.
funniest shit i read today, thanks for the laugh
It can't be too obvious though.
We did it reddit!
if this shit gets 404 with no result, i will make a new thread
make some made-up stories about Janissaries or Seljuks making love to each other in times of war, prove it with some random pictures.
Prove it by this turkish oily sport where the try to grab other's dick.Its so simple to create lefty-style arguments.
Narrated AbuHurayrah: The Prophet (saws) said: A man may lie with another man and a woman may lie with another woman without covering their private parts except a child or a father. He also mentioned a third thing which I forgot. (Abu Dawood)
Let's start a movement that all Muslims men are closet faggots that hate themselves. That's why the beat their women and kill gays.
Only works with lots of meme graphics (like, every ISIS pic related or webm). They should be graphic and in-your-face, too. Can also be as simple as every single ISIS flag is replaced with a gay rainbow flag.
Goat fucking is just gay men that can't stand to be with women, so they fuck goats to prove to other Muslims that they're not gay.
Could we get this trending with all these pics and shit, talking about how tolerant Islam is?
We're literally promoting Islamic acceptance. We're being raided by leddit, in case you faggots haven't noticed
That drives the point home, right?
Why not use real sources?
Silly me! I forgot my jpg!
>he doesn't get the meta posting
Don't forget he wore womans clothes, guys.
Some absolute gold here
That's amazing! Spice it with real stories of homosexuality (usually towards little boys) in Pakistan and Middle East.
Or the "moderate Muslims" will help guide the homosexuals and insane leftists into doing the heavy lifting of pushing this narrative, which helps the narrative of "Islam is peaceful and tolerant!", while the "radical Muslims" continue hating and killing everyone who are not them, which the liberals will continue to ignore.
It seems like a great plan, it really does, until you realise that the leftists are completely retarded, and that retardation leaves too many ways open in which this could backfire. You have to show how much of an intolerant shit their prophet was, not show any potential alliance that could be formed. They already want reasons to go after straight, CIS, white, Christians, and they already believe that that population is their biggest threat. This would just help in supporting their delusion.
I'm getting hard just thinking about this.
They will not expose their anger. They are allowed to pretend to be your friend, lie etc. as long as it protects them or helps them with their jihad. Even if some of them do, the left will just go to their usual excuse of #notallmuslims and tell you that those muslims don't interpret the quran "right".
nigga u gay
you're probably a muslim, I heard that they're all gay.
just bumping youtube.com
You need to get a top alt-righter to tweet #MuhammadWasGay
They also believe Christianity is the most intolerant towards their lifestyle and think that every Christian would Jihad them if the law permitted it.
They're so desperate to appear "tolerant" that they would tear down every ideal that allows them to exist in relative safety, which allows people like the Muslims to gain more influence. You don't need a propaganda campaign to sway them, just point out reality:
>Muslims killing more homosexuals than anyone.
>Prominent imams preaching death as the way to deal with homosexuals, and other infidels.
>Quranic interpretations by prominent Islamic religious scholars that allows for death to those who are not them.
>Muslims going on multiple shooting rampages in gun-free France.
There is plenty to work with from their own mouths and actions. You don't need to make things up.
Put it on an Occupy Democrats meme and make it a Liberal counter-signal meme
When we say Islam does not tolerate homosexuality, they throw back at us a collage of made up hadiths showing that Muhammad accepted gays and promoted them
Make it a Liberal/Left meme for them to use against us, and it will prosper. The Left will be too dumb to check before using it because it confirms their narrative.
> just point out reality
> yuri_bezmenov.mp4
They're also anti-democracy. Iraq's constitution:
Article 1:
Amendment:(The Republic of Iraq is a single, independent federal state with full
sovereignty. Its system of government is republican, representative Parliamentary
and democratic. This Constitution is the guarantor of its unity.)
The Republic of Iraq is an independent sovereign state. Its system of government
is republican, representative (Parliamentary), democratic and federal.
Article 2:
First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of
A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.
B. No law that contradicts the principles of democracy may be established.
C. No law that contradicts the rights and basic freedoms stipulated in this
constitution may be established.
Second: This Constitution guarantees the Islamic identity of the majority of the
Iraqi people and guarantees the full religious rights of all individuals to freedom of
religious belief and practice such as Christians, Yazedis, and Mandi Sabeans.
This. Propaganda based on lies stands to hurt more than help. Just use the words and actions of their most prominent members as examples of why they are a danger.
>B-but muh Christian intolerance!
What intolerance? The Pope who is washing the feet of his potential enemies, and preaching peace above all else? What other denomination is preaching hate?
>Muh Westboro Baptist Church!
The minority of people who just carry signs and scream inflammatory shit, while being drowned out and run off by weekend warrior bikers and Boomers in fanny packs? When is the last time they took over a country and threw heretics off a building or hanged them from cranes?
Reality has done enough of the heavy lifting, the job now is to pull their head out of the sand and guide them, not lie to them.
somewhere in the hadiths you find that he would SLIDE HIS TOUNGE INTO A BOY'S TROATH !
also he used to feed a boy by using his saliva, dafuq?
that should be enough
Pretty sure if he were alive today he would advocate the cleansing of all non muslims in nuclear fire.
Awesome. Rev up your photoshops boys. Time to make some sexy quote cards.
I didn't say not to use propaganda, I said reality provides enough material for propaganda, without having to make shit up to use as propaganda. Look at my most recent post before this one, my experience is that many people do not consider many things or have fallen into looking at it from the #NotAllMuslims view automatically.
Help them consider many things in reality, and to not just #NotAllMuslims every incident. We are flooded with information, which has made people lazy in their critical thinking and ripe for propaganda. Why work to build lies as your weapon, when reality has many weapons sitting there being unused, waiting for a person skillful enough to wield them? Less work, bigger impact.
Point A. basically makes it impossible to pass any law that contradicts Sharia, which means they can't pass a law that protects gays for example and there can't be a law that advocates killing them because B. and C. Since A B C contradict each other, there simply is no law unless it conforms to all 3 of them and it's a free for all.
My mistake, German bro, I did say not to use propaganda. What I said and meant did not line up.
I meant use propaganda, but not propaganda based on lies.
Just an example. What say you?
It seems like they've trying to keep a balance between letting Islam go full Jihad legally and trying to keep laws from eventually weakening Islam's influence. Unless there is more to it that meshes everything out, that it all seems extremely contradictory.
Oy gevalt.
You don't get it. The muslims will EXPLODE after reading about gay-prophet and write some really harsh anti-fag stuff, which will be impossible to advocate.
>If you insult your enemies, they win.
Let's spread this meme in #LGBT and #Islam / #Muslim
We /4chan10yearsago/
Westerners are the faggots. White christcucks literally dying off
Well thats your kind of job . Goyim can't into power
This series of lectures is pretty interesting.
The 2nd vid deals with how Sharia etc is incompatible with democracy among other things, but they're all a good watch.
Shut it down.
They already say mean things in general, look at the things they said supporting the Orlando shooting, but all of this, and their anger from these 'gay prophet' cards will be drowned out by #NotAllMuslims, and will be supported by the fact that people took time to build a narrative of Muhammad being a faggot, which will help the narrative, "Islamophobia is the reason they lash out and kill a lot of people!"
I repeat, leftists already look for reasons to not blame Muslims and blame Westerners. They won't see the reaction to this as "Wow, what a bunch of fucking children those Muslims are, everyone else can maturely shake off criticism" they will see that the Muslims were provoked with lies against their prophet, and justify the response by Muslims that follow.
Attacks the Muslims on what their prominent leader say their religion allows, attack them on their terrorist actions. Leftists cannot reasonably blame the West because an Imam promotes killing gays, but they can when a bunch of Westerners make shit up to provoke them.
You don't have to make shit up, is my point, they have already provided enough material to use against them.
I don't have the time to watch them now, but I bookmarked them for later. Appreciate it, user.