Hey American posters, what part of the US are you from? Do you like it?

Hey American posters, what part of the US are you from? Do you like it?

CA. Sure do.

I'm from the rural part of California and it is superior in every way to the rest of it.

Every state past the Mississippi River is shit-tier

South Dakota

It's okay

While all you burgerbros are here, what's the worst state? People regularly make fun of both California and Florida over here.

Would any of you ever consider moving to another state?

No such thing

Every state has it's upsides and downsides, no place is naturally good, no place is naturally bad


I'd move to Georgia, or Florida, but none of the others.

West Virginia. They're barely first world

I would move almost anywhere as I'm pretty good at making use of my time when I don't have very much or many people around.

Moving states is pretty easy in the US. Just pack up and leave all you have to do is get a PO Box and tell the people you owe money to where you're moving.


i've lived all along the gulf coast and some in the midwest and I live in nyc for a little. The south is god awful. everyone should move away from the south.

I liked san antonio a little and the midwest is great in the cities.

NYC is the worst experience ive ever had. its unholy if you dont have money.

yes, every state east of the Mississippi is indeed shit.

If you had to move, where would you go?

Montana. 'nuff said

Minnesota, but not the Twin Cities
Wyoming, but not Cheyenne
Montana, Western part of the state

Southern California
No. It's dirty, hot, ugly, and full of homeless, and lazy people. I've been working at a public social services office for about 3 months, and my hate for this state has intensified tenfold.

Probably somewhere in the PNW that isn't populated as shit.

Live in NC, formally NY. Both are pretty good. NY is too expensive but I have roots there. NC is nicer standard of living but it isn't really me.

>Implying you won't be lynched immediately for being Californian

I went to Montana once. Nice place. There was some old mountain-man who had a self proclaimed "scrap shop" where there was a pile of animal skins about 4 ft high with everything from gophers to grizzly bears. All the local restaurants had really good fries as well. 9/10 would visit again.

Uttering the words "I'm a Californian" makes me gag.

Central Florida, wouldn't reccomend but being able to watch rocket launches from your backyard is pretty comfy.

if I could move anywhere I'd go to Iceland but that's not happening. I'm moving to Minneapolis in a few weeks so I'm pretty happy to get out of the south.

>Leaving the hot South for the cold South

You didn't choose where you were born, but there's no harm in embracing it as its something that will follow you

You're just jealous of all the cute Somali girls I'm gonna get.

>Being jealous of Somali girls when I got Ethiopian girls here

The worst state is by FAR Florida.
t. Northerner who was forced to move here two years ago
The best state is Massachusetts. We have the best sports teams, schools, fishing, and culture. The scenery during the fall is amazing too. The only downsides are the taxes and higher prices.
It's not that easy to move from a Southern or western state to one in the northeast because of the higher cost of living. 200k can get you a pretty decent home in Florida but jackshit in MA.

Central California here. It's hot as balls and there is nothing to do here. That's why I plan on moving outta here and going to the East coast.

Yeah I wrote that without taking into account COL, just logistics mainly.


Not really

I've lived extensively (5+ years) in California, Georgia, and Texas. I lived in the Inland Empire in Southern California, below the Fall Line in the country in Georgia, and I currently live in San Antonio, TX. I've briefly traveled through and/or visited most of the South West and South. The furthest I've been North is Sacramento.

The land of California is unsurpassed by anywhere I've been. The food is also phenomenal, whether it's a restaurant or a grocery. The produce is literally top tier in the world. The people in SoCal are complete shit, though, if only because it's all basically one megacity now and everything that comes with a city is constantly present there. The city life is fun, but I'd rather not deal with the people. Don't even get me started on the laws. The only laws California does right are worker's rights.

What can I say about Georgia? I lived there from when I was 8 to 14, so I didn't have the capacity to develop a meaningful opinion about it. Living in the country was neat. Adventuring through the woods, ponds, lakes, and wild life at my leisure was every bit as wonderful as that sounds to be for a 14 year-old boy. Small town life can be fun, but it can also be brain-numbingly vapid. Flea markets are cool as shit, and boiled peanuts are a delicacy as far as I'm concerned.

San Antonio is fucking weird. It's a big city (the 7th most populous, very large metro area), but it feels like someone put a small town in photoshop and enlarged it 1000%. Texas seemingly has the worst elements of South West, Midwest, and Southern culture mixed together to make something that is slightly better than the sum of it's parts. No one knows how to drive in San Antonio--fucking no one. I've become a worse driver since I've been here. The laws are friendly enough, unless you're an employee, an other-than, or non-religious. It's not a place to raise a family, in my opinion, but neither is a city.

Pennsylvanian here, it's alright just stay out of philly. Also fuck when is this state gonna fix the god damn roads?

Socal best cal

South Florida

Born in Nashville TN, college in OH


I dislike Nashville because it's impossible to live an urbanist lifestyle (horrendously unwalkable city, if you don't have a car you literally cannot participate in society, like 90% of US cities t b h). Nashville's culture is cool if you're really into music but suffocating if you're interested in politics, international stuff, etc (me). my parents are northerners and the majority of my friends back home are the children of northerners as well (because catholic high school), so I have no real connection to southern culture.

TN in general has a cool geography and comfy winters but miserably hot summers


I feel more at home in OH because my parents are northerners, but it's boring as fuck. The winters are cold and miserable, and it's almost as redneck and racist as TN despite being in the north. the cities are also horrendously unwalkable, I would never consider settling down in OH.

After graduation I'm probably moving to Chicago until I pay off my student debt, then the ultimate goal is NYC. NYC, Boston, Chicago, or San Francisco are really the only places in the entire country where you can life a truly urbanist lifestyle (not needing a car to get around the city, practical public transportation, density, etc.), interact with people from other countries/cultures, and participate in politics within an active political community all at once.

I have particular tastes, though. If you like the wilderness more than cities, or if you don't mind living in the suburbs (oh god the horror), then it's a different story.


Lived the majority of my life in the NW suburbs of Chicago, can't wait to get the hell out of here in a few years. I've enjoyed life here but this state is going to shit and there's no stopping it with how our politicians and mayors are. Chicago hemorrhages more money every year and we're pushing ourselves further into debt with no end in sight. I do truly love the city of Chicago, good parts and bad, but it's not worth it anymore to stick around. Haven't decided where I'm going yet, either moving to Arizona with some of my folks or somewhere out west.