I can't take it anymore, Sup Forums
I can't take it anymore, Sup Forums
>750 votes with controlled voters is supposed to prove something
Wew (((Bloomberg)))
This is all part of Trumps plan NY is going RED!
poll was run by jews, you fucking idiot. Are all you mulatto nips this dumb?
>muh made up statistics
heh, if you add a line it says cunton
Even if you exclude that poll, he's down an average of 4.7% on RCP.
This post makes me #MentallyHill
This is an election changer, folks.
wait a few days when they make more random poll numbers
It's over might aswell order my helium tank now
Welp. It finally happened, I had to Dump Trump. I was a supporter from day 1, ordered every season of The Apprentice, stayed at Trump Tower in Chicago when I visited, bought all his books and highlighted my favourite quotes with the classic neon yellow highlighter we used back in school, I did everything to support this man. But, now, I'm just tired of it. I'm tired of staying up all night on social media trying to defend all of Trumps blunders, this flipflopping on gun control this week was just the latest one. I'm tired of always being stressed out, wondering how badly new blunders will hurt him in the polls.
It finally hit me, this man has been exposed countless times as a progressive liberal, so why am I staying up all night, every night to defend him? It's time for ALL of us to fess up, Donald Trump tricked us, he made us all believe he was a true conservative, well hes NOT and I'm tired of pretending he is, I've spent nearly every night of the past seven months trying to defend him, and I'm exhausted, angry and lacking so much sleep.
IT'S OVER, I'm sick of it! I just took the ultimate red pill, the JohnsonPill. Now I'm going to rest easy and catch up on some much needed sleep.
Finally, peace.
>*trump is leading poll
>muh USA, based poll
>*trump is losing poll
>fucking jews
How can we be consistent once?
If the poll numbers were actually random. Trump would be winning about half the polls, as opposed to like 3% of them.
But I'm sure your next argument is just going to be that they're all rigged.
After learning he has a low chance of winning I am now a #shillforhill
>how can we be consistent?
look at who made the poll ?
the polls mean absolutely nothing, even when trump is leading
they're nonsensical low-sample size ballpark estimates of what metropolitan progressives have to say about the candidates
look at how the information is gathered
Civil War II: Black Ops when?
Welp, this is it. Trump's not going to win. After years of being redpilled, it is time to take the final pill: the cyanide pill.
>look at who made the poll ?
Okay, let's look at exclusively the most proTrump polls there are (and by that I mean literally the only polls that have ever put him up over Hillary)
ABC/WaPo (Trump banned these people from his press conferences for biased reporting against him)
Peak and Current Trump v Hillary: +2%
Peak: +5%
Current: -4%
Peak: +5%
Current: -3%
USA Today/Suffolk
Peak: +2%
Current: -11%
SurveyUSA (poll was taken in fucking early September)
Peak and Current Trump v Hillary: +5%
Right after the Jews start spamming polls after the shooting.
You are absolutely right. We should be relying on the far more reliable betting markets with fuckmassive sample sizes.
>Trump getting 2:1 odds, Hillary at 1:3
Are you saying
>Right, after the Jews start spamming polls after the shooting.
>(That will change) right after the Jews start spamming polls after the shooting.
Cause fucking neither makes sense to me. Only 3 out of 8 polls in the RCP have overlapped their polling time period with the shooting, but while shootings tend to spike Republican numbers, Sup Forums generally wouldn't suggest the Jews would intentionally inflate Republican numbers knowing this.
Easily, good reputable polls are good. Bad, known to be shitty polls are bad. No one takes Bloomberg polls seriously. They know this is a bad poll, but they'll report on it anyway because they need views and clicks as the Orlando story is becoming stale.
>Easily, good reputable polls are good.
So what are these good, reputable polls?
Cause the only polls that currently have Trump up are ABC/WaPo, and a SurveyUSA poll from early last September.
you think 3-5 points is insurmountable ?
this is your first election isn't it..
>that flag
Lol we never cared about your opinion anyways
Why do you care, don't you have your own Trump?
I think a consistent point deficit over almost a year combined with the highest unfavorables since he announced his candidacy are insurmountable.
He's reduced his unfavorables by 1% since fucking August.
Even if individual polls could be wrong, the trends is your, or in this case Hillary's, friend.
Average of polls means nothing.
Polls have merit or failings on their own. Mixing wheat with chaff does not make wheat better.
And this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that Trump secured the GOP nomination a long time ago and Hillary is surging purely because she finally eliminated Bernie and she is the first candidate with a vigina to do so ever? k then...
>Polls have merit or failings on their own. Mixing wheat with chaff does not make wheat better.
It's literally all chaff for Trump.
Only 2 polls put him over Hillary currently and one's from last fucking September.
>muslim blows away 50 homos
>pro-muslim candidate rises in polls
white people in a nutshell. no wonder we are going extinct.
mate, the election is in nov. neither he nor her have even started campaigning. Nor was there a debate between these two, ffs, they aren't even officially nominated.
>highest unfavorables
Tons of recent presidents have been elected being more unfavorable, especially GOP ones. The only shit that matters is the hard preferability points in the end.
>neither he nor her have even started campaigning
If Trump hasn't even started campaigning, we're gonna need more networks because he has never god damn left the television.
And a lot of fat good it's done him.
>Tons of recent presidents have been elected being more unfavorable, especially GOP ones.
No, no president has ever been elected with 70% unfavorables.
Don't spout bullshit.
is Luxembourg whiter than the netherlands?
flag seems bleached
Wtf I hate Hillary now
>nonstop kikespam press onslaught
>omg pol
i hate you faggot shills
i think that trump is still in the pre-nomination phase and that we will see a build until and trough the debate time. But you are right, he never left, thats the way he rolls.
>kebab slaughters 50 gay people
>anti-kebab candidate's numbers immediately tank
I'm sure this is 100% legit.
yes, white catholic country, very few muslim, most of them are from ex Yugoslavia so they are fine, but there is or was an influx because of the migration crisis.
Stop worrying about it. Trump will either win or lose, and we won't know for 5 months. It is stupid to be relying on him winning to be happy.
Besides, if he was to lose, there are some positives:
-Takes the pressure off of the right wing and we can sit from the sidelines and boo Clinton
-Clinton being president would speed up the decline and collapse and show people that Trump would have been the answer
-Some other things too
>750 likely voters
When will Sup Forums understand that democracy simply doesn't work?
WTF I'm voting for Hillary now. I'm not voting for some loser who can't even win a poll.
Well, it got him the nomination, so yea
>is or was an influx because of the migration crisis
hee hee
did you remove kebab so it's
"""""""""""was"""""""""""""" now?
Holy shit so many fucking shills.
Can't you people see this is all to destroy your morale so you won't vote for him?
Please tell me no one takes these comments seriously.
>750 voters
what are these polls?
i meant that there was an influx but im not sure if its still ongoing but it will restart soon enough.
So whats with Obama and Hillary attacking Trump more now than ever?
Is it fear? Do they feel the shooting has exposed their lies?
They've doubled down and coordinated their attack, both calling "Radical Islamic Terror" a 'magic word' that wont do anything. They keep saying Islam has nothing to do with it, and they keep being exposed and they're taking it out on the one public figure that has the balls to tell the truth.
It's actually frightening me, I don't know how Trump deals with this shit.
Good. Trump is a madman that would run the world into the shitter
>1 post by this ID
>Clinton being president would speed up the decline and collapse and show people that Trump would have been the answer
aren't you afraid that the us will loose its grip on world power because of that ?
it's mind numbing. A shooting happens and the only thing the media and politicians care to talk about is how much they hate trump more than life itself
> what hillary meant when she told trump delete your account
wow msm gets us!
Shes the first female to secure the nomination of a major party. Of course she's getting a bump in the polls. There's still 5 more months till the election, family.
Was Dylan White Nationalist?
I though he just chose a black church because it would get more attention
>pols don't matter
>he'll turn it around
>dat investment
>Delet this!
What does she mean by this?
Make America drunk again!
>Muslim Democrat kills 49 gay people and wounds 52 more at a gay bar
>pro-Muslim immigration candidate goes up in polls
Literally believe this less than when the polls said Rubio would win Florida.
If you haven't figured it out yet, polling has become politicized.
if you add a line to trump his name changes to tromp
I can't watch him fail like this anymore
This is actually amazing
>the constant shilling threads on Sup Forums
>the clearly rig polls
>the fact that Crooked hillary is trying desperately trying to disrupt a Mongolian knitting forum by hiring shitposters
this only means that the democratic party has officially acknowledged Sup Forums as a threat to their campaign
MEME MAGIC IS REAL and are desperately trying to stop it
Praise KEK
Well said, I'm now a #GaryPotter
>stayed at Trump Tower in Chicago
I was wondering, I'm in Europe (especially in France) and we're basically doomed at this point, there's no coming back. I was thinking of moving to the USA thinking it was the last real land of the free in the world, and Trump would keep it that way.
But if Hillary is elected, is the entire world doomed? Where can I go? What can we do?
Pic kinda related
Question is, where's the missing percentage? Unless that's alot that ain't voting or there's gonna vote for a 3rd party.
Guess I'm a #cruzmissile now
Friendly reminder that many recent polls are being deliberately skewed
>Fags get shot up
>Support candidate who wants more of the people who shot them up
warned you that fags would betray you if you tried to take them in. This is what you get.
Warned you fags are all suicidal subhumans.
But nooo, "m-muh countrymen".
They're fucking you in the ass like I said they would and I don't really get why you're surprised.
More seriously, this.
This is not a shit Tumbler raid, they want to break Sup Forums as the engine of Trump campaign.
Fat chance, Kek.
>trusting a poll
If I would make a poll in a Hillary rally, I would probably get a clear victory for Hillary
If I would make a poll in a Trump rally, it would be vice versa.
If somebody would ask me if I would vote Hillary or Trump, I would say the name, the pollster wants to hear, to get the fuck out as fast as possible.
In the real voting I would vote for my favorite.
The Donald is going to get slaughtered in the general. He should begin to sound more presidential, rather than a fucking meme.
>shilling for hill
I hate her and her pedo husband and want to see them hang for bombing Serbia
That's it I'm now #hairyforgary
What's the context of this photo?
Good one, Beavis.
Trump is more than a presidential candidate.
He is the beacon in a cultural war.
Why isn't Clinton in jail yet?
yeah... but he's a great businessman... what the U.S. Jewocracy needs
I just don't understand it.
Debate fucking when? Hillary can't keep buying her polls, eventually she'll have to face the public and the Don.
We must resist !
He is not an only child tho
Because 95% of the broadcast media is controlled by Jews.
Jews vote overwhelmingly Democrat.
We have memos of the Obama admin knowingly sending weapons to what would become ISIS, and it's getting zero play on TV news because the Jews don't want Hillary to lose. Why? Because Hillary is more likely to bomb the Middle East for Israel/AIPAC at their bidding.
This is not even a meme, this is actually what is happening.
Start those trendlines from August, dumbass.
Guys i live in a nation where the polls get rigged all the time, Iam just here to tell you these polls are rigged AF.
>illegal aliens allowed to vote
>democrats show up in historically low numbers
>conservatives know who to vote for, liberals check the (D)
(((They))) probably called people during the day when most Trump supporters are at work.
One or both of them wanted to make a photo to prove they had met and some user shopped Trumps hand.