The double standards of the Western World.
The double standards of the Western World
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the guy on the right didn't kill any faggots...
I am now Islamic
to be fair, one was planned, one took place
Islam is the enemy of the West.
still messed up though
The white guy was gay and proven to not be planning any terrorist attacks his """explosives""" were exploding targets that literally couldn't harm anyone
lol no
>one shouted "allahu akbar" no christian terrorist shouting "In gods name" has ever been found.
>planned attack
Yea real double standard there dudhead. Also they are both heroes.
fuck off
can some muslim explain this?
what happens to omar now?
he killed fags, so he gets heaven with 72 tight pussy angel virgins.
but he is gay and can't fuck them and Allah will not like him too.
so, how allah will solve this conundrum?
If the Christian guy had pledged his allegiance to some extremist christian terrorist group, you can be sure christians would condemn his actions. How is it a double standard when one guy indeed was a lone wolf while the other guy pledged allegiance to ISIS before his attacks?
>planned attack
Muslims truly are delusional
The gay dating app thing was a hoax.
The white guy was gay and apparently a loser at life who wanted to try and an hero
>implying he was a Christian
He was a Sanders supporter. Soooo most likely an atheist.
There is no compelling evidence that Howell intended to attack the event.
>one killed 50 people
>the other was carrying around guns and might have possibly done something
top kek
intent and actually physically doing something are far different
No arguments. The white guy is both a fagot and a redneck. He was a gay, Bernie supported, who happened to have guns and tannerite and be stopped after Orlando. He just had poor timing. The guy wanted to blowup some targets in a field then go makeout with a guy in a Bernie shirt.
>guy on right killed no fags
>muslim on left is ignored for being a muslim and is used to take away guns we need to protect ourselves against niggers
sure, double standards. whatever you say, you sandkike
Hell, intent and capability are far different. Just because he had an arsenal means just about dick. I have an arsenal with me every time I go to the range.
They don't give a Nobel Prize for attempted chemistry
Wow... This really made me think. I am now an #IslamicColonic
I'm guessing the second gunman if Orlando didn't work out.
Damn that georgeous james guy could have just moved out to australia, fuck hoes and surf
The white guy didn't pick up the phone and swear allegiance to ISIS then scream "Allahu Akbar" therefore he was a lone wolf.
There's a difference between one crazy guy and someone who kills because they are a member of a sick death-cult that demands this sort of thing from it's followers.
Ah, back when that show wasn't total kikeshit.
Left: Radicalized Terrorist who killed 49 people
Right: Redneck gay guy who violated parole
Can people not reply to these shit threads, you people are cancer- I'm talking to all of Sup Forums now.
It seems the level of discussion has degenerated and the most popular threads are now consistently these 1 sentence OP's or 1 post OP's saying something even a 14 year old can have an opinion on and hence the thread goes wild with replies while worthwhile threads get buried by 1 liners/1 posts.
The MUSLIM was connected to a MUSLIM organization name The ISLAMIC State of Iraq and Syria.
The white kid had no connections to anyone. He was a lonely faggot.
>Implying the one on the right is anything but an fbi stunt
Why would Christians apologize for a fucking 420 Blaze It Bernie Voting Fedora Tipper?
>says the tripfag
But the mudslimes didn't even apologize for anything and the lefties blamed the whole thing on guns. Also there's the fact that the white guy didn't even execute his attack while the mudslime did
I guess I'm an #ISISmissile now!
Was his attack Christian motivated?
>Need to apologize for a faggot atheist bernie supporter who wasn't planning on attacking anyone
That's why there are no headlines.
>Committing to the crime=/=Doing the crime
Obama Free Education at work folks.
Never trust a cuck, always fact check their whiny bs.
>The Santa Monica Police Department, which initially said they believed the suspect intended to attack the annual parade in West Hollywood, recanted that statement late Sunday.
frodo didn't kill anyone and there's nothing put forth showing that he's a Christian motivated for religious reasons
Omar mateen was a devout Muslim who went to Mosque. James isn't held to the same criteria, because people have no reason to even believe he's a Christian; he's not devout.
Even the mosque he went to acknowledged how aggressive Omar was.
Imagine if this were about food. Someone says "Well obviously, this thin man was probably unhealthy as the fat man, or maybe even more unhealthy, but the media isn't talking about it".
You see what I'm saying?
"This non-devout Christian should be held to the same standard as this devout Muslim because he's white". Doesn't make sense, idiot.
It turns out there was nothing put forward showing that he was actually going to kill anyone.
It also turns out via his facebook that he was a fucking Bernie voter, despite shows like TYT (rabid bernie fans) still saying "MUH RIGHT WING CHRISTIAN JIHADI!"
There is no evidence of an attack, and there is no evidence he was a Christian.
There is evidence he was a Bernie voter who was a Legal Weed Advocate with a hard on for weaponry.
It's because he's a fucking mudslime
Okay you know what? The Christian kid was an incompetent idiot who couldn't execute his plan properly so he didn't make headlines. The Muslim asshole however was actually good at executing his terrorist activities. So it is clear to me that Muslim are more dangerous than Christian so they deserve scrutiny.
This is the same shit when they arrest some dude and find all these rifles and hand guns and everyone just assumes he was going to sprout 10 more arms and shoot up the nearest blood bank.
pretty sure it doesn't say anything about the virgins being women
actually I think the quran says you get a fountain of youth which is code for fucking little boys
but i really don't know
Well umm.. He didn't scream deus volt , the Muslims screamed allah snackbar while shooting says witnesses , the white male didn't say anything about Christianity , the Muslim Pledged allegiance to Isis ... The white male didn't pledge shit to anyone or any group just his own beliefs
Ps. Op is a fucking shill sage thread now
>tripfag telling us how to make this board better
Haha right, ignore the fact that Mateen's dad was in line to run for the presidency of Afghanistan. Ignore also that Mateen's father was a CIA asset for many years.