>everyone is mixed
>no whites, no blacks, no asians
>only brown
>no minorities
>no chimping
>world peace
Why are you on the wrong side of history Sup Forums?
>everyone is mixed
>no whites, no blacks, no asians
>only brown
>no minorities
>no chimping
>world peace
Why are you on the wrong side of history Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sup Forums needs to create a White/East Asian only country to preserve superiority of the races.
You mean
>whites go under
>asians being asians
>blacks STILL find some way to talk about white privilege
Ay yo, yo grandaddys grandaddy was white! how can you expect me to have your advantages?
>no minorities
Welcome to class racism and discrimination. There will always be poor people who are going to be shit on by the wealthy.
40% of the worlds population will be African by the end of the century....
> no blacks, no asians
Those are big healthy races. It's only Yurop and USA that will be absorbed in black wave of shit. And then it'll be like Africa. No culture, no science, just niggers chimping.
Why do you people make these threads? Every fucking day, 20+ racemixing threads. They're lazy as fuck, always follow the same formula and literally never change anybody's minds. fucking SAGE
>all brown world
>no chimping
I think you might be retarded Muhammad
by 2100 we're going to be a classless raceless moneyless peaceful society
which is why we need to vote hillary in this 2016 election. #ImWithHer
>everyone is mixed
blacks have been living with whites for over 200 years in America and you don't see us mixed
>not cyborgs
yeah right
>Everyone is mixed
>Rich still envied by the poor
>Religions still murdering each other
>Limited resources will start wars
>Geopolitics still cause war
Your on the right side of delusional and stupid turk
And how are you today, Muhammad?
>all of humanity becomes a single, brown race
We cant have this happen, we need to protect diversity.
We cant have everyone be the same, diversity is strength
Implying we won't all be dead by then.
>everyone is mixed
Implying people won't stick to their own race to survive and hold out in small pockets.
>no chimping
Like now you mean?
>world peace
Great, a society of mongrels who have no sense of cultural or racial identity because they are mongrels who belong nowhere. Brave New World here we come.
>Also German flag
Fuck off Hans. Why is it always autistic Germans who get the wrong end of the stick, hyperbole an idea and ruin everything for everyone?
>race mixing bait
>1 post by this ID
It all checks out, schlomo
What will happen when maximum entropy is reached?
Africa will still be African, Asia will still be Asian. Europe is the only place that will be mixed if trends continue and we don't do something.
Just the proof that they don't want diversity
They want uniformity. It's easier to manipulate when the demographic has only 1 entry
I know his is a troll but this is actually what many leftists believe. It's amazing how you can be this deluded. How the fuck did leftists get to the point that all conflicts are race based? That's actually Hitler tier and goes against the most fundamental parts of Marxism.
Listen, the future will be like this:
>Conventional whites dissapear only slavs remain.
>Muslims overpopulate the Earth (manipulated by the global elites) and start waging war vs asians.
>Slavs and asians unite to wipe Islam out of the face of the Earth.
>Nuclear war ensues.
>Jews die a painful death since they've been caught by the outer rings of radiation. They die choking in their own vomit after ripping their burning skin off and chewing their own teeth. Muslims get vanquished almost instantly as they'll be in the core of the action, but they'll get their share of suffering in hell while they boil in the blood and excrement of their families. Slavs and asians become BFF and a new slasian race arises and creates peace once and for all.
>The Architects see this and come to Earth to reward them by vanishing diseases and parasites and every man has a wife, nobody is ever alone again and it's super easy to make friends and no flag gets bullied on Sup Forums ever again.
>implying people wont be divided in a different way.
>implying light skin blacks and dark skin blacks aren't racist towards one another.
The world elite are not race mixing. The rest of us are supposed to become mutts. Those projections are for the slave class
gross desu
>only brown
>people on Sup Forums still actually believe this
>>no minorities
That's literally impossible. If not skin color, it'll be eye color or teeth shape or length or ear or lip shape, or personality. There'll always be division. Making everyone the same cannot happen.
>no chimping
Blacks are the ones doing the chimping, whites do no such things. Reducing the number of whites will not reduce the amount of chimping, but maybe blacks will. Making the population blacker will increase chimping though
>leftists claim to want diversity
>work on removing racial diversity
>have no room for intellectual diversity
Why are leftists facist racists?
>Only brown
>No chimping
Pick one
You don't get it man, as long as more brown people are put into a white area it's diversity to them. Even if it's like in France where there a whole city's filled with just niggers
>1 post by this id
>moron liberal trash actually believe this would happen
They'll go on about their ancestry and how no one will hire Shaq Jr. because of his name and the fact he can't speak coherent English.
All matter will exist in a extremely low energy state. Forever.
>underclass of mixed brown servants
>managerial/professional/technical/investor class of mixed white Eurasians and Jews
OP has never been to any major U.S. city, clearly.
>No pure whites left
>Anyone too white is next
>When all whites are gone then it's lightest to darkest
>Only the niggest are left
>World ends
>if everyone has the same skin color everyone will be peaceful
There will be wars as long as there are humans on this planet.
Whenever you hear the words “racist” or “racism,” substitute these with the words “white person.” People who want to end the existence of “racists” and “racism” really want to end the existence of white people.
The anti-racists say they are against white racists, white racism, and white privilege.
What they are really against is white culture, white civilization, and white people.
They say they want a world without “hate,” without “racism.”
What they really want is a world without white people, a world without you.
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Countries
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Cities
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Neighborhoods
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Workplaces
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Schools
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Sports
Anti-Whites say there should be no White Anything
Anti-Whites say there should be no Whites
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.
White geNOcide!
When non-Whites pursue their group interests it’s called “civil rights.”
When Jews pursue their group interests it’s called “lobbying.”
When Whites pursue their interests it’s called “White Supremacy.”
Anti-racism is a codeword for anti-White.
>only brown
>no chimping
>pretty much every european is "mixed"
>almost no whites, more blacks than today, still a bunch of asians
>mostly brown muslims (religion of peace :^))
>whites are a minority
>whites experience the oppression other "minorities" today CLAIM to experience
>world falls into chaos without whites to keep order intact
>end of humanity and civilization as we know it
This is how it's going down, my shitposting friend.
Thank god the Chinese are colonizing Africa
>completely ignoring politics and religion
Good luck with that world peace plan bigots.
My guess is blacks with 0.002% white DNA will be forced to go into white privilege programs to learn about the evils of being born white.
>everyone in previously white countries are now mixed
>asian and african populations larger than ever
You think that by mixing all white people with non-whites then magically prejudice simply vanishes. Some people will still have fairer features than others. People will still be different. Talk about throwing away your heritage for some liberal pipedream.
>world peace
lol, because mixed-race shitholes are beacons of humanity.
We're gonna kill off everyone making more than $50,000 a year after the Great Chimpening
Average IQ below 100 society too dumb to function effectively, total collapse imminent. Mexico level civilization worldwide.
People from where I'm from never marry anyone who isn't a Khaliji (UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman - in rare cases Iran and very rarely Saudi).
Except when we refuse to allow our women to marry any random man it's called culture and tradition, when white people do it it's called racism
"When the godfather of the European Union, Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, published the plan for a united Europe and the ethnocide of the peoples of Europe, the encouragement of mass non-white immigration was central to the plot. Since then, an unholy alliance of leftists, capitalists and Zionist supremacists has schemed to promote immigration and miscegenation with the deliberate aim of breeding us out of existence in our homelands. As indigenous resistance to this human genetic-modification industry grows, the criminal elite seeks new ways to camouflage their project. First, their immigrant pawns were temporary guest workers; then it was a multiracial experiment; then they were refugees, and then the answer to a shrinking population. Different excuses, different lies -- and asylum is just another one. But the real aim stays the same: the biggest genocide in human history, the final solution to the Christian European problem. This crime demands a new set of Nuremberg trials, and you people will be in the dock." ~ British National Party Chairman Nick Griffin
The conspiracy against the white race is Judeo- Masonic and they want to see the white race irradiated or blended in with the darker races. Once all of Europe is blended and the original culture watered down it will be easier for them to create a formal European superstate with total central control in Brussels. The resulting people will have no culture (or culture created for them) and lower IQs (as a whole studies show) which is desirable for the ruling class. As alot of immigrants to Europe are from the third World they will be happy to accept the lower living standards that will inevitably follow the decline of the European nations , once the Whites are bred out. Jews are white but they hate the White people, they seek first to rule them and then to destroy them. Masons are mostly , but not always white and they do whatever is demanded of them by their head Freemasons , which is controlled by World Jewry.
Shill thread. Sage & hide.
Weren't we all traced back to a black lady? Wouldn't we all just turn white again if we lived in white people areas long enough?
The World will be like Brazil: a social hierarchy based on race. What a great dream.
And browns and blacks are already very racist in between them. Look at how dark skins are treated in India. Look at how dark blacks are treated like inferiors in the Caribbeans.
Or everyone just goes back to where they belong and we all live happily with no minorities, in a competitive and homogeneous environment.
And how the fuck does the left consider this "diversity". If you have one race, that does not constitute diversity.
Are you just becoming aware of the lefts rampant doublethink?
No, there's no evolutionary pressure in the modern world for light skin. Modern world is too forgiving. Also, whites have neanderthal genes which nigroids from africa completely lack.
They prefer racial diversity to intellectual diversity because they're totally not bigoted and racist.
1 Post by this id
The Left are useful idiots to the Jews. They are too stupid and brainwashed to see it.
If I have to bang ugly chicks 84 years for every woman to look like Rashida Jones, count me out.
You think if everyone is brown there'll be peace? Give me a break, Achmed. Mudslime countries are full of nothing but brown people and they've been killing each other of who is the correct version of mudslime for centuries.
e pode cortar teu pulso helena retardada, tu vai dar tua buceta e chupar caralho literalmente pra um execito inteiro e eu vou cagar e andar pra isso. porque u pode cortar teu pulso que eu não vou sentir tua falta.
>End of the century
Africa is facing an enormous starvation
Just starting to get redpilled and watched a Jared Taylor debate and this was the best rebuttal to his opponent. The left obviously has no reason.
Never ever going to happen. Look at Brazil, look at India, look at Mexico, look at any fucking country with a history of 'mestizaje' or visibly different ethnic groups. The elites are all either white or the whitest subset of the national population.
>non whites
Cool story senpai
>This is the most likely outcome to multiculturalism.
>The whites will be soft killed through immigration/genocide.
>The new goyim will be the east Asians.
>And the Jews will be ruining the world from their homogenous kingdom of Israel.
>former white countries will resemble a brave new world maybe with different classes of mudskins doing different work
I expect there will still be pockets of pure whites perhaps in the mountains away from cities.
The higher class mudskins will take trips to the wastelands to observe the primitive white men
With a 1 World Government and a World Currency
>Hiya CI Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
>Subversion at it's..........most pathetic and saddest
the 'race' is on track for whites to become light haired indians/middle eastern ethnicity and for asians to become straight haired black people. everyone will be brown but not like ugly brown people we have now.
>whites and asians have left for alpha centauri
>only brown on earth
>only islam
>only chimping
>Yor, the hunter from the future
>everyone is at least half nigger
>no chimping
Not at all how it would work
Are white people not diverse within their own race?
Who the fuck tells you this shit?!?!?!?
>Is this what they teach in school now???
note: Even the white brazilian shows signs of swarthy skin-tone just as t. alberto balbosa
Keep dreaming.
>No whites
so an empty meaningless world.
Yup. No doubt there'l be some initial attempts at affirmitive action to get some token blacks in any future colonies but given the inherently dangerous situation they'll be in I doubt colonists will have much patience for any PC diversity quota bullshit from Earth. Earth may well end up being majority African and Muslim but the only way any of them get off Earth is if Whites or Asians give them a lift - the solar system will be very much white/yellow.
He's the man!
1 post by this ID
>only brown
this is false in fact if everyone on earth were to race mix the overall mixed colour would be white.
Do you really think niggers would have been able to invent cloth?
Unlikely imo.
>>everyone is mixed
>>no whites, no blacks, no asians
except that's wrong. Negroes and indians will still out-breed everyone else, unless "something" is done about it. It's a naive fantasy to think that everyone will look the same.
Not if you go to south, where the german/italian/pollacks migrants didn't mix with others.
>people living near eachother means they will all be mixed
By this logic the US would be completely brown
some certain cities I could have a look at? I guess this model of Brazil only works due to its size, ppl don'T really have to live with each other
also who told you to do a barrel roll poland?
There will be no whites, just a bunch of blacks since blacks have dominant genes and we have recessive. Literally promoting genocide.
it would be black. take a look at afica's rising population and how half black kids look like
>By this logic the US would be completely brown
they are on their way.
In the end we are all human.
A world without racism is a better world.
Shill thread, sage report hide
>In the end we are all human.
technically we defined human by looking at white europeans, who all have part Neanderthal DNA. Black Africans, lacking this, are technically not human by this definition.
yeah pretty sure that many literally retared Africans will be ripe for an Ebol-AIDS storm to make sure they will never be 40% of the worlds population
African Americans are mixed as fucked. From 12-30+% European DNA depending on area of the country
It's fucking stupid how people think race mixing will end in-fighting. No it won't you fucktards. The battle will just shift to other things EX. Light vs. dark skinned, rich vs poor, tall vs. short.
That picture is inaccurate as she will be about 100 pounds heavier, and not half as white. Think morlocks from h.g. wells novel.
more likely it will be culture vs culture, as it has always been. There will always be different cultures. Even going from one town to the neighboring town, you can see slight variations in the culture.
It's also known as tribalism. It's in our DNA.