Trump is a loon.
Trump BTFO by the smartest person in America!
Trump is a loon
>Trump is a loon.
Noam Chomsky: "US is the world's leading terrorist state"
opinion discarded
>kike posting a trump hate thread
wow shocker
Why is he the smartest?
Chomsky is a douche for the most part. He's ok on his history though, but his recommendations are retarded.
He isn't
Noam Chomsky is a bigger joke than Ayn Rand.
Trump is the another hitler:
ehhhh, look at all the books behind him...
>His father was the Ukrainian-born William "Zev" Chomsky, an Ashkenazi Jew who had fled to the United States in 1913
hehe, I am just retarded conspiracy theoryst.Everything is ok, jews aren't plotting anything.
>boming for decades ME for literally no reason whatsoever, targeting most of the time tenths of civilians to kill maybe 1 target
>keep assassinating people on the other side of the world, often without telling anything to the sovereign country
>partner of the most violent dictatorships in the world
While the common, individual american has no fault, you have to admit that your government has literally used terrorism for decades.
Murder is murder, and your military has way too much blood on their hands.
Chumpski is a gifted linguist, he should stick to what he is good at.
Address the arguments not the person.
Every state at the top throughout all of history has been a terrorist state. Otherwise, it wouldn't be the one on top.
Trump is a clown leading delusional people.
What if he's reading the wrong books?
Nigga just sits in his cozy office at MIT all day and writes how America is literally Hitler and how everyone who doesn't agree with him is retarded.
Is this fucker not self-aware or something?
didn't he diddle little kids or something?
I don't care what filthy jew says, its too many of them opposing Trump, situation is simple, he wants to fight zionism.I am half-jew myself, though I despise your filthy religion and culture.Best way to defeat jew is to name him.
this is actually a meme, he ruined linguistics and set it back about 60 years. Neuroscientists are finally undoing all the retarded shit he forced onto the field and solving all of the intractable problems he set out in the 50s and made zero progress with. Chomsky (because of the inner jew) claimed all language was like some computer program and you just needed to fit all the pieces together. Today it's well accepted language is more like a hilly topography with peaks and valleys of connections and we learn in a very probabilistic and haphazard way.
When he finally dies we can put all of his shitty ideas to bed and completely crack human and near-human AI.
To give you another explanation, Chomsky thought language was a mutation and did not evolve, he literally said God did it because he couldn't find a linear explanation for language capacity. He is a theorist of computer languages and pushed that field in the wrong direction, setting back AI at least AT LEAST for 50 years. Without Chomsky we go with the behaviorists and skinner, and we make curiosity driven computers which learn based on what the user teaches them, instead of the monolithic monstrosities we have today with operating systems and deterministic software.
Decades and decades of going in the wrong direction.
I would argue Chomsky is one of the main reasons we don't have robotics today. Because the software of robotics has to be neural and human like, not programmed and procedural. Could you imagine programming every activity a robot can do by hand? This was literally what they thought a human was back then.
So fuck Chomsky, fuck his politics, but especially fuck this meme that he's a linguist and should stick to linguistics. Linguistics left Chomsky behind a long time ago, he was a hindrance, and only set the human race back with a WRONG idea.
Wild Trump with fingers on nuclear buttons vs. Mexican hordes running over USA.
Polluting Trump who fucks up ozone vs. Muslims being even more terrorists.
Hard choices.
He is a leftist anarchist, he doesn't give a fuck about consistency and would rather commit genocide than get a job where his customers voluntarily pay for his service.
I don't care what subhuman Jews says. Fuck off
>Noam Chomsky
Opinion discarded.
Okay so you then admit that Chomsky is right and the US has been the top terrorist state for a very long time?
No, he's a Jew deceiving the goyim
haha...You are pathetic.
Literally gulping down antisemitism from your ukraininan hahols who have been literally useless throughout history.
All ukranian slavs know how to do is grow wheat and become alcoholics.
Ukraine has no fucking culture. Its a colony of Russia and has produced nothing of value.
Your society is dying off and your country is pure unadulterated shit.
If your half jew part had effected your brain cells maybe you would realize you have to run to your jewish roots and hope jews accept you as one of their own.
WTF is Ukraine and WTF are Ukrainians? dont make me laugh.
Damn, buddy. Calm your titties. Why are you so butthurt ?
i hate this fucking kike and everything he believes in
What's gotten you so upset, jew boy?
Not saying you're wrong Australian friend but can I get sources, I want something to throw at chomsky fans
Good post tbqh
The important question in terms of politics is if there is a politician that isn't a loon and if most of them are just masquerading at best.
This tbqh faam
a failed commie
How's your summer vacation going ?
Did you plan some activities or you're just gonna browse the internets ?
No he's trying to make America more like Israel.
((( OP )))
Even liberal as fuck wikipedia has a whole section on Chomsky as having been called the dumbest fucking liar anyone ever listened to about nothing.
"Oddly" enough he fits Hitlers description of what it's like to argue with a jew.
Get proven wrong, pretend you never said that and say the opposite.
Chumpsky objectively BTFO and on subsequent suicide watch
Lol, I told you guys, just name the jew and look what happens.
I second Ameribro.
that crook isn't smart
he's a massive cunt
>boming for decades ME for literally no reason whatsoever, targeting most of the time tenths of civilians to kill maybe 1 target
You mean 2 to 2% of the total bombing in the area generally asked by an ally
>keep assassinating people on the other side of the world, often without telling anything to the sovereign country
actually for the greater good
>partner of the most violent dictatorships in the world
not at all
>tenured at MIT for 50 years
>makes money selling edgy books to leftists on why hurrr America sux
I remember Chomsky once said that if you take a Bushman kid and put it into a middle class white family, he will perform just like all other middle class children.
How come nobody mentions this guy here?
These jews have extremely left wing views on the country, and aggressively promote them
Subversive fucking commies, doesn't matter whether the jew stands in politics, on core issues he's hard left.
This is why I'd say jews aren't conspiring, because they really do believe this shit.
The main problem is that jews have power to push their retarded beliefs onto us.
>Noam "Venezuela is fine!" Chomsky
>Smartest person in America
Noam is a loser. He's a cuck faggot who has never been right about anything in his entire life. He should have his teeth smashed out with a hammer and be burned alive on a pile of tires.
>Left Libertarian
Daily reminder that these do not exist. If you are a Leftist you want an equality that does not exist in nature, and THEREFORE you desire a coercive state. There is no such thing as a Leftist who follows the NAP and there CANNOT BE.
Fuck off, kike.
>Noam Chomsky
>Jew flag
Go figure.
Noam is an anti-American, anti-Capitalism, anti-common-sense retard.
Fuck you and him, you stupid kikes.
Lot of dirty fucking Jews posting on /pol lately. They get extra funds from that old cunt Soros or something?
Chomsky is a gatekeeping shill who thinks JFK was murdered by Lee Harvey Oswald
They do very much conspire, but they do so because they already share the same views.
Like look at chomskys life, tons of jew nepotism behind every "success"
Lately his talks have been great to fall asleep to, but he's undeniably of genius level intelligence.
Remember, Kids! According to Chomsky, the Khmer Rouge were good guys and the west just made things up about them in order to make people think communism is bad!
Know why I think Noam CHomsky is a hero?
1) He makes millions of dollars as a contractor for the US Army helping the army get better at interrogations and training soldiers to kill without remorse
2) He places that money into a series of trusts and shell firms so he pays Zero taxes on the money
3) He invests heavily in petroleum, weapons manufacturing, and car production, earling a huge amount of (tax free) interest on his millions
4) He buys a multi-million dollar home in a 100% White gated community in a 99.5% White town
5) Because of the law, all of this is public record and easily verifiable
6) Now he charges universities $10k-$50k a pop to tell undergrads: Capitalism is bad; the rich paying no taxes is bad; people who profit from oil, war, or cars are bad
...and the kids eat it up! He's maybe the smartest comedian to ever live!
You are a jew yourself. I am half jewish half russian just like yourself you imbecile...
I was born in russia.
Nothing more retarded than self hating cucked jews..
If this is the smartest person in America hold up. I'll take a plane so you can crown me.
his entire *philosophy* relies on being a contrarian prick. more specifically anyone USA supports he must support the other side, regardless of who they might be.
I wouldn't be surprised if he started praising ISIS or Putin
you're a functionally retarded spaniard. you could never be the smartest person in a room, let alone a country.
>axis "power" yakking about blood on someone's hands
Considering you use words you don't know the meaning of that makes me alredy smarter than you.
Secondly, your poor proxy-fagging also gives your stupidity away.
anyone here who counts themselves as a Gnome Chomsky fan, or believes he is anything but a Left gatekeeper, NEEDS to watch this very illuminating video:
he's a very, very slick conman.
>Smartest man in America
>None of his crowd see the irony
Typical Jewish """""intelligence"""""