I never asked for this

Serious question - what do Turkish people even do besides open kebab shops and sometimes commit genocide? I can't figure out what all these turkish people are doing in Japan, but 100% of the time I see them not just being tourists or walking around, they are working at some kebab place.

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They have these little stores where they are doing simple repairs

Good question.

Maybe they're hiding somewhere in a cell and planning terrorist attacks. But you really never see them outside of the kebab shops.

They have kebab stores, grocery stores and handy shops.

I'm fairly convinced that at least the handy stores are just a front for drug dealing though because you never see any costumers in there.

Some of the kebab shops too because there are often three times as many people in there as you would need to do the job. No way they make enough money to pay all of them just from selling shitty fast food.

Most of the time? Sitting around somewhere drinking tea and plotting to spread the osmanic empire. That's pretty much it.

You should watch out for second and third generation. They tend to get more and more aggressive and violent as time goes on and numbers rise. Then again, they're pretty much bottom tier. Arabs and most North African muslims bully and degrade them for shit and giggles and usually keep one or two around per group so they have someone to beat up if they can't fight anything else they can jump 20 vs 1.

That's Hindi in pic related. Where was this Halal pic taken?

why don't you close the border and only allow professionals?

in what way does a turk with a tiny kebab business help Japanese economy in any significant manner?

Rape. 2 of the 27 refugees japan accepted last year raped a japanese woman at a train station. Turkroaches.

Islam will dominate the world. KEK wills it.

Check these fucking sick dubs kids. KEK is with me.

Not drug dealing, they're usally selling stolen goods. Mostly what they're offering as ''used goods''
You usally see stuff like iPhones in the store window that look completely smashed to shit for 500$, so no person in their right mind would enter that store. Unless they know what's going on.

Halal demand is a step in infiltrating a country, as halal can only be done by approved people, muslims, they create a closed market of speciality butchers, they will expand from that base.

>also has japanese
>op is also a jap
>hey pretty lady where was dat pic taken???

Fucking use your brain Rajj.


kek obliterated allah and banished him to the shadow realm.

pic related.

Near-palindromes for thruths

Poor Hayden. Do you imagine when he signed on, he understood the wild ride he was getting on?

You mean, 2 out of 27 didn't buy date rape drugs to just knock her out first, were reported and actually caught.

Yeah slow escalation. One tiny stop after another to a violent conflict.

he looks like gay bait.

serious gay bait.

Drugs they mostly use coffeeshops or tea houses.

I've seen Turkish people using recruitment bureaus and restaurants for frauding and laundering. There was this Turkish lady head of the Slotervaart ziekenhuis hospital in The Netherlands where she literally produced and sold heroin.

Huge love for footy so they bet loads on that. I'm pretty sure they have their own betting system too.

That's more money laundering than the selling of stolen goods, although both may be combined.

>cousin Ahmed gives the shop a busted iPhone, stolen or not.
>Pay him a small amount or nothing at all, cash. Book it as €100
>Throw the thing in the trash after leaving it on the store for some while to make it seem like you have actual stock.
>Book it as sold for €500, make receipts and all that shit. All cash of course
>Slip in €400 of your drug money, which is now clean
>Repeat until caught or have enough money to buy a used BMW to drive around aimlessly in

No specific reason to assume it's in Japan. And where's the Turkish on it? Turkish word is "Helal"
What is Hindi doing on it?
There is almost a negligible Hindu population in Japan. Kebab is not a Hindu dish.
>American common core education

Now let's see how you use your brain, Bubba.

are you a nationalist.

top kek

Yup, betting on sports and gambling is a huge thing in their tea shops, it's basically what most of them go there for.

Dubs bless this post as truth. Kek willed it.

>Serious question - what do Turkish people even do besides open kebab shops and sometimes commit genocide?

They also open bakeries (sometimes bakery-kebab combo shops even) and barber shops. Some have cleaning businesses.

This too. Clothing repair shops or telephone repair shops which may or may not be fronts for money laundering and which often seem to be occupied until 2 in the morning by men smoking and playing cards.

I laugh when our news present data about businesses lead by foreigners, 95 % of those are kebabs and bars

The same is done with bars/clubs all the time, there were some in a city I go out in sometimes.

>Open a ridiculously faux-upscale club, with a shark tank in it and what not, all probably real estate laundering in itself
>Allow virtually no one in, since it's so 'upscale' and use it as an inner city clubhouse for your mates just like in the mafia movies
>Have some bottles of semi-luxury champagne, like Veuve Cliquot in stock, wholesale-bought for maybe €60 a piece
>Book some of them as sold regularly, for a couple of hundred a piece
>Just drink them with your friends and put dirty money in the till
>Clean money comes out and you get a fun clubhouse
>Be caught eventually because no one believes that shit

Of course, only shitskins do this. They always get caught because they flaunt their ill-gotten gains as soon as they have a taste of it, because they are animals attracted to shiny things and only care about how they are seen by their peers. And then they cry 'racism' as soon as the police arrest them after scoping out his new Mercedes 7 series he apparently paid for with the profits of a phone repair shop no one visits

Out of all of our non-EU immigrants the Turks seem to be most likely to work or start their own businesses though, and many seem to be quite succesful. Especially if you compare them to Moroccans for instance, who came here roughly in the same era but literally built fuck all.. In my city there are quite a few succesful Turkish business owners that started small, opened a bunch of stores (often kebab, bakery or barber shops.. those seem to be their core businesses) and eventually hold succesful chains or franchises.. Most other immigrants from the 60s are just on welfare.

That said, many Turks are backwards as fuck people that hang on to their stupid religion more than many Turks that actually live in Turkey.

>what do Turkish people even do besides open kebab shops and sometimes commit genocide?
Import Heroin

I think that's pakis and afghans

>Of course, only shitskins do this

Not entirely true.. The native gangs of Amsterdam basically invented the whole 'clubhouse' scam. The Hells Angels very notably pushed this scam for decades, as wel as the (somewhat) famous Steve Brown who ran several coffeeshops (Happy Family chain) in Amsterdam in a similar manner, even getting fucking municipal subsidies on the side and laundering his imported-hash profits while selling them in his own subsidised shops in a bizarre 3-in-1-scheme that ran for years without anyone interfering.

>They always get caught because they flaunt their ill-gotten gains as soon as they have a taste of it, because they are animals attracted to shiny things and only care about how they are seen by their peers. And then they cry 'racism' as soon as the police arrest them after scoping out his new Mercedes 7 series he apparently paid for with the profits of a phone repair shop no one visits

Yeah, some of them are a bit stupid like that. Don't everestimate our authorities though.. The majority of these people never get caught.


Forgot to add pic related.

You're right, although the native Dutch gangs have come under heavy pressure by Morroccans lately. All those 'liquidations' are a symptom of a vast shift in the Dutch underworld.

>telephone repair shops
Yeah, we got alot of these shitty shops here in my City.
But they never really repair a phone, they make it worse 99% of the time, I've never met a person who really got his phone repaired in one of those shops.
Turks also buy and sell used cars while trying to rip everyone off.

Never do business with a turk

Because muzzies don't integrate, wherever they go they form little separate communities.
It's starts with food shops, and all the muzzies from the local area will start to congregate their, never leaving, but meeting with their own kind. It becomes a hub for their community, more of their kind come, they open other shops in the area.

Firebomb them, I assume your buildings are still all made of paper and bamboo.

they like to invade your airspace daily

>I see them not just being tourists or walking around.
>Walking around.
>Complaining about people because they don't leech the government of welfare and neetbux.

>Because they don't integrate.
Same thing applies to Asians, I see these little migrant islands everywhere in here and it makes me go reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee everytime i see them.

Every country I've been to with a nontrivial population of Muslims has had clear integration problems.

In slight defense of the Asians, they tend to adapt better until there are enough to form Chinatowns. And even then they typically just stop being able to speak English or keeping up a European standard of decency rather than getting criminal or violent.

Well stop being such cucks.

They shot down a Russian jet, and noone gave a fuck. Just shoot them down.

Unless you sold all your jets to pay debts

>All those 'liquidations' are a symptom of a vast shift in the Dutch underworld.

A bit, but it's not a 'racial' or ethnic war.. The problem is the 'old Dutch networks' have mostly been dismantled/retired/inprisoned/killed by one another which left a massive powergap in the Dutch crime world... Because the cocaine is still coming in daily in Rotterdam and Antwerp, and as the great street poet Kempi once put it 'die coke moet gepusht worden'..

The killings you see now are mostly smaller Morroccan networks trying to get their slice of the pie, or bigger Moroccan networks disintergrating for the same reason: Everybody wants to get a bigger piece. It will likely take a while longer before the new relations of power and the postion of networks settle... The shift from the old to the new generation has already been made. The current fight is mostly the new generation fighting among themselves for the biggest slice... Oh, and the fact that Dutch and Belgian police regularly seize cocaine shipments in Rotterdam and Antwerp respectively WITHOUT publishing about that also leads to wars, because everybody tends to accuse each other of stealing the shipment, kek. And police are like 'yah, we can't help you unless you come clean and give information lads..'

This tbqh, asians do the same thing with their shitty chinese restaurants and asian supermarkets popping out everywhere.
They don't commit crimes tho

That's how it starts Japan.

Be warned. Reject it now. Halal certification is just their way of screwing people out of jobs and putting them in muslim hands.

I don't mind supermarkets and restaurants. However them walking in homogeneous groups 99% of the time makes me feel uncomfortable as fuck.

Ja klopt, ik ging veel te kort door de bocht, je weet er duidelijk meer van dan ik

>rather than getting criminal or violent.

Meh. The thing with Asian (and especially Chinese) crime is that it's mostly inter-Chinese crimes.. Like if you go to Amsterdam's Zeedijk ('Chinatown', except a bit smaller than in most places) as a white tourist or native, and walk into a gambling hall you'll never notice that it's ran by organised crime... But if you're a Chinese person, and you play on the machines you might be asked for a 'winners tax' if you win. This is basically the Chinese mob extorting you... You might be a Dutch person running a shop on the Zeedijk and never have any issues with crime, while your Chinese neighbor that also runs a shop is forced to pay 'protection'.. You might go to a massage parlor as a native and never get anything beyond a massage, yet the Chinese guy that goes in after you will possibly be offered the whole service including the 'full body' massage with happy ending.... And that's not even getting into te human trafficking that gets all of those masseuses, kitchen staff and fuck knows who else into this country illegally to be exploited.

Tl;Dr: It's not that the Chinese don't commit crime, it's just that they keep it to their own closely knit communities.

>They don't commit crimes tho

Naive m8. Like I say here: They're just better at hiding it... Those supermarkets and restaurants you mention are likely rife with illlegal labour, money laundering, counterfeit products and there's a decent chance they pay protection money to networks above them to because 'dey don wan no tlouble'

>Just shoot them down.


Mate I hate muslims and would be glad to see them gone but kebab/gyros is great fast food compared to the slop we Americans have for fast food.

That's pretty consistent with my experience as well. Proper integration is always preferred, but at least with some people you can look the other way and go about your life while others become aggressive.

Like I don't mind pockets of Mexicans either. They're friendly enough and we don't have problems. But they get insular quickly after critical mass, and there's a very clear distinction as far as whether you're in the secret club or not.

I think the first and third characters are "pe", right?

Then you have datsu at the end.
What's the second and third character? Is that katakana?

>Proper integration is always preferred, but at least with some people you can look the other way and go about your life while others become aggressive.

As a citizen leading your day to day life, yes...Governments don't have that luxury, and the authorities in Amsterdam spend a lot of time and effort into combating extortion and especially human trafficking/exploitation in Chinese communities.

Or at those "u"?
So is that peupeudatsu?

It should be "desu" at the end, not "dasu".

It means basically
>You can speak Japanese
>Me be fluent!

> devnagri
Is that a shop run by indian Muslim?

That's fucking dasu, desu would be です.

>Indian curry heaven
I see


can you get a kebab with whale meat in Japan?

Missing the point nigger. It's a mistake which is why Japanese are laughing at it.


yeah, have you ever tasted it, OP?

>I think that's pakis and afghans
All three do but the Turks got here first. Also shorter smuggling routes from turkey

And it should be ro in place of ra I think

Marijuana business is mostly in hands of the local Dutch.
Smartshop and prescription business is owned by the jew, obviously.

The higher tier drugs, however, are almost complete in hands of foreign powers in NL. Surinam and Moroccan, with a slight punch of Turkish influence.

There is no shift in the underworld by power, Jews do their thang and so do the Dutch. The liquidations lately are the cause of a rivalry in the cocaine and heroin, especially Moroccan and Surinams have beef.

Benaouf ain't gonna stop any time soon ;^)

Well I don't know fucking Japanese, don't even know what it means.

Just now that desu is a verb, that's all.


fucking roaches

Then maybe you should stop talking. End your life my man.


I thought shitposting was haram during ramadan

lol why do you guys have turks lol


Yeah, those were Kurds.

Kek I actually am fasting.

I thought guns were banned in the glorious Socialist superstate of Europe.

Must be hard to go without cock for 12 hours.

They succumb to generational brainwashing pretty well.
Many of them are still Byzantines by blood but have completely turned into slaves to their Arab overlords in mind and soul.

>mfw 17h


If you live in Tokyo I recommend a Döner kebab place in I think Harajuku... was pretty good

Some dress hair.
Some become night-club gards.
Some join a leftist party and get into politics with the votes they buy from non-integrated Fatima's.