I am a racist. I don't like race mixing or racial integration at all. I just had a huge argument with my sister who basically said "I wish you were never born!!" because I don't agree with her LGBT feminist equality beliefs. How do you explain to someone, racism? How can I get people to understand?
You can't. She is brainwashed by mainstream media, it's impossible for her to wrap her mind around.
tell her that a people's right to determine their own fate is a human right known as the right to self determination.
Tell her that just as it is genocide for massive immigration to pour into Tibet, it is also genocide for Europeans to become a minority in their homelands.
Tell her that there is no apparent reason for why nationalism should be disdained.
just shoot her with your m16
You should stop trusting people with information like this until you are 100% certain that they believe like you do, and even then, you should be wary about revealing your power level to anyone. We are entering a new dark ages, and there is no more truth, only different shades of lie.
Scotland Yard, pls
Well, explain to her that our race is a result of 40 millennia or more of our ancestors making choices of who to mate with and who to preserve. it also represents the sum of their collective struggle under the ice age where a great deal of them froze to death.
drop her off in the hood
I actually do own an M4.
If you actually cared about that you'd be living like the Sami people.
Too bad facts don't matter and it's all feels over reals.
It's quite simple. In truth you can point to relevant examples of different "races" of other animals. Bird for example are all the same species but the subspecies/races/breeds have many variable traits, some are more violent and aggressive than others, some are more solitary, some are sneaky, some are intelligent. etc. There is probably about as much genetic difference between me, a nigger, a kike and a chink as there is between a crow, a magpie, a blackbird and a pigeon. It is painfully obvious that the differences that manifest between us are a result of genetics, not just culture.
we need a good MAOA thread.
Not labelling ur ideas as racist is a good start, u autistic faggot.
I tried telling her that. She said blacks aren't stupider than whites, that IQ is "Eurocentric" and blacks don't have opportunities for education like whites do.
They are racist. I used to be that way. "It's not racism! It's love of our own people and love of the natural order!"
It's racism.
Hey OP. you're in the same boat as me. I'm a fucking racist and it's becoming harder to hide as I get older.
Most of my racism comes out with this chick I'm banging...our relationship is complicated so I won't get into it but
She does dumb shit like hang out with niggers (she's very non racist). Naturally everytime she hangs out with some nigger and I'm not around I blow the fuck up, break up with her, tell her to go fuck her ugly purple dicked niggers, and just basically yell and scream at her that she's disgusting nasty nigger fucker(even though I don't think she fucked any of them, inb4 cuck).
So justifying my behavior and attitudes.
The main idea is that I don't necessarily think whites are superior to black (true racism), I just think that there are very primary differences between both if not all races of people. Facts are facts, hanging with niggers increases the likelihood of you being in danger: whether it be rape, murdered, violence, drugs, etc.
Another cultural difference. White guys can be friends with women. Some spicks can be friends with women. Niggers CANNOT. Every nigger that hangs out with any female is ALWAYS trying to close... even if the nigger is married and locked down, he will always try to get pussy. The nigger is unloyal. So when she hangs out with nigger men, she is opening herself to getting groped, assaulted, harrassed, touched. Niggers are simply more sexually aggressive. It's not bad but it's not good either--it means they can't control their dicks.
Also, nobody is equal. There is no way one human can treat another human equality in any context. The only way to be treated equally is under the eyes of the law--sanctioned working regulated laws. Let your bitch sister know that.
if you're not trying to fuck girls who are your 'friends' you're a fag
Ask her to explain why they haven't provided themselves with the same opportunities we have in all of human history then.
It is not out of the kindness of their hearts that is certain, Africans kill Africans more than any other race kills Africans, they are a warmongering tribal race. The only reason why they never destroyed nations and cultures as well as other races is because they are simply incapable of doing so. They are indeed stupid. If nukes ever make it to African "countries" like Somalia they're going to wipe themselves out.
It is not racism and you should never admit it. Racism is the belief that a race is superior to the rest. We're not superior. We're just different and therefore largely incompatible.
that's when you hand her a knife and tell her to kill since you're so fucking evil
Post greentext and we will help you
"then why do Asians and Jews score higher on IQ teats than whites"
Women are very hard to convince of or explain to or argue with about self group preference, because the world teaches them to pick and choose as one as it suits them. They are allowed and encouraged to wear as many hats as they can, and to have loyalty to none of them. This is often triggered by men's desire to attract as many women as possible to whatever they are doing. The message the world wants to send is "You don't need other people for any sort of safety or purpose (because you have the government and either a job or bastard children)" whether its for votes, or for biological imperitive.
Therefore explain that there is nothing that could ever be wrong with civil competition. If its done fairly, what does anyone have to lose by working together with people who are more likely to share traits and experiences with you? This isn't about white people being the best, its about everyone working to improve, with the help of people that are like, and understand you. You're going to have to concede that she's free to be a part of any group she wants (I'm sure she's a coalburning niggerloving slut, which is why she "hates" you, my condolences, but nothing of value was lost), but you point out that a group ought to have a right to exclude on any basis.
i think an attempt should be made to keep races pure, and i think the LGBTBBQ's need to be knocked down a peg, because they did exactly what everyone said they would do, which is vilify straight people immediately. and this is coming from a bisexual race mixer.
Compare Europe to africa
Women should not be allowed to argue a dissenting opinion against a man in a Christian, or white, home.
Your sister should have been beaten more as a child, and she should immediately be disowned for voicing anti white opnions.
Your parents failed, and clearly you do not command any respect.
>I am a racist. I don't like race mixing or racial integration at all.
oh look, i found your profile picture you tiny penis bitch.
Do you have anything to contribute to the conversation? A counterargument, maybe?