Why do Nordic girls have such a high rate of prettiness ?
vikings raped and kidnapped the best women and left behind the mudshits.
They are the purest of the white race.
I don't know this meme
>Now they're all blanda-ing up with shitskins and are going to be a bunch of brown mongrels. Sad desu.
>This is the type of girl that is being raped regularly in Sweden while the government covers it up
This girls is not that hot 6.5/10
Sweden denmark norway desu.
In America she is a 10/10
>that pic
>something stupid
Vikings didn't take back the ugly ones.
I wish they'd wear darker eye makeup. Theyre very good looking but their eyes are bland
I prefer Mediterranean/Latin women myself
She probably got BLACKED later on
but beauty is a social construct Xd
She a qt3.14 finnish programmer who i have crush on. She always has a smug face.
>Nordic girls
10/10 would culturally enrich
>Why do Nordic girls have such a high rate of prettiness ?
Because the men are beautiful as well. If a non-nordic man procreate with a nordic woman, the child won't be as beautiful.
That's why nordic women are for nordic men, otherwise there won't be any nordic women in the future. So stay away, frog-man.
>Nordic girls
yes kiwi we know you prefer sheep
Staying at the Marriott Suites in Herndon, VA this week. The year end camp of Swedish high school seniors here as well. I have not seen any of the young ladies that would rate less than 7/10.
one post by this ID morons
>see pic
>damn she is a qt
Wtf happened
Mostly genetic isolation and selection.
A lot of Qatari women are very pretty for the same reason, when merchants were given women (hundreds of years ago) they would only take the prettiest ones, and we don't allow the women to breed with other races so they remain relatively pure.
How easy are Swedish women? I'm considering visiting Sweden before it all goes to shit and the mudslimes take over. I'm also not white btw, and it seems that's a plus in Sweden
blonde girls are boring and ugly
She has a black husband and two semi nigger kids
cutes celeb in norway
most have manly jaws and look generic af
Doesn't mean we can't continue the thread if we find it entertaining, fatass.
what the fuck is doing qatar here
unlike bukakke warriors who will be extinct in ten years
>How easy are Swedish women? I'm considering visiting Sweden before it all goes to shit and the mudslimes take over. I'm also not white btw, and it seems that's a plus in Sweden
Swedish women are not into race mixing. There's a reason our women are being raped. So if you visit and you're not white, good luck.
Italian girls are the best in Europe. All the ugly ones get killed at birth here.
Lots of ExPats in Qatar. I worked/lived there from 99-01.
Because you've been fed non stop, since birth how qt they're. It's all a social construct. Pic related is a 10/10 somewhere.
It's all on your skill, my toad.
hey norway, can you confirm this?if true, then feels bad man. I thought that would be my only chance with white women :(
>genetic isolation
TIL fucking your cousins for generations creates beauty
Isn't Sup Forums blocked in Qatar?
>Implying inbred arabs look good
just trying to trigger some Sup Forumslacks
Agreed. But still, gotta love them Northern beauties.
pics? evidence?
Damn you
Don't be a manlet.
Wow okay, one anecdote. I guess that proved me wrong then.
I would say 7,5/10 in Poland. Are Danish girls that hot?
Wow, what a beauty.
Then there's this woman that is the boss of a refugee center that fucks all the shitskins and defended one that beat up her five year old son.
>tfw when 5'7
rape it is
I like politics and degeneracy.
Only a few families fuck their cousins, it's actually not that socially acceptable anymore except for Royalty and ratchet ass bedouin motherfuckers.
The country has 2 levels of internet, peasant internet for people who live in the shitholes and glorious unrestricted fibre internet for those of us who can afford West Bay.
Just Google it.
But that's wrong.
Of course there are beautiful woman there,but there's a shitton of ugly bitches.
You've been brainwashed by Nordic dick-sucking fags.
Italian, Albanian, and Bulgarian girls are better desu. It's a well known fact that more mixed peoples end up looking better.
Hottest chick I met was Bulgarian, brown hair and tanned skin with green eyes... hnnng
Can confirm.
Spent two years in tuscany, didn't see a single woman that I wouldn't consider at least 7/10.
Grannies exempted.
Most women will be your height.
Because they have the least percentage of non Nordic genes, duh!
there is hope for me
>It's all a social construct.
You're a fucking retard.
>beauty is subjective!
>manly jaws
>look generic af
Totally this. I don't find them that attractive/feminine at all.
Doesn't even look Swedish.
As finlan i can confirm that the nightclubs in big swede cities are infested with 17-year old sexy iraq refugees doing the fickificki so unless youre hella good looking and ok with 3/5 grill max you gonna have competition.
Italians are the most good looking people on earth, males and females, too bad you didn't breed out your colonies.
Can confirm. Second wife is an Italian Brazilian.
i'm ok with 3/5s, I just really want to try a white woman, preferably blonde
In Israel she is a 1000/1000, I wish I was giddin but I'm not, she'd be a top model.
Eat shit you nigger. There are hardly any good Swedes. Most have potato faces, pig noses and thick behinds. Most Swedes are simply white niggers mixed with foreign blood. The best looking women are Israeli.
The second from the right is quite cute
Perfection indeed
>she will never be your gf
>man jaws
This nigger is correct.
That's true. I found that out of all the places I visited in Italy, Tuscany has the best looking women
They are ok. I prefer Northeast Asians. To each their own.
Don't necessarily disagree but good god the girl you chose as an example doesn't bolster your case at all.
I dunno but her strong jaw made her more attractive for me.
>Beautiful white girl
>beautiful lawn/house
>cute pup
Meanwhile in the rest of the shitty fucking world...
Are they into tall, semi-swole slavs?
>Eat shit you nigger. There are hardly any good Swedes
Not where you live, Mr. RosengÄrd.
>Most have potato faces, pig noses and thick behinds.
Not at all. There's a reason Swedish women are stereotyped as the most beautiful women on the planet (hint: it's because they are).
>Most Swedes are simply white niggers mixed with foreign blood.
While it's true that mongrelization is a growing problem, sweden still has the highest amount of racially pure germanic people on the planet.
>The best looking women are Israeli.
Wow okay. Pic-related is a woman from Israel.
So many shills, trying to talk up brown girls and Asians and shit on white girls.
A lot of girls from the gulf are ridiculously good looking, maybe its because of that.
Shouldn't you be in London right now with your friends?
>Second wife
The fuck, are you the qatari of the other thread?
I asked you about xavi.
How many wives and kids do you have?