Do Drumpfkins actually believe that Hillary Clinton uses paid shills to invade their safe space and bombard them with...

Do Drumpfkins actually believe that Hillary Clinton uses paid shills to invade their safe space and bombard them with facts?

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>((1 post by this ID))

The world shall be mine.

Hilary Clinton uses paid Donald Trump to invade their safe space and bombard them with facts.

>$0.02 has been deposited to your Paypal account. Thank you for your efforts to Correct the Record.

This board alone attracts nearly 1.5 million unique posters a week. That's more viewers than Fox, CNN, MSNBC, etc.

We know people are paid to shill on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, people are paid to write spam emails, but somehow people shilling on this mainstream website is unheard of?

They've already proven that AAA devs and indie devs alike viral games on Sup Forums, of course Sup Forums is being shilled.

No. I believe we just get lots of reddit raids.

Probably because they think we are responsible for The Donald, which we aren't.


Why is this STILL a thing? It's horrible and doesn't even make sense, especially coming from the liberal garbage that insist be called whatever name of the week their new gender identity requires.

thank you for correcting the record