Omar Mateen was an Actor

Documentary footage has surfaced from 2012 showing Mateen working as a security guard. His lines are obviously scripted.

He also has a IMBD page showing his other films

I'm not a conspiracy theorist but this seems really fishy Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

this is serious business and cant be slid

>tfw no swedish bf

He also worked for Wackenhut (CIA henchmen), one of the shadiest companies around.


are you a grill?

It was a false flag. No one died in that gay club in Orlando. It was a pretense to take away the 2nd Amendment - the very reason why Americans are not part of the Commonwealth. It was all just to take all the guns. You heard me right.

>ok fellow Illuminati
>we're about to pull off one of the biggest false flags this country has ever seen
>we're going to use the same actor as the staged BP cleanup false flag
>the fake club full of fake gays is ready
>everyone knows their lines
>all set?
>WAIT, should we pull down his IMDB page in case anyone gets suspicious?

>actors can't be murderous self-loathing faggots

But why would they involve the ISIS angle then? Wouldn't they have actually used a right wing Christian extremist if they wanted to blame Americans?

Really makes you think, huh?

Something seemed fishy when within 1 minute of the address to the nation he mentioned Aurora and Sandy Hook. Both very suspicious cases.

Honestly I don't know what to believe anymore, maybe that's the endgame.

>he fell for it

The false flag is blaming it on Omar Mateen, but people actually did die. I live in Orlando and I've had friends affected by the shooting. One of the rare situations in which I am able to verify that something actually fucking happened for once.

just want to point out that this building in the middle.
with a whole what? 11 parking spots?
supposedly had 300 people in it that night


>I'm not a conspiracy theorist
you are now user, welcome to the club,
your 9/11 filo fax is in the post.

what are you even trying to say?

>supposedly had 300 people in it that night

gays exaggerate

Another Orlando user? Do you even UCF?
>the correct answer is Valencia

You're a shut-in aren't you? Who the fuck drives to a club

Not that I agree it was a false flag, but it's widely known that Obama supports AQI in Syria (Al Nusra) and was training Islamist rebels as part of a black ops deal.

Ship one here, he gets a gun... and you're done. The US government used one of its active agents who are mostly Muslim right now.

Clubs very rarely have any parking spots.
People don't drive to them.





also. this patience carter girl who was interviewed here
has ties to fox news. heres her youtube channel

>Literally a bus stop marked on picture
>People driving to places to get drunk
>People in American cities driving themselves in any case

Isn't it all Uber these days?

I'm heterosexual but Im gay for pay

and heres the gene rosen of the ''event''

>all those tears

>what is a DUI

Driving to where you know you'll get drunk?

Have you been outside in a decade?

My company deals with low income housing all over Florida. We supposedly lost two residents, and I have access to birth records, social security numbers, etc. So they haven't told us who they are, but if they do then I'm one of the few people here that can confirm the deaths with hard facts.

You don't have to believe me, I mean who doesn't lie on the internet, right? Maybe my friend is lying to me and he actually didn't know anyone who was killed or injured at the night club, but for me personally, it's far more likely that people did die as opposed to no one dying at all.

I have no doubt that sandy hook was a false flag and adam lanza was too much of a skinny autist to have hurt anyone. That being said, some shootings are actually real! There were at least 2 other shootings the same week, one less than a mile from my home.

But hey you're on the internet you live 5000 miles away but you still want to be part of the spectacle that (didn't?) happen. I don't blame you for your attitude, but I know you're incorrect.

>300 people

How many stories is it?

Even if it is a conspiracy, doesn't it work in our favor? Maybe the conservative Jews in Israel are giving Trump a helping hand for once? They want him elected after all.

looks like 1 to me.
its literally barely bigger than the gas station which is behind it

>Thread dies
Fucking slide threads

i'll answer.
because everyone is focusing on the guns, again.
instead of the fact this supposed shooter supposedly did this for islam
shits getting real

It's fucking moronic that Obama blames the guns instead of the ideology of Islam which is literally set to conquer countries and put them in Sharia Law.

Consider the following: hoaxing mass shootings like this would require more effort and have an enormous risk of being exposed than just allowing them to happen.

It's easier to wait for a lunatic to go postal and then use the media to spam the story while pushing antigun sentiment. The excessive media attention given to the shooters will help encourage other whackos to go all the way.

Notice how much effort is being expended to minimize the Islamic terror angle, as well.


Hoaxing them allows you to completely control the narrative.

Consider the difference between 9/11 families the Sandy Hook parents. The 9/11 relatives were always, and are still to this day, giving angry speeches and demanding investigations and lawsuits etc. The SH parents pose for photo-shoots, say all the right things and completely toe the government line.

You're a degenerate aren't you? Who the fuck goes to a club?


I dont think you argies suffice for a white person

Obama is a dhimmi.

Surprised it's not the Indian flag.

That's retarded

I've noticed a few events that have been getting similar reactions e.g (obviously this example is related to Orlando but I have seen these threads for many Euro countries as well):
>Migrant related event
>Conservative reaction
>Liberal criticism of particular Liberal interest element of event such as gun control
>Conservative reactionary violent response
>Liberals kill two birds with one stone by painting conservatives as villains and by addressing an issue they care about. From this, in Orlando specifically, more Muslim tolerance and fewer guns. It is a trick, do not fall for it, act politically, not with violence.

Massive terrorist attack with family members dead and an obvious culprit and enemy to go after vs a psycho killing your kids and then killing himself.
Most people would just want to forget it ever happened, especially since there's no possibility of revenge or even peace of mind.

I was actually in Orlando in the bathroom at pulse sticking some dick and getting my ass slammed
Next thing I know the dick in my mouth got severed and I swallowed it while everyone was dying
I can assure you it happened.

The filibustering in congrsess? This was the cue


The more people involved in a conspiracy, the easy it is for it to fall apart. I don't understand how you true believers can rationally think it's possible to use things like "crisis actors." Are they all in Witness Protection? What happens when people see photos of the victims and they're still alive?

Isn't it more likely these things really happen (even if they're "allowed" to happen) and are just spun by the media?

Sandy Hook has a clear boogeyman, a gunman using guns. The scope of 9/11 makes the government far more culpable than something smaller in scope like a lone psycho.

>two people with same name can't exist




>I don't understand crisis actors
untalented actors need to eat and feed their family too.

yeah these shills are so fucking annoying trying to hide this hoax

I don't think the guy was an actor or anything. You should all understand that yes they run a massive psych warfare campaign and you probably are incapable of figuring out the whole picture. Every piece you find is there to throw you off. How any generations of Americans will survive the anti gun propaganda before they relinquish their rights? The only thing we can do is take our kids shooting, teach them safety, and explain why we have 2A, and the history of the commies that have always wanted to take them.

the security guard documentary confirms the official story.

google omar mateen. it's a fairly common name, as odd as that seems to me.

Apparently the guy fired off at least a thousand rounds during the attack. That's at least forty pounds of ammunition, right? Was the dude carrying an ammo can with him? Or did he somehow have a tac vest with enough pockets to hold 25+ magazines for the AR15 and 15+ for the Glock 17?

I believe the shooting happened. But I think that there's more to it. A lot of people say that Port Arthur was a false flag, with similar motivations. That shooting had other things that stretched the imagination, such as unlikely accuracy by a retard. For me, this one seems like he had an accomplice that is not being mentioned.

The fact that he's an actor doesn't mean much to me; the guy is dead. If some of the victims who survived spoke about it were shown to be crisis actors, then sure, I'd buy it. But not the guy who did it and didn't live.

There are two motivations to either allow this shooting to happen or to encourage it indirectly, which I think more likely than a deliberate false flag attempt:

1. Obviously, gun control. It's pretty obvious that the left wants to use this to pass some kind of legislation. How bad it is will depend on how desperate they think the American people are. If they really won't accept too much, then they won't try to go beyond a universal background check, because that seems reasonable to most people. Hell, if it's instantaneous, I might even support it.

2. The election. They officially got Trump to double down on banning Muslims, which lets them keep up the "SEE?! TRUMP RACISS!" attacks while also pushing their agenda. I think that this might backfire. There are a lot of gays who can't stand Islam because of its literal intolerance. At least Christians just try to convert them, not kill them.

Argument against the idea that this was planned is that he called 911 and declared his loyalty to ISIS. That adds believability, but doesn't fit Clinton's or Obama's narrative.

Wanna bet Omar will get cremated rather quickly?

>Bullet sticking out of his leg.
>sticking out


Oh, and he's an actor too:

If the fucking bullet was that big? Was he shot with a nail gun?

This is not evidence that he's an actor.

We already knew he worked for the government. Yeah, he starred in some documentary and he read from a script. So what?

The simple fact that he worked for the government and was on FBI watchlists for years without anyone doing anything alone is enough to be suspicious. The scripted documentary is literally irrelevant.

Jake Tapper is a complete fucking phony if he couldn't catch that. That's twenty times more absurd than clips mags bullets cartridges salt military machine guns of war.

>I don't think the guy was an actor or anything.

I agree with what you're saying but you can go rent movies he was in, he has an IMDB page, he was in a film promoting a less armed society called a shooting in Orlando,

his father visited Hillary Clinton

>Apparently the guy fired off at least a thousand rounds during the attack.

him and 2 others

>the guy is dead.

if you say so, why do you assume that? news media are professional liars, they're not there to give you information they are there to entertain you,

they don't have to tell the truth

Frog, I think you're missing the point. I understand where you could conceivably get people to fill the role, but how do you keep them "dead?" There are real dead people that people knew. If these supposed dead people who've had their pictures everywhere are actually actors who are alive... How do you cover that up?

It just seems like these theories are thought up by people who can't come to grips that a psycho can just go and kill people at any time.

Why were there so few mass shootings under Bush?

>Lets add some information on imdb page

Omar "numbered are the days of homos bearing aids" Mateen

Did you seriously just add a bunch of info on imdb for this shit?

is that all you got for your masters? do they pay this much to shill poorly?

A shitty actor
>poor director tries to shoot a simple gay club scene
>asshole takes 50 shots to get it right

Here's a webm with audio


security guard with no station just a random parking lot... not lights too..

Jesus, if you noobfags read (((Time Magazine))) instead of fapping to anime you would know that he had probably had 2 or 3 of those 600 round, high capacity magazines. Please do some research!

not only that they leaked the DNC info with trump donors all over the place.

and the builderberg meeting happen on sunday. 5 birds 1 stone.

you do know that the gay shooter is also a shillary support right?

So was a devout mulism with "terrorist links"? Or a closeted, self-hating gay?

They can't seem to make up their minds.

>confusing real guns for airsoft
That's the sort of fuckup that should get someone fired.

Why not both? He's a devout muslim with gay tendencies that conflict with his faith, which drives him further and further into insanity and allows ISIS to get its hooks in him and radicalize him.

Bumping because the jews have so much to answer for they will have to pay with their lives.

>1 post by this ID

Just kill yourself jew.

>That's the sort of fuckup that should get someone fired.

I don't think this was a fuckup. I don't think that this gets you fired. That's the shit that gets you promoted. You sprinkle this kind of disinformation around and retards on twitter, kikebook and tumblr recycle it until it becomes a fact. Then in any discussion they shout you down with "Y U NEED 600 ROUND MAGS???".



damn he looks like stan

Its like they don't even realize how much physical space a bullet takes up.

he already looked like a fucking psychopath


>Its like they don't even realize how much physical space a bullet takes up.

Yeah, good luck bothering those people with facts.

This is the first eye witness account I believe.

>marxist message
Durr hurr Im sure you believe reality tv isnt scripted either?

What the fuck would a 600 round mag even look like. Jesus, people are stupid.

These leftie scum dont deserve to live. Its that simple. There is no argument to be won, they dont subscribe to reality.

Kill them all. They are too brainwashed by the kikes.


>do your research
get the fuck out of here normie.

Never go full re... eh, why bother.