Did European culture die with Nazi Germany?

Did European culture die with Nazi Germany?

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>european culture

do you mean that incest & genocide stuff
yeah that died.

No, I meant what made countries like Germany Germany and not Germanistan.

name one european tradition that is not tied to christianity.
Besides incest and genocide


not that there's anything wrong with it

Germany killed it. Twice.

German Goo Girls


Go some lumpia from a street cart, fucking gook. European culture died when they converted to Christianity

your entire culture was about stabbing each other and eating stuff that looks like shit.

Now it's about sissybois and autism.
I think we improved your country.
Thank me later.


there are only two rightful european religions, paganism and islam

German scat fetish

Lederhosen, surströmming and hundreds of other things

t. Rabbi Goldsteinberg

Western civilisation died with Nat Soc Germany.


Lederhosen were made up by the nazi party to give Bavaria a German identity.

Eating rotten fish is just disgusting.

Nazi culture itself was nothing special. The European culture more or less died with the post-war Jew World Order.

>>European culture died when they converted to Christianity


lol ok burger

Let's assume that you are a shitskin, what culture do your continent have, that is not tied to the religion?

Except cannibalism, killing albinos for magic, chimping out etc.

Even the Nazi's were degenerate.

two things disturb me

> paws WTF
> He's given his waifu pillow the look as if she is being raped

All of Germanys best men died in WW1 and WW2. Same with most European countries.

Huns are so uncultivated. I mean its like they just fell from the trees and started walking upright yesterday!

Nazi Germany killed European culture desu. Never4get never4give der ewige Kraut.

I'm not, how would I know.
Go google it if you're interested I guess.

>Folk music
>Folk dances
>Classical music
>European art
>European architecture

not sure if you are really this uneducated/retarded/brainwashed.

>checks flag

Midsummer stuff. It's only Christian in it's name, it's a pagan tradition(at least here). In general we celebrate many pagan things.

Our song and dance festival.

Not just its culture, Europe's soul died with the Third Reich as well

>>European architecture
like le epic vikingz mudhuts?

say it with me:
first Green party head of state in Europe

nordics were shit tier before christianity lol. literal nigs

Ah, so Europe only consisted of Vikings?
What is Greece, what is Rome?

Also, Vikings were practical people. You shitskin :)

At least high IQ nigs

i very much doubt it


Germans sure do love fucking up Europe big time.

Greek's are turks and Italians are Arabs that can't dress for shit.

read a book, Olaf. Your ancestors where a bunch of marauders who never made it beyond the dark age. Assuming, you're native, of course ;).

Yes. Nazi Germany killed European culture

>germans are so superior they create civilization level butthurt just by existing

Most of them were traders, you should read a book that's not quran, Ahmed.

>German Flag

Well well, we meet again

>mfw a russian replies to me

>average IQ in Scandinavia is 99-101 today
>even though dirt poor in land and few in numbers, made huge impact on Europe and arguably pawed the way for GB to become a super-power.
>Robert the Conqueror was of Norse ancestry

>Greeks and are Turks
>Italians are Arabs

Most of the Norse people were farmers, fishermen and traders.

Are you a mongrel, without your own culture maybe? Half-white/half-??? Ashamed of your parents, for making you so miserable.

>my own culture

no such thing.
but if you think culture is being proud of your feudal/peasant ancestors you're really stupid.


Where have I said that I am proud? I think you only can be ashamed, or not of your culture. I am not ashamed.

If my close ancestors were a 70 IQ semi-human, like yours, I would be ashamed.

Ah, yes. The "Festival of Lives".

>German scat fetish

That's the only true German thing that endured over time lol

I'm jewish

The actuak Turks are Germans nowadays, Ahmed

>A culture of bankers, tricksters and crooks
>At least the highest IQ, but no empathy

No worries, my Grandfather would probably get Israeli citizenship if he tried ;)

Am I banned?

>that german poster
idk if i can handle this board. full of reddit and other shills. i cant fucking do it. we rly need to migrate to cripple chan.i tried to stay here for as long i could but it seems inevitable.i shpuld have left right away two years ago

Yup. We sided with the Bolsheviks, and the commies won. No one even knew it.

No, it died with maggie thatcher and post-communist feminism


whom are you quoting?

Christianity and Germany have strong ties, but that does not mean German culture and achievement could be recreated by any Christian country.

I would love to see Spain produce composers and artists like Germany, but it won't happen. German exceptionalism is a result of the German race, not just of some magic book.

He is a butthurt Jew

>cripple chan
might as well just go visit a synagogue tbhfam

His ancestors are probably your ancestors, and probably my ancestors too. Germany has more in common with Norway, Sweden, and Denmark than it does with Italy, France and Spain.

I dont think so famalam, but cool american science.

If you are Ashkenazi Jewish, the chances are pretty huge :)


I'm not a nazi you antisemite.

can you just stop? idiot.

If Jews weren't there to be blamed, the Nazis would never have gotten to power.

Really makes you think....


please dont steal my organs mr. czech guy xD^^

Oh you're not a German, my bad. But if you read a book on population patterns, languages are indicative of genetic closeness, and Germanic languages are generally separated by less than 1500 years.

Jews are another story entirely, but I'm sure your aware of that much, at least.

we're all the same desu.
some are just assholes, like you.