It's Happening! "Republicans" Agree To Hold Gun Control Vote!

It's Happening!
Where were you when shills flooded Sup Forums and the kikes banned guns?

Senate Democrats ended a nearly 15-hour filibuster early Thursday after Republican Party leaders reportedly agreed to allow votes on two proposed gun control measures.

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, said that a compromise had been reached. Votes would be held on whether to ban people on the government's terrorist watch list from obtaining gun licenses and whether to expand background checks to gun shows and internet sales, he added.

"We did not have that commitment when we started today," Murphy said.

Other urls found in this thread:

>be an englishman

It begins

>get muzzied

Ignore this thread, it is just a false-flag to turn your hate towards the chosen people.
Let it slide....

Senate Republicans being spineless faggots?
I'm shocked

And don't forget this:
Martial Law for election season!

Well damn, I thought all that filibuster stuff would amount to nothing, like it does 99% of the time. For once, it actually worked.

As a partisan democrat, I'm pretty satisfied.

Earth to Sup Forums.
They're coming for your guns!
This is it.
It's Happening!

I bet everyone will feel better when it's an illegal gun that kills them a la paris.

This senator is an idiot. There is no federal gun license to issue for individuals. Also all ffls already do background checks for all purchases online and at gun shows. Does he instituting gun licenses and allowing no private sales of guns? Private person to person sales are the only sales that don't require a background check.

It's Happening!

The nonstop series of speeches stretched 14 hours and 50 minutes. It followed the shooting massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando.

"I've had enough. I've had enough of the ongoing slaughter of innocents, and I've had enough of inaction in this body,"

Murphy said during the filibuster which he launched around 11:21 a.m. Wednesday. He vowed to remain on the Senate floor "until we get some signal, some sign that we can come together."

He closed the filibuster by saying: "I have been furious since those days following Sandy Hook. I have been so angry that this Congress has mustered absolutely no response to mass shooting after mass shooting, in city after city that is plagued by gun violence."

Sunday's shooting has revived calls from Democrats pushing for gun control legislation.

The National Rifle Association is fiercely opposed to what its leaders called a series of anti-gun bills and amendments, and warned its members Wednesday that the measures are a threat to the right to own firearms.

ahahahaha Sup Forums BTFO

GOP should be dousing with gasoline and lighting on fire every Democrap that walks into the Capitol building.

I saw Bill O'fucking'Reily shill for a ban or at least severe restriction on AR15-type weapons in a talk with Colbert on Youtube.

I think they might finally do your rights in this time, America...

What are they proposing?

It's slightly disturbing how they're going after the AR in particular. That was one of my big questions was whether they'd have this guy use an AK to look like a scary terrorist or an AR to ban the scary guns.

But so far it seems like the spin is that the communist gun grabbers are just being communist gun grabbers again so they can get communist gun grabber points for being communist gun grabbers.

It's been nearly a decade since Congress made any significant changes to federal gun laws. In April 2007, Congress passed a law to strengthen the instant background check system after a gunman at Virginia Tech was able to purchase his weapons because his mental health history was not in the instant background check database. Thirty-two people died in the shooting.

Murphy said Senate leadership agreed to allow a vote on legislation from Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., that would let the government bar sales of guns and explosives to people it suspects of being terrorists.

Feinstein offered the amendment in December, a day after an extremist couple killed 14 people in San Bernardino, California, but the Republican-run Senate rejected the proposal on a near party-line vote. He said the compromise also will allow a vote on an amendment to expand background checks.

Sen. Bob Casey, who represents Pennsylvania, spoke at around 12:30 a.m. Thursday, called on legislators to allow the votes.

"At least put your hand up for a vote that will begin, just begin the long journey to rectify a substantial national problem that takes 33,000 people every year," Casey said. "All we're asking for is a start."

As Murphy wrapped up the filibuster in the early hours of Thursday, he told the story of Sandy Hook student Dylan Hockley and his teacher Anne Marie Murphy, who died trying to protect him.

"It doesn't take courage to stand here on the floor of the U.S. Senate… It takes courage to look into the eye of a shooter and instead of running wrapping your arms around a 6-year-old boy and accepting death," Murphy said. "If Ann-Marie Murphy could do that then ask yourself — what can you do to make sure that Orlando or Sandy Hook never, ever happens again."

The Senate is due back in session at 10 a.m. ET on Thursday.

You guys are so fucked if they ban funs, even in Australia cuntloads of gun owners "lost" their guns the moment the law passed. Even today, migrant gangs are shooting each other up in Sydney with illegally obtained or "lost" weapons. Won't hear about it in the media. In a country as large, heterogeneous and violent (comparitively) as America, it'll be total anarchy.

Bob Casey is a fucking dickhead, btw. At least the other ones will occasionally send me form letters to pretend they care about getting my vote.

It's a shame nobody will even run against Bob Casey.

Completely reasonable things that will have no effect on anyone that isn't a terrorist or murderer. If right wingers had a brain, they would be happy to have it slightly harder for terrorists to have guns so that good folks like them that only need them for hunting and home defense won't be affected and will get a better name for themselves. But that requires a properly functioning brain. To the right winger this is Obama coming for their guns, muh amendments shall not be infringed, and muh cold dead hands. Sad to see their little reptilian brains go in circles, isn't it?

10 A.M. E.T. Thursday.
Be there or be square.

>OP says they gonna "ban guns"
>read proposal
>ban people on terrorist watch-list and expand background checks

u wot

>•As we saw in the attacks in San Bernardino, Paris, Brussels, and, most recently, Orlando, terrorists will consider a diverse and wide selection of targets for attacks
b-but diversity was supposed to be OUR strength??

... shall not be infringed

Remember when reporters were put on no-fly lists for investigative journalism?

Get ready to lose your rights.

Honestly, I can't imagine the chaos that would erupt here if they were to take the guns away from the US' law abiding citizens (aka, white people).

I expect mass shootings and gang violence to get completely out of control, happening more and more frequently.
If blacks, mexicans, and other various shitkins know how cucked white americans are, it's open season.
Plus, with the anti-cop sentiment getting popular, cops are now being pushed NOT to enforce the law or tame shitskins cos das raysis

This is just a formula for pure chaos.

And you know the Jews and elites will cry and say it's more reason we need to ban guns.

I think the only place comparable would be Brazil. Brazil is fucking horrendous.

The next step obviously is to have Sup Forums posters (excluding paid shills) and trump supporters added to the watchlist. After all, Roof and Breivik have already proven that you guys are dangerous.

We don't have gun licenses you leaf. I think only a few nanny states have licensing and they are all in New England.

then you challenge it in the supreme court and have them put a definition on 'no fly list' and 'terrorist'

a watch list with not enough over-sight

>whether to ban people on the government's terrorist watch list from obtaining gun licenses and whether to expand background checks to gun shows and internet sales
Are you telling me if I was on a terrorist watchlist I could still get a gun, what the fuck. Not even for excessive gun control gun control but what the fuck, these people shouldn't even allowed to have a cooking knife let alone a gun

I don't know about this nonsense with lists, as that's pretty easy to twist around, especially should a particularly hippy ass administration come into power down the line.

I'd be perfectly fine with banning muslims from being armed, and then kicking them all out.

It will still amount to nothing. Gun control is a suicidal issue, because most Americans aren't stupid cucks. Every stupid vote like this puts Trump one step closer to the office.

I posted this in other threads but didn't get any replies, trying to convince people that gun control is not the answer to terrorism but I can't break through their conditioning.
Please if anybody has some solid stats and sources it would be appreciated.

>Completely reasonable things that will have no effect on anyone that isn't a terrorist or murderer

And then 5 terms down the line some commie cunt decides veterans are terror threats, right leaning individuals, cis white males, etc etc etc

This time. If Trump waffles on this we could be screwed.

People can get put on "terrorist watchlists" for buying a copy of Mao's little red book. There's no legal process there at all. That's why it's unacceptable.

the issue is that it circumvents due process and goes against the entire reason for the second amendment to exist. the second amendment is so that the people have the means to resist government tyranny. now they are giving government the power to protect itself from the people. i hope you understand the issue here. i wish we could just get rid of the moslems and niggers instead

Bet money they are going to push for a registry and a ban on private sales like Oregon. But hey at least they totally won't use this to shadow ban gun owners in a way that's completely un accountable and can't be fixed. God fucking damn it this better not pass. This whole thing is because faggots like Obuthole can't stop stuffing the West with as many muzzies as possible as fast as possible. I hope he chokes on his wife's dick and fucking dies before this goes through. At least that way he never gets to see his dream of completely fucking this country come to fruition.

>15-hour filibuster

low energy

>Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut,

oust this fucker, how do you start a recall in CT?

How to end up on watchlist

>say something

How to know you're on a watchlist

>try to get on a plane

How to get off a watchlist

>You don't

Who the government considers more of a threat

>RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS are a bigger threat to AMERICA

How to answer "they would never do that unless it was true"

It wasn't true.

I guarantee in 5 years you gonna get some retarded democratic journalist saying she is in the terrorist watch list for critiquing michelle obama's hair

>there are people who still think this wasn't a false flag


Are the CONGRESSMEN of the US so fucking dumb that they HONESTLY believe the chatter from the media? EVERYONE who has looked at guns online knows it must be transferred to an FFL for a background check. There is no gun show loophole, anytime you purchase online or through a gun store(gun show or not), you MUST do a background check. What's going to happen once they realize there is already a law requiring background checks? Make a double law?

it's 100% shills, just buy guns like they want you to,

>they are giving government the power to protect itself from the people.

but they can't do that legally, time to repeal bretton woods

They're not shills, one of them is a person I know, I can't figure out how to deprogram them.
How do I refute "994 mass shootings in 3 years" to someone that is emotionally driven?

Then we should fix the criteria of what it means to be on a watchlist

>Poofs being killed by Isis in America lead to the change of gun laws

>Not the killing of american kids or anything like that

You guys smell cucked. I can smell it. Sounds like the American Spirit has finally been broken.

Take them shooting. Merely touching and holding one is an emotional experience. Firing one is fucking fun as hell.

Maybe not for everyone, but for most people they really like it, emotionally. Kind of how like most people think it's a hoot to hop on back of a motorcycle.

the united states government is above the law. why else is hillary not in jail?

I'm glad the Republican party is dying.

>How do I refute "994 mass shootings in 3 years"
ask them how many were niggers/spics and how many were white christian right wing terrorists

Looks like my WASR is going to go up in value again.

You are going about it wrong man, you can't redpill people through the internet, they are watching it, they have shills and mods ready to delete what they can't shill.

>inb4 shills don't exist
The Kirchnerist government had them, its a proven fact that all of our political parties have rooms filled with computers and people shitposting 24hs in every argie-based website, specially facebook

What you have to do is to redpill people you know IRL. Not only redpill them, build relationships with them, you don't need to be their best friends, just have some sort of relationships and talk to them in some sort of regular basis, give them truths as they are prepared for them. If they ever seem distressed about 'everyone is deluded, is like they don't reason' then you tell them about media and internet shilling and they should redpill the people they know and also tell those people to redpill others when they are already redpilled.

>As a partisan democrat
Fucking kill yourself, Tyrone, seriously

Thats not gonna fly, I would have to drive all the way to my brothers house in the country because nobody in the city incl. me has guns, I can't even afford a car with my current situation.
Target shooting definitely is fun but its a rare privilege in my case.

They're obviously normies so no, but if you got any reliable stats on what % of those 994 mass shootings is gang violence I would love to know.

They are people I knew IRL, I don't get into pointless facebook battles unless theres something I'm trying to get out of it, in this case deprogram people who have been brainwashed by MSM into thinking assault rifles are basically sentient animals that prey on humans.

People die in greater numbers from all sorts of causes all of the time.

I never understood why gun deaths cause so much more consternation than any of the other million ways that people die every second.

terrorist watchlist.

probably every single one of us is on that list for simply browsing Sup Forums.

Guns are pretty decently priced in NZ and you can get them pretty easily too :(

Im in auckland without a car and scraping through on rent, shits not happening man.

Sell some sticks m8

Shouldn't it be self-evident? Doesn't the media flip its lid when a WHITE MALE kills anyone, let alone kills en-mass?

It's all the gang violence in Chicago/Detroit other nig areas, and places where Mexican gangs get into drug wars.

You know, shit no one cares about, not even libturds.

Also, "mass shootings" are cetegorized by 2 people being injured/dying. Very misleading. I'm sure most people (rightfully) assume any "mass shooting" is a thought out terroristic attack on a large crowd of people. It's just word games used to confuse/frighten people.

You can kill the same amount of people with a knife in the cases of most "mass shootings".

either way, the majority of these crimes are still gang related. As for the mexicans, I can guarantee you a majority of their guns are not legal.

I'm not that kind of guy

maybe that's the problem hey brudda

In Brazil, there are two different laws that regulate the minimum amount that a product must be worth before it is taxed when imported.

How it works, then? I don't fucking know. I've read of people who got their products through any of those, and which one will be picked seems to be a mere coin flip (although I'd think they favor the one with the lowest value, given they can steal more shekels this way)

>Are you telling me if I was on a terrorist watchlist I could still get a gun, what the fuck. Not even for excessive gun control gun control but what the fuck, these people shouldn't even allowed to have a cooking knife let alone a gun

The Democrats want to ban gun sales to people on the "terrorist watch list." (A list that doesn't really exist, because it's actually a collection of different lists maintained by different government agencies.) No due process, no appeal.

SPOILER: This would be a back door gun ban.

The Republicans want to make it so that if you're on a watch list and you go to buy a weapon, you get notified that you're on a list and then the government has 72 hours to make the case that you're too dangerous to own a gun. On the record and with due process (the ability to object, appeal, etc.).

Yeah but what I really need are stats to back my words up, and I get slapped in the face with gossip rags like this bullshit

I'm told that everything is amazing in australia and UK etc. because they banned guns when I know thats not the case, but theres so much disinfo spread by MSM its hard to find the concrete stats, thats why I was hoping people here had some bookmarks they spam anti gun shills with

GOP folding because it knows after trump loses the election and looks like a joke that they're gonna have to restructure their entire party platform

Fucking cucks

I'm all for the end of the GOP, but can't you guys at least use some dank memes or something instead of being cripplingly scripted and unfunny?

So fags get btfo by mudslimes and we get punished with gun control this is what happens when Trump visitso the NRA. Give Libs an inch they take a mile.

> Homeland security contractor who passed 3 FBI background checks shoots up a gay bar in the name of a terrorist group with legally bought guns
> "We need more background checks and secret lists"

How can liberals be so stupid? How do they dress themselves without getting lost in their shirt and suffocatting?

Trump apparently supports denying gun licenses to people on the watch lists.

There are already background checks at gun shows.

Because guns scare the elites. Think about it, you're super powerful and rich with a huge gated house and some very well trained armed bodyguards. Thieves, rapists or other individuals aren't really going to scare you but an armed mob might. Imagine if all those plebs got all aggro over something you did? Imagine if they all came to your doorsteps armed to the teeth? At least if they didn't have guns you might have a chance of stopping them.

Arm up now Sup Forums and dig in deep. We're in for a wild ride.




Ain't it funny how liberals, or cowardly "conservatives" have to call them terrorists instead of admitting its just normal muslims

Normal muslims who hate western society for being so disgustingly degenerate, and after getting upset for whatever reason, self-radicalize.

Every single muslim man is a ticking time bomb, or their children.

Didn't you get the memo? It is 2016, obviously it is whitey's fault when on minority kills another.

They're not, they want excuses to strip the people of more rights and protections from the government. They know exactly what they've doing, they just hope the people are the ones dumb enough to not know.

I call Bullshit this was a lone wolf terrorist that legally got a gun after passing multiple FBI investigations. There is nothing gun control could do to save those bug chasing fags. Case closed why take guns away from law abiding whites?

>Not letting people on terror watch lists buy guns and making sure background checks are thorough


>How to end up on watchlist
>>say something
You what mate, of course if you're advocating for gassing a race of people or blowing up a building with any hint of conviction, you're going to risk the chance of being put on the list.

You fuckers in America better keep your guns.
That freedom is one of the great things about your country.

>How to end up on watchlist

Post on Sup Forums.

You faggots seriously think they arn't keeping track of us?

Don't worry. Everyone with enough brain cells to be able to own a gun responsibly knows to never, ever give them up.

The thing to worry about is if these nutjobs actually push the situation to the point where they provoke a response from ordinary people.

Source on shadow banning?

This. Lots of faggots on here believe the story

I'm actually a bit surprised that there isn't more skepticism about exactly what went down. Maybe folks are just more focused on the more immediate dangers of things like gun grabbing and the obvious outcomes of ISIS importation.

>both the cuckservatives and liberals have agreed that the best way to take away rights is with the age old political trick of 'lol ur on a list'

wew lad

Most American gun owners wouldn't think twice about going full-on Alamo if the government came to take their guns. There's literally no way they could pull it off.

Several thousand types of rifles.
Blame one rifle that wasn't even used in the last four "mass" shootings.
Holy shit they're retarded.

>who in their right mind needs to buy...semi-automatic weapons?
This nigga doesn't know shit about shit does he.

I don't know shit about shit either dude, what do I say?
>Nobody needs a lot of things

I'm trying to convince them, not alienate them.

That first one is easily unconstitutional

Old Republicans need to be swept away and make room for the new. They're out of touch. Social conservatism is dead. Nobody cares about gays, violent video games, or abortions anymore. Those are just divide and conquer jew tactics. We need to focus on civil liberties and the economy. Two things both parties just can't quite seem to get right.

Actual assault rifles have been banned for civilian purchase in this country since the mid-80s. Semi-automatics cover everything from revolvers and handguns to shit like the AR-15. Handguns account for the vast majority of gun deaths in the US, the previous high score was done entirely with a pair of pistols. I'm not /k/ by any means but getting outraged at the availability of semi-automatic weapons just seems incredibly dumb to me.