Sup Forums DRAWTHREAD!!!

Sup Forums DRAWTHREAD!!!
Sup Forums DRAWTHREAD!!!
Sup Forums DRAWTHREAD!!!


For Artists:

-Put "NAME #password" in Name slot
-Go to
-Make a page with your name as the title
-Use this template for page:

Technique: What techniques you use (oil, pencil, etc.)
Skill level: (Shit/Beginner/Intermediate/Professional)
Art style: (Impressionist, cartoon, anime, baroque, etc.)
Works: (Add pictures and names of your works)

For others:

-Critique art, say why you like it and why not
-Discuss art in general, your favorite artists, periods, etc.
-Add suggestions for people to draw or paint

If you want to besome a better artist:

-Draw from life (
-Learn crosshatching for drawing (
-Draw more, every day, post here:

-Art should be good
-No nigger art (tribal), or jew art (Contemporary)


Other urls found in this thread:

Here is Sup Forumsosopher I painted.

Moonman with gun

Midnight song (Cubist Moonman). Also forgot to say that both moonmen are for sale. This one is $30 and the other one is $40.

Whoops forgot pic

ill help you bump because this shit is so dead

plus i want someone else to make a comic series too

remember to bump your thread at 11 minutes intervals to keep it alive

Looks exactly like me. Uncanny.

Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

bretty good!

i dont listen to suicidals

Was this design featured on the Bob Ross Down's Syndrome special?




>lol haha, look mom, I called someone a faggot again! XD

Kill yourself

draw more moonman

Here you go. Last one, and probably my favorite. Linocut.






fuck off, this looks alright

oh good I finally caught one of these threads again

they keep dying too quickly.
OP you should make these in the american afternoon, like after 5:00 MDT, since that's when most everyone is off work in america and able to shitpost in drawthreads

anyways this is the only thing i can only contribute for now

u need 2 work on ur 3d form and head construction. its still preddy good but could be better. go to the /ic/ board and read loomis and stuff its cool.

my favorite too

draw a moonman comic

Will do. Also nice drawing.

this triggers me.

hi malaysia why haven't you posted any new updates to your comic recently?? stil have writers block?

I know. I can usually draw with a pencil really good, but for some reason I always rush it when painting so I can do it in like half an hour. Next time ill try harder.

I am going to do some more drawing but in the meantime lets discuss art.

Who is your favorite artist?
Favorite art period?
Favorite painting?
Worst painter?
Opinion on modern art?

I'll start, I guess.

>Who is your favorite artist?

>Favorite art period?
Probably Baroque or Rococo

>Favorite painting?
Nights watch or the School of Athens

>Worst painter?
Don't really have one.

>Opinion on modern art?
Anything after post impressionism is shit, except art nouveau. Contemporary art especially.

desu i think the key to getting better at art isn't to try harder, but to simply draw more things. quantity over quality, getting your muscle memory more tuned and seeing what sort of drawing technique works best and what doesn't work. drawing a 100 heads will make you understand how to draw a head much better than trying to draw just 1 head really well.
or maybe you do do that, dunno.
just my 2 cents

True. The problem I had is that I didnt use reference when drawing but I started last year and have been getting better.

yeah pretty much.
after 27 chapters its almost impossible to write anything

but the comics are still being drawn, at a very slow pace because i didnt write any future chapters

heres hoping some meme magic will help me write again


reposting my moonman. will have some ANIMU drawn for the next thread, bye guys

GL with the writing mane. kek bless you with doubles

did you draw this?
extremely nice work if you did


Some stuff from my sketching book

Remember tay

No, but I know the cool guy that did

You are a god among us.

Could you post more of your sketchbook?

Why is she black?

more stuff

guise guise i'm such a raciss guise \POL\ XD LOL!! stupid kikes! RACC WAR NOW XD!!!!!11 Ben Gas Em RITE LOL!1! niggers are lk SHEEUUT RITE

dang. that 4mb restriction is really a pain in the ass

It's based off her profile pic, she was black, or at least some shade of brown. Definitely not white. It adds to the irony too.

thats some lovecraftian shit

This is beautiful

thanks a lot

An animation I did for another board.

edgy stuff

Jesus Christ those values. Masterpieces. The German soldier thing is the coolest

Do you have a blog? I love looking at your work

I have a behance in the making, not much there yet but i have lots of noew stuff i was too lazy to scan yet

Nice stuff. What software did you use?

:) thanks

very cool

It is beautiful

I made a really nice anti-Jewish political cartoon once but I made the mistake of doing it on a computer so of course the file got corrupted or some other such nonsense and now it's gone forever.

Oh well, I suppose I'll hand draw it sometime in the future.


charcoal or graphite??

I really need to get back into fine art, political cartoons have taken over my life.

Finally, hope malaysia fucks off

How long does it take you to draw a piece usually? How long have you been drawing? I am fucking jelly my man


Windows Movie Maker and a scanner

It was based off this, but was much higher quality.

have you posted you stuff on here?

Probably about 3 days if i work full time on it. Its not easy to tell though, since i always work on multiple pieces at once to not get fed up working on one too long.

these two:
part of a larger series I'm going to be showing in NYC later this year

thats pretty gud, my dude.

epic stuff! Where can i find thee on the interwebs?

jojos bizarre adventure redpilled?

This one is in progress, but I saw your German flag

fuck me, i posted in the wrong thread

working on a website

This series will be under the moniker "The Rat"

I'll post links later this year when its all set to go.

If they would host an event for carricaturists here and they would dare to showcase "political incorrect" cartoons of that caliber, they would all get shut down and locked away

post on here when you are done

I'm back, and I think we should make a schedule so I know when to post these. How about 10 AM USA time. That is about an hour and twenty five minites ago?

Oh lmao nice

Nice. Fight the good fight!! Your art is also really good btw.


That is my first name, yes

Really nice art, dude.

Do you use ink or what?

nope, graphite pencils since they have the best range of softness


can i post my paint.exe shit creations?

Here is pororo blowing up the twin towers

It's not sin if Deus vult

Forgot file

That makes me proud. I must be on the right track!

thanks user! :)

Christ, this German faggot is good. You should be doing comics or legit art, mate.

It actually happened, i dont remember who the carricaturist was but it happened, aside from fags claiming charlie hebdo was offensive and not the "real victim" of the towelheads.

Nice, now draw swastikas onto it and you're good to go

I have been meaning to make one of these for Hilliary

lithunains will get it + could have done it better if not for my shit mouse

I have been meaning to move to Croatia recently. I have croatian citizenship and the free speech is bretty good. You can talk about the holocaust, bash refugees, and basically anything except disrispect the flag and anthem.


Well well well. If it istn't the malaysian person who makes the chist chan comics...

Honestly if the drawings were fully refined and printed as a manga series i'd totally buy that shit. It would be a cool niche thing to have on the shelf.

ive posted 7 times in this thread
pay attention to ids

Nice, I will use this image for my future shitposting.