This is my fav album of 2017

this is my fav album of 2017
don't know why so many people think its shit

there are just so many non-songs on here. I find so many runs out tracks throughout the album to be utterly pointless.

The title track is absolutely phenomenal tho. One of the best pieces of music I heard all last year.

Just listening for the first time
Only on the second song, but so far I like the production but the vocals sound incredibly fake

>the vocals sound incredibly fake

It sounds like he's trying way to hard to have a deep edgy voice that it just comes of as dumb to me

>muh filler
can you please think of a better argument? there's nothing wrong with a non-song if it has meritable content and works in the context of the album.

too much demo stuff imo


I'm not saying Krule is legitimately mentally retarded. I'm NOT.

But....if he WERE. Legitimately mentally retarded I mean....

Would the vocals sound any different?

This, plus I think the vocals are electronically distorted.

examples with timestamps? may have been an intentional effect, king krule is known for doing that in his other works

Electronically distorting your vocals, when you already are slurring and mumbling every lyric, is not a choice would have made.

But then again, maybe he's just really going for it - in for a penny in for a pound sort of thing.

I love the aesthetic and some of the songs like Lonely Blue, Dum Surfer and Biscuit Town are great but half of the album is filler that really drags it out. Should've been a 40min record instead of an hour long and it would've gone from 9s to 10s.

They sound distorted on Dum Surfer, one of the few decent moments on this very very long album. Lots of times throughout the album, as I was straining to understand lyrics, I thought I heard electronic distortion.

Grew on me a lot after a couple of listens. At first it seemed like there was a lot of filler, but honestly the production draws attention away the melodies and structure a lot of the time.
Unironically I think the album needs attention and deep listening needing to take it all in, and people that think it's got too much filler need to spend more time with it.

muh word salad
You wouldn't believe that English was my first language would you

I agree that there may be one decent (and I mean, JUST decent) record in there (9-10 songs, 40ish minutes) - but at 19 songs , The Ooz is 70+ minutes of a tedious, bleak Hell.

Wish I could choose to have spent less time with it.

They’re obviously distorted on DS, I went to one of his concerts and it was really fucking good. Would rec.

I reviewed this for my college radio station, and I think it's definitely depreciated on me as an album, but there are some (a lot of) stellar stand outs on this record. Biscuit Town, Dum Surfer, Logos, Cadet Limbo, E blimp, HMHS, The Ooz, and Midnight 01 are all really great. I think it's worth listening to as a cohesive album at least a couple times, but I just listen to the standouts in my playlists mostly. Which is pretty funny, I thought initially each track needed the context of the others to be meaningful, but the more I listen to it the less I think that. /stan


The dude can't sing for shit

agree'd user
I got sort of bored on my first listen but when listening closer I appreciated every track a bit more.

the "filler" tracks can be really beautiful so I don't mind them as much as others seem to

People think its shit because Fantano gave it a "shit" score.
Its a good album. Take care!

Agreed, was sort of shocked to see how little attention it got. One of the more unique listens I've had in the past few years and it flows seamlessly. Such a great record imo but I guess it's easy to see why it's disliked, all depends on how you interpret its approach

there's just too much of it tho. the album has maybe like 15 minutes of engaging, well developed music and the rest is just mumbling and random noises. cool atmosphere, cool production, cool vocals, cool instrumentation, but no ideas.

ive seen a lot of normies tweet about archy's music on twitter lately.

is he alt-normiecore like mac demarco now?

yeah, mine too. fuck, it was an improvement over 6 Feet Beneath the Moon (which I wasn't a very big fan of) in every possible way. The atmosphere on this album is unreal, and perfectly complements Archy's unreal voice. It's also really eclectic, jumping from jazzy backgrounds to distorted surf guitars. Even the "filler tracks" do a nice job at keeping the whole thing together.
Yes, easily my favourite album of the year, and I think the only one I have rated 9/10

this album has been the ultimate pleb filter

best album to come out in the last couple years IMO