Bye bye guns

Say goodnight, you righty bastards. While you're busy watching your Second Amendment die, liberals are literally coming in their pants. This is the best week of our life because the popguns are about to go away.

Oh, you think we'll be done after the no gunlist and a ban on semiautos? Lol.

You ain't seen nothing yet. But you damn sure will once Drumpf is just a shameful memory and madam President is enjoying her first year in office.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good luck with trying to remove the weapons from Americans.

There are too many!!

Shall not be infringed





Blacks are 200 TIMES MORE LIKELY to commit aggravated assault than a superior white or asian man.

Therefore, we do not have a gun problem--- we have an AFRICAN problem.

Deport all the blacks and crime rates will plummet 50% or more.

Haven't they tested it in limited scale already thought? And couple of times already - it seemed to work for them after boston bombings and new orleans or wherever there was this big tornado.

Enjoy your "Port Arthur" moment burgerbros

The only thing that can stop someone with a gun is someone else with a gun.

I'm fairly left-wing and even I understand that.

just like all those other bans you guys came up with after all those mass shooters right

whatever obvious ONE POST thread, sage and blow your brains out

ive been thinking about this.

Wouldn't mandating that all public places have a gun significantly reduce crime?

No one wants to rob a store they think has a gun, and mandating that they do would atleast make people think every store has a high chance of having a gun.

If this passes, then Trump wins.


Daily reminder that "right" is the english word for "correct, best" while "lefty" is the word for "shady, insecure, untrustworthy".

the great gun ban will take place in 2018.

Democrats won't risk it during a presidential election year.


Serious question though: what happens when liberals finally do hamfist a ban through? Who do they expect to go and round up the guns for them, those same "backwards rednecks" they always shit on? Or do they really expect that a bunch of upper middle-class, white, urban, progressive, "intellectuals" are going to go sign up for the police and military to then carry out confiscations?

They want us to be complicit and obey new laws because they realize they don't have anybody to enforce those laws.

just as a fyi libshits, this is a fight between the right wing and the government. If it was a fight of right vs left we could kill you with our bare hands. At our leisure.

It doesn't look good when it's all one ID, retard.




>Already had eight years of Clinton.
>Zero guns confiscated


>Port Aurthur moments.

Nigger they run port arthur after port arthur drills on us here. We just ignore them and keep buying more guns.

>hear SWAT and police outside
>realize its a no knock warrant
>gear up in a full innawoods setup
>place vague man traps
>take 2-3 norcos for fun
>watch them on camera
>taking formation
If I dont die in gunfire, legally get away with taking some of them presumably with you. I cant believe this actually happens.

kek no. never have they confiscated guns.

they never will. it is a guaranteed civil war that they will lose.

>liberals are literally coming in their pants

but when they're done everyone still has their guns

people with machine shops can still build guns,

something like 20 firearms in circulation for every citizen

how is that victory? they want victory they need to get their hands dirty

an armed society is a polite society,

we need to become Switzerland

Reminder to sage all shill threads.

>Who do they expect to go and round up the guns for them,

police who have already refused to obey such legislation

basically they're setting themselves up to look stupid or they hire mercs and look nasty

What stops an american going out and buying a bunch now?

Surely people would just stockpile them if they were so desperate to have them.

what are they sliding? the acting history of the shooter in Orlando or the gun legislation or something else?

People are.

Gun sales and prices both go through the roof after a shooting.

Literally a mass shooting and the following gun control debate is the best this for the gun industry in terms of sales.

Inb4 Fallout New Vegas

go fuck a wallaby

The Latin for left hand is Sinistra if I'm remembering my high school class correctly.

I wonder if there is a connection between left and sinister

>Gun stocks skyrocket
>Gun permit requests skyrocket
>Gun Sales Skyrocket
>All of this will only skyrocket that much more when Shillary is elected

Sure thing buddy... you got us.

That isn't even the problem.
Most of these liberals seem to think the Mexican/negroid gangs will suddenly be disarmed. Things will be violent, yes... But not because of those who legally own firearms.

Kennesaw, Ga

They won't take them they will just ban the sale of guns so they all get old and crappy, then after 20 years they will ban the transfer of guns. They arn't going to give you a chance for a big fight. Gun ownership rights will die out with a whimper not a bang, no pun.

>1 post by this ID
Stop falling for these bait threads retards

Trying to ban guns in America before an election is a good way to ensure all the lefties end up in a Civil War they're not armed to fight.

>Surely people would just stockpile them if they were so desperate to have them.

they've been stockpiling them for hundreds of years already

in fact a revolutionary era stockpile was recently uncovered in a sealed off train tunnel

half went to the national armory and the other half to the smithsonian

brand new rifles, to be used in case of emergency

Happening in CA and CN

I always knew liberals suffered from premature ejaculation.

Fuck fuck fuck.
I don't have any, what two guns do I need before they take them away?


An AR-15 built from an 80% lower and a 12g shotgun, like a Remington 870.

Should I get a handgun too?
Tbh I'll probably get a shotgun to hunt a bit with


Won't ever happen, I gave up on that shit a long time ago.

Who's going to fight that civil war? Right or left it's the same shit, people in America are lazy and content with their lives watching game of thrones on Sunday and eating at panera bread. There is no societal effort in politics in the west anymore, all it is now is posting shit on Facebook and the buzzfeed hivemind and it just so conveniently happens that all this shit is easily accessible to leftists, it's trendy and ensures younger generations are brought up in this comfy leftist world. Being a right wing nationalist involves work, nationalism is labor, it's effort by the people and here in America there is just no effort left, the generation that would've done something is dying and ushering in this new generation of mindless libtard kids riding those shitty hoverboards and listening to the weeknd. No one is fighting anyone, it's a war of minds and it seems the fighting chance America had slipped away. It's too late now.

>Should I get a handgun too?
Only if you plan on having to conceal it or carry it.

Otherwise, as a weapon, a rifle is more effective (more accurate, more stopping power), and for home defense a shotgun is usually the best bet.

I said an AR-15 out of a 80% lower as you can make it legally and then it is untraceable, and the parts are easily and readily available to do it. There are better choices, but bang for buck for a legal untraceable firearm, AR-15 is your best bet.


Delet this

Go be a free country

Basically this. Bank cartels and oligarchic politicians will hire private contractors to protect them and strip the rights of American citizens, and Berniebots will be complicit in this until it's already too late.

That's what you said about Sandy Hook

Ty, I live in blue ass Maryland with trash gun laws so 80% lowers looks like the way to go

Shit, I don't have any guns either >_<

Was waiting until I get paid on friday and was going to sell some magic cards to afford something.

The right of the people to bear arms is pretty clearly dependent on the need for well-regulated militias to protect the sovereignty of free states.

As such militias are no longer necessary, neither is the right to bear arms.

stop pushing your holocaust agenda

why would you be happy about having your rights taken away and being cucked by the government?

Have you ever asked yourself why there is this "white redneck honey boo boo" meme? I'll tell you why. Where I'm from in rural Texas there are no starbucks, in fact you have to drive 20 miles for groceries. Everyone knows each other and eachother kids. Everyone is just about poor but no murders or robberies. 4th of July parade consists of the local volunteer fire department and dudes on horses with trucks, highschool band and that one dude in the town who has a hot rod. We don't go to faggy ass panera. We hunt, fish, trap, shoot every weekend. Even the young girls learn how to shoot and proper safety. Everyone has a garden if not a couple chickens or pigs. People care about eachother and the community. The one thing they don't care about, because they never were dependent is government. These people would fight, and they are very capable. We know every back road and hill. Every creek, nook and cranny. No shit a drone would wipe out the town, but that's what it would come down to. I promise you one thing, the whole god damn state of Texas would unite and destroy whatever entity is responsible, if even ONE town gets it like that. That's why they call us dumb rednecks. You forget most grunts are white southerners....

Go to Walmart and buy a savage 12 Gauge pump and a 2 boxes of buckshot for $250

Is a 12 gauge really the best idea for home defense though? I was going to look into a pistol for my first one. I also never fired a gun so I don't know if I could handle the recoil of a shotgun enough to shoot it accurately to start.

When there is a dick in your ass or a machete at your throat, remember who tried to defend you and who you spat on..

>Banning guns b/c some spic faggots got blasted

Pick one

Looks fine to me, you commie fucktard...

Unless you're a 5'1 100lbs Manlet, a 12ga shouldn't be a problem if it's just 00 buck you're firing. Slugs are a different story, don't shoot slugs if you have a limp wrist and a pencil neck.


No. Commie states like Jew York AND Connecticut passed regustration ordinances for semi auto rifles that were met with tepid 20-40% compliance rates. And the only people who turn over guns during buybacks are the poor and cucks. Impassioned owners would never comply without coercive force.

See you at my front door then cunt.

>he thinks banning guns will get rid of guns

Why do you retards never grasp that the people you cowards would rely upon to collect firearms are part of the same population that owns guns and funds the NRA?

Any gun laws wouldn't be followed in more than half the states, and the ones who did enforce it would have large scale insurgencies funded by pro-gun states and foreign powers.

Are liberals retards or just nihilists who want to see everything collapse?


Yes you want a 12 Gauge with buck. If you can't into guns then you don't need a pistol. They are harder to shoot and harder to shoot accurately. Buy the 12 gauge 3 inch magnum .00 buck and you can kill anything in your path with little effort.

Are you actually retarded?

fuck the constitution

the holy bible was the previous constitution,
and our current constitution was written because essentially the founding fathers were saying "fuck the holy bible"
america was founded on the ideals of the age of enlightenment. which is actually how the constitution was written.

now we are saying "fuck the constitution" because we need new revised documents and laws.
the constitution is like the old backwards holy bible nobody gives a shit about anymore.
only cucks will defend it...
some ideas from the constitution are important, especially the first amendment, but many cucks don't care about the first amendment being violated by washington almost daily. instead, the fuck will focus on the second amendment, because this is what his jewish hiphop music tells him to do.
it tells the white male cuck to defend his murder weapons, and the white male cuck cannot possibly see why they are useless and need to go. the white male cuck is blinded by the beauty of mans ingenuity and the fine machinery of firearms. but the white male cuck has no rational understanding of how murder is totally wrong, and there is no excuse for it, even for animals. and eliminating guns does actually eliminate the number one source for humans to effortlessly end a life simply by squeezing their finger.

Not to mention a shotgun is a much more versatile weapon. With a slug you can fire a mean round down range accurately up to 100 yards. With buck shot you get a lot of stopping power with a spread. If even one of those pellets hits you then you are in trouble. Then there are many small loads for hunting any type of game. With your pistol you are basically fucked unless they are within 40 yards (max).

literally, fuck niggers and fuck jesus christ

>hear SWAT and police outside
>realize its a no knock warrant
>go to computer and shitpost a bit
>door gets kicked in
>"sorry officer, I don't have any guns. Those are really dangerous tools and they scare me"
>"okay, see ya later. We'll send a guy to fix your door."