The Fragile > The Downward Spiral

The Fragile > The Downward Spiral

Other urls found in this thread: Live Palladium

Year Zero/Hesitation Marks > The Fragile > The Downward Spiral


The Downward Spiral is no filler.


>What is I Do Not Want This and Big Man With A Gun
Sure, they may suit the "concept" and the "story", but musically they're forgettable and bland.

I could understand thinking big man with a gun was filler if it was any longer, but come on its like 1,5 min

Big Man With A Gun is fucking GOAT

I Do Not Want This is probably my least favourite on the album but it's still a good track.

The Fragile has a lot of great tracks, but I prefer TDS for the overall concept (and because it's one perfect track after another).

I always thought Piggy was the filler of the album, no idea why Trent keeps playing it life, it's boring and doesn't quite go anywhere. Same for Heresy which is kinda forgettable, but the album picks itself up right away from those.

The left disc of The Fragile is like this too though.

Not him, but never really cared for We're In This Together and Even Deeper.

We're in this Together is GOAT tier, wtf are you on

Never cared for Even Deeper either, We're In This Together is pretty cool though. It is also one of the happier NIN songs (I know it is very much like Everything where underneath it, it's actually depressing and dark, but you get me)

Is With_Teeth the worst NIN album?

Objective Fact.
Tront himself a Sup Forumstant will even agree.

Pretty Hate Machine is, but With_Teeth is right above it.

Unpopular opinion, but never cared for The Slip.
This as well. PHM is the only NIN album that sounds like a product of its time to me. The lyricism doesn't help either.

Pilgrimage is pretty neat.

The Slip is one of my favorite NIN albums, but it has to grow on you, it took me a good while.

To be fair, it's probably the album I've listened to the least outside of Ghosts.

I would definitely put it above Downward Spiral if it just wasn’t so fucking long

It might be but I don’t think it’s bad, it’s got some fun tracks

This. It's radio rock NIN, and even that's a step above the majority of radio rock out there.

I think we can all agree Slip and Hesitation Marks are the absolute worst and are more like parody albums. Its just NIN as an institution making things "fans" will love no matter what.

No. I don't see how Hesitation Marks is fans pleasing at all. Or either The Slip. I doubt you actually listened to albums and I am responding to a bait, but whatever.

Been a fan since Perfect Drug came out, listened to Slip and HM once but it was just awful shit.

>Big Man With a Gun

jesus christ mang.

Okay, how does that make your opinion any more significant? I don't give a shit if you were a fan since The Purest Feeling, it doesn't mean shit.

The Fragile > Hesitation Marks > The Downward Spiral > Pretty Hate Machine > Year Zero > The rest


It means shit when you accuse me of just baiting.
The Slip and HS are fan service for the people that goes to concerts and wants to hear closure and head like a hole everytime. Its made to sound like NIN, its from recipe music.

>Pretty Hate Machine being better than anything

I love HM.

Sanctified and Ringfinger are pretty not good I agree BUT Head Like a Hole and Terrible Lie are 2 good

You admitted that you literally listened to them "once". And I still don'T get your opinion, there is no album that sounds like Hesitation Marks or The Slip.

No, Hesitation Marks is fucking great

sounds like b-sides leftovers from fragile, with teeth and year zero.
then there is the horror of "everything".
its just babbys first nin.

No, it sounds nothing like that user. And there's nothing wrong with Everything, you're literally the user who admitted to getting to NIN with The Perfect Drug.

>babbys first nin
Like With Teeth and PHM?

Let's be honest, TDS was most people's first exposure to NIN.

TDS or With_Teeth

You're goddamn right.


Listening to Hesitation Marks right now, currently at Find My Way, this thing is a fucking gut punch.
Who cares about that?

>I Do Not Want This

That's one of my favourites on TDS!

PHM was badass in 1990 when I first heard it.

of course

the only thing you're proving by posting that is how much of a casual you are.

no album with a song as awful as starfuckers inc. can be better than anything

Bad opinion. The Fragile’s left half is god-tier while the right side is okay at best. TDS is the GOAT throughout..

>More beta virgin nihilists then chad self-reflection

Go figure.


I actually found myself listening to the Post-Fragile NIN the most, particularly from The Slip and Hesitation Marks are my most listened albums.

Downward Spiral>Year Zero>The Fragile>GhostsI-IV/The Slip>Pretty Hate Machine>With Teeth>Hesitation Marks

What the fuck did you do to Hesitation Marks.

Hesitation Marks > Year Zero > The Slip > The Fragile > The Downward Spiral > Ghosts > With Teeth > Pretty Hate Machine

This list changes like every month, The Downward Spiral used to be number one.

I don't hate it or passionately think it's NIN's worst, it just felt pretty uninspired to me. Kind of felt deliberately immature, like Trent was reaching backward instead of trying to do something new. I like when he tries to evolve or play with his style, I like Year Zero a lot.

Same guy. In fairness I am gonna give it another listen.

>The Persistence of Loss
>Adrift and at Peace
>Gone, Still
>Leaving Hope

You're tearing me apart, Tront

Odd, I found the album to be fairly mature and I thought he has pushed himself on, especially musically, I didn't find too much paralles with TDS, aside from the font and little referene in cover art.
I think the guy really wanted to kill himself at this point in his life.

>I think the guy really wanted to kill himself at this point in his life
he really should have

it kind of reminded me of other electro rock stuff like the xx which I don't really care for that much.


I mean, after this, he achieved huge ammount of success with his other albums, personal life and soundtrack work, I think you'Re kinda wrong.
Definetelly very elecro, but I found it very interesting just due to how much layers each song seems to have, it is certainly accessible album, but deep and complex one.

>When they make fun of Witha Teetha but With Teeth is an actually cool song

>Be The fragile
>no Piggy, Mr. Self Destruct or A Big man with a gun

why even bother?



How can I become a chad like Tront?

Off urself user

Lift, own doggos, bike, impregnate decades younger women, vidya and find a soulmate

I just listened to all of TDS on Youtube for the first time. Reptile and the cover of Dead Souls are the only two tracks I would want to listen again. I didn't hate any of it, it wasn't a bad way to spend an hour, but I don't think I'd put it on again. Would it be worth my time to listen to any more NIN?

I hope you weren't listening to the TDS on Youtube that had high-pitched fucked up upload

I think you should try to explore more of NIN's discography, The Fragile or Hesitation Marks.

I've heard individual tracks off TDS before, nothing sounded fucked up to me

That's only good, there was this full TDS upload that has been on youtube for a while which literally had all the songs high pitched, probably taken down by now.

Someone dropped the full length on Youtube and sped it up to avoid a claim or something.

Here, have a 2009 live show TDS Live Palladium

Here is a version with a better quality and without that whailing cunt who ruins every performance in that video. Trent's performances are also better, since this is the second performanceo of entire TDS album

oh thanks for that. yeah what a dickbag


Check out especially for that Ruiner, you can actually hear Trent this time, thank fuck someone put this together.

7 tracks into The Fragile, and I'm kinda getting bored of NIN. Maybe I've just overloaded myself on it, but I'm the kind of guy that can spend hours just listening to music. I just don't think I'm a big fan of this, I certainly wouldn't mind at all if someone else wanted to put it on in the background but I'm not rushing out to buy any of it

I think the new EPs are a good point to check out. The Fragile is a bit much for someone trying to listen to Nails

>new EP
next one fucking when

At least with TDS I could pick out a couple of tracks that stood out to me, The Fragile was a whole lot of the same thing broken up by a few quiet sections, I gave up about 40 minutes in. It felt like a generic early 2000's movie soundtrack

*Blocks Trent's path to the studio*
Breeding session bae...

He went back and reflected on it.

>tfw no mega milfs grooving to your music.