>go on random video on youtube
>try post a comment with the word "nigger" in it
hello Orwell my old friend
Go on random video on youtube
>mfw I'd never use that word outside of a hip hop thread on Sup Forums
well I use word czarnuch which is nigger in polish when I see niggers on the streets here but you're propably using some word on your fellow Abbo's
No I just wouldn't act so crudely when using my real name. There's a reason guys like me don't notice this stuff, we're only the bad guys through two degrees of association. We agree with guys that honest bigots just so happens to agree with, which somehow makes me the enemy too?
Of course when there's any rational (read, programmatic) steps taken I'm completely unaffected because, get this, actually not a bigot.
In what way would you use the word 'nigger' in a Youtube comment that isn't intended to annoy someone?
There's a difference between free speech and just being a tit mate.
tell me about the kulaks next trotsky
I reread my 1st Amendment, and I found no such distinction.
Yeah I'm sure over there in Poland you can do whatever the fuck you want on your media. In the US they censor everything they can with the FCC by claiming little kiddies might not want to see it.
Except now we're not just worried about the children. We have to worry about rattling the crib of a 37 year old weak minded idiot who thinks bad words will hurt him and that nobody should ever be able to say them.
I just did that and my comment got through
you nigger
jokes on you, whenever i type n1gger my pc shuts down for 3 hours until the police arrives
i reread my first amendment and found no mention of restricting private companies
>a private internet service is censoring a word on the grounds of offensiveness
Those are not first amendment rights.
>le amendment
I bet you take everything in the Bible literally too
When did all Englishmen become such raging faggots?
If you had taken everything in the bible literally your country wouldn't be stuffed with sandniggers right now.
The 1st amendment is a restriction on government actions, not private corporations. FFS do you people understand the constitution even a little bit?
shut up nigger
they always were, are and will be faggots.
havent you learned proper history?
nice, vocaroo this for me
prepare to get faggotpoliced
>Saying a word with racist connotations and then acting shocked when people get weirded out or upset at unwarranted unsolicited racism
>not being racist makes you a gay
>Orwell my old friend
this is the future you chose..
I say faggot and nigger all the time.
We will see when the Social Justice Forces knock my door.
Its why you can't say fire in a theater or threaten someone without repercussion
Doesn't even matter this isn't a 1st amendment this is an autistic who can't read social situations and spergs out with words they don't understand
>this post
>check flag
Pure coincidence. The eternal anglo is your friend.
Found this video. Pic not related
Will all the cucks ITT defend word policing when Hiroshima Nagasaki eventually allows Feds to control Sup Forums?
>sperging out should be illegal
You are literally not an argument tier wanting to restrict words that offend you.
No, they will cry like little bitch school girls.
>he gets annoyed because people annoy him for being annoying
who could've guessed
p.s. grow up
>There's a difference between free speech and just being a tit mate.
either you have free speech or you do not
it's like being partially pregnant
besides, who decides where lies the difference? some "neutral" third party? lol
they can never legally take control of Sup Forums. all they can do is harass hiroshima to coerce him into giving up info. unless you're planning on blowing something up i don't like this matters much
There's a thing called tact. People with social skills understand this.
Poland seems a nice place
No one is saying you should go out and scream nigger at the top of your lungs. That's peak autism. But it also shouldn't be illegal.
Noice, now can you say nigger in English for me famalam?
polish calling niggers asphalt are hilarious.
yes pls do this
Yeah that is reasonable. It's clear a lot of people just want to be munters though.
We don't have freedom of speech and never have. It's not part of our culture. You have to understand that the British outside of the aristocracy are basically a slave people. It's inborn.