So Sup Forums I'm sure we all agree that women shouldn't be promiscuous

So Sup Forums I'm sure we all agree that women shouldn't be promiscuous.

But what about men? Should they remain pure until they find an Aryan wife or should they follow the typical lifestyle of fucking around as a teenager amd then settling down later on on life?

If you fuck around then you are literally making good girls into whores.

All sex outside of a heterosexual marriage is wrong and degenerate.


B-but men are l-like keys and women are l-locks, y-you see...

No double standards
Wanting to fuck everything as a teenager is natural
But if you expect women to control their desire you have to do the same
If women were harder to get nowadays and wouldn't fuck around drunk after a party or after the first date, relationships would be way more stable and satisfying for all involved parties.
Imagine having a girlfriend for all your life
Imagine your friends not switching their girlfriend every 6 months, while you dislike every new one even more than the last one
But for this to become possible, both sides have to take more responsibility
Even though I'd say it's depending more on women, since their the ones being approached and chased by the others

But good girls don't have sex outside of wedlock.

Fucking everything that moves isn't generally a good idea. Being loyal to your partner is a sign of good character.


If she accepted to fuck you, she was already a whore.