What's your excuse for not being a member of ANTIFA yet, Sup Forums? Are you just a racist?
What's your excuse?
The best thing to ever happen to the irish was immigration to America
I could be a faggot like you if my people hadn't left potatoland
Well for starters I'm not a Jew-owned communist who has to wear a mask and conduct violence against those with opinions that differ from mine in order to silence them.
So yeah, antifa isn't really for me. I've never been a fan of attacking peaceful protests by the people with bats and masks, nor have I ever been a fan of screaming "RACIST!" at people who are protesting economic issues.
But then again, I'm not a tranny college student taking money from the elite while I claim that I stand for the people.
But we're stopping racists from trying to harm the racial minorities of our nations. It is not as if that is not a good thing.
If some people have to be hospitalised over it, then that is taken as an unfortunate loss for a good cause.
I know you're trolling, famalam.
However, since there are inbreeds lurking these boards, those racial minorities don't get to oppress the actions of the majority. The majority are the people, the only cause.
Antifa is just another branch of Soros nation wrecking. Just a paid mob of hooligans told they're doing the right thing by attacking average people who don't like where their nation is being dragged by the multicultural elite. Disgusting animals who act without thought and trust without research.
You're desperate for a cause so you can feel morally justified in your violence. You're protecting those unable to defend themselves, therefore you're righteous.
Did any of these racial minorities ask for your help? Or do you just need something to put the blame on so your life feels less empty?
troll harder user
I just really love
I saw an antifa sticker with a jew star on it the other day as I was walking down the street. keked out loud
Islam isn't race. And I have hard time understanding how vandalizing both public and private property will end racism.
Antifa aren't anything more than anarchist thugs, more like Hollywood neo-nazis, they just have a No symbol over their swastikas.
I'm not a Europhobic ethnomasochist
I can actually fight.
ANTIFA is a bunch of leftist faggots. Eat a dick op.
Antifa are pussy ass rich kids trying to act rebel
Any Antifa cuck ever touches me I'll slice open his belly.
We are protecting them from racists-people like you!
We are righteous in our cause. We protect the innocent from persecution.
Is that not a noble goal?
>you have a different opinion, therefore you must be trolling. There's no other answer.
Good god. You're an American. Just shoot him.
Think of it as someone standing up for the weak kid against a bully. He is protecting the kid from the bully.
Well, it's the same thing here.
>preaching fascism
>it's antifascism guys
>be me
>found some graffiti shit
>"fuck god" "fuck muhamed" with antifa logo
Antifa is pretty based, I hate these skins like Kotleba more
Racist? Why, yes of course! Do YOU think negroes are equal?
I wish your parents had chosen hell when Cromwell asked.
I come from good home, my parents are quite wealthy, the only thing that makes me different from antifa faggots that I am not spoiled kid who thinks comunism is good, meanwhile browsing Internet on his macbook
Why do you identify with Palestinian people?
Of course they are, you piece of shit!
>You have a different opinion, RACIST! Die fascist scum! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
I agree
Fascists don't deserve free speech
So you're a fascist, then?
10/10 great logic.
Fascism by any other name smells just as sweet
Anti-fascism doesn't equal fascism.
Yeah I'm pretty much a racist.
>Think of it as someone standing up for the weak kid against a bully.
What kid, what bully?
You didn't explain shit.
The irony being, of course, that that which is "opposed to fascism" ends up displaying all the familiar trappings of fascism. Quit being a faggot.
well, i'm not into sandnigger semen like those cucks, so there is that.
Yea I agree, communists are responsible for over 100 million deaths but the fascists who sprung up to oppose communism in Germany are supposedly the bad guys.
Youd have to be delusional to not see the National Socialists are the good guy counter to the bad guy 100 million dead communists (antifa)
So Antifa are communists who are against people being against 100 million dead.
>Foreign jews attempt to steal Germany and call it a communist dictatorship
>political party springs up in outgrade
>foreign jews take up arms and start killing political party members
Clearly that political party is where the problem started, and not the 2 million strong army of jews trying to start a communist dictatorship in Germany, through violence alone.
I have to go on...
Your insistence on calling it "antifascism", a relic of some masterpiece of propaganda, is a way to lend righteousness to your cause. It is no different than "God wills it!" as a way to sidestep the fact that you need some sort of justification to fight fire with fire.
>whistles loudly
Well, you assholes keep calling me racist so sure, fine, I'm a racist. Now what are you going to do about it.
Go away.
>tfw anarchists and antifa traitors get fucking rekt by our police force every time they try to start up shit.
Feels so fucking good. If only the cops used real bullets on them instead of rubber ones.
Strawmen doesn't equal an argument
>What's your excuse for not being a member of ANTIFA yet
I wear a gadsden shirt with pride
That picture is so odd.
A white person beats another because of opinions. The beater also seems to be white, and the text implies it wants to do away with white pride.
Are these people so self-hating they have no pride at all? They're attacking a positive. It's not like the text says "Good night, white supremacism".
But then again, it is poster that glorifies violence, so it's not that intellectual.
There is nothing wrong being a racist.
I'm straight.
More like a bully bullying other kids for not letting another bully bully them.
It's a rich white kid beating a poor white middle aged man for refusing mass immigration that would make him homeless.
antifa was hijacked by fascist
so there you have it
It always was a globalist milicia.
They were just too dumb to understand that marxism isn't the banking elites's enemy.