Prove that Donald Trump is NOT racist

Prove that Donald Trump is NOT racist.

Pro tip; You can't.

Other urls found in this thread:

Racism doesn't exist, it's a social race.

It's impossible for him to be racist.

trump is NOT racist!

Islam is a religion, not a race.

Being racist is the only logical position. If you're "color blind", you're ignoring all of human biology.

White genocide.

Louis Farrakhan endorsed him. He's the closest thing to the pope of Islam in this country. He's also black.


It's one of the main reasons I like him because I believe he's a bit of a racist. I still don't think he's ever actually said anything racist tho like all the Mexicans and blacks keep saying

>1 post by this ID

Also, there is literally nothing wrong with being racist

Prove you are not an idiot.

b-b-but he has black and gay friends...

Fuck that question.

His vice is black or mexican. How would you feel?

Gee now that I think about it, I really can't...

He never did or said anything racist

Watch this video, it might clarify
>1 post by this ID

>1 post by this ID

> proving a negative

Can you Prove that he IS a racist.

Pro tip; You can't

Oh fuck off OP we all know this is another 1 post ID shill thread fucking faggot

Prove you're not a shill.

Pro tip; You can't.

>1 post by this ID

I tried to watch it but that god damn music. Yeah, music, way to tell me what to feel! Can't risk someone drawing their own opinion, better lay it on thicker even though it doesn't fit with anything that's being said. But what are you telling me to feel, music? Are you telling me to feel sad that the Trump from back then is dead and that now we're left with a crazy old husk of a man? That sounds like what the music is telling me.

Burden of proof falls on you and your claims, friend-o. Prove he is racist with quotes from him.

Remember that racism is defined as an illogical fear and that mudslims aren't a race but a culture that includes many races.

Innocent until proven guilty.
Prove he is.

Racism is a system of feelings and belief. God isn't real, but religion still exists.

He actually worships niggers. So maybe he is racist but against whites

I don't support Donald Trump.

tfw guilty until proven innocent rhetoric, op is retarded.

>prove he is racist with quotes from him

Not an argument.

>they're sending rapists

Also, you can be racist against Arabs.

That has been proven false. Go back to tumblr

That's not how arguments work. You have to prove that he is

I know you're just trying to keep this non-thread on life support but come on user

>says it's false
>nothing to back that claim up

Show proof or you're full of shit. Typical Cuckservative trying to say everything is a lie.

*tips Fedora

> proving a negative
Burden of proof is on the accuser my friend

1/10 made me reply

Muslim isnt a race
mexican isnt a race

You can't dis prove a negative claim

and it's your claim
Provide video shill
#sage this shit

Nice source on that quote ya got there

Blacks are fucking lazy though.

>Unsourced quote on a picture of Donald Trump
>Prove he didn't say it
Not a whole lot to see here shill.

Prove that Sup Forums cares.

>pro tip, you can't

prove that your mom is not a whore
pro tip: you're a jew so the question is moot

nice bot thread, shithole

Racism is the natural order. Your "race equality" is a social construct born in the 60's during the Civil Rights Era, the blackest chapter in American History (literally and figuratively) . Before that, the entire planet understood race and didn't race-mix. Hence, whitey conquered the world, with the exception of the nips.

But, you're likely just a paid shill, so I don't expect you to actually care about anything you're typing.

Proving negatives is possible, just not always your burden of proof. I can prove marries bachelors don't exist by mere definition, for example. I just proved married bachelors don't exist, or in other words proved a negative.

Could've been a decent video I would've sent to some friends, but the title is just biased af, and the music is retarded.. The title is just going make people defensive from the get-go

How do I prove a negative?

Can you prove you're not a racist?

>innocent until proven guilty

I thought we taught you modern rule of law?


hes certainly less racist than the majority of blacks

That's like when people say, "Prove that God doesn't exist," or, "Proce that Bigfoot doesn't exist." You need to bring the evidence to the table if you're claiming Trump is a racist


>posting in a slide thread
but you made me kek quite audibly



need more?

Unfortunately he's too moderate.
But the important thing is that his inevitable election will influence Europe to vote even more to the right.
If we are lucky we will get an anti-Islamist crusade by the end of the decade.

>literally hitler
t. carl

Prove that he is.
Mexicans and Muslims are not races.

Prove that you're not a fucking short eyed Pedo.
Pro tip. You can't.