Median household income: $36,338 (50th)
>TOP KEK me alone here in Brazil make more money than most families in Sup Forumsand; I bet if they didn't have any help from the federal government it would be a lot worse

Gun ownership: 55.3%
Murder rate: 5.6
Gun murder rate: 4.0
>This is Somalia and North Korea tier, check on the link

What is your excuse this time Sup Forums?

>Sup Forums is one person
Gun problem is a niggles problem

No one ever claimed Mississippi wasnt a shithole.

You monkey go look at your murder rates.

My city is far below these redneck levels, and that is what matters

>Confederate flag on flag
>High gun ownership
>Full of conservatives and republicans

This is close to pol's wet dream, why it doesn't work? :)

>What is your excuse this time Sup Forums?

That's the average racial composition of the US, that is no excuse you idiot

You realize the southeast US is fucking Planet of the Apes right?

No excuse

The gun murder rate for blacks is 5 times higher than whites in MS.

>That's the average racial composition of the US


I live on my.own and I earn around 32k a year. What's that in American money?

Yeah, okay, I take back what I say, but it is still close to the American average of 63% of Whites

My point is, your conservative leaning representatives and gun laws, etc. should work no matter the race, even if you only take in consideration White crimes, that's 200% higher than say the murder rates of Germany and UK (around 1)

U$ 45,200

>should work no matter the race

Only in tumblrinaland

>My point is, your conservative leaning representatives and gun laws, etc. should work no matter the race

When half of a place is full of niggers shit falls apart, you should know better, Favelastan.

Look at the Nigger population in that state and all of your questions, comments, and concerns about that state will be answered.

I think things would be a lot better here if the Good Ol Boy system of political cronyism and blatant corruption through almost all the public sectors could just fucking die, but people are so partisan-aligned here that it could be Christ himself and some people would refuse to vote for him if he had a (D) or (I) or (L) beside his name on the ballot

we wuz white n shit

Not bad. In guessing I could survive pretty well out there then

>monkey math comparison involving an entire country vs our shittiest state
>expecting to believe that anyone with at least two brains cells to rub together would want to live in Brazil under any circumstances

Its not even funny anymore, but your entire country and all of its inadequacies will be on full display during the Olympics. The horror stories are already leaking out.