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English fans throw change at kids in the street to watch them fight over it
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KEK, at least those kids are earning the money. Based Bongs.
The eternal Anglo keeping it classy as usual....
Shit, I wish I could do this in Israel.
now now son no need for the casual racism
Fucking France
What's the matter schlomo, upset they didn't throw any your way?
this is why they have to remain.
My parents did that to me before
I've done it to my half Mexican nephew
its not racist its hilarious
Are those your kids?
The French are uncivilized animals.
i went to ontario a few years ago with friends and there was a cluster of maybe 7 hobos sleeping across the street from our hotel
the next morning they were still there so we collected the change among us and threw it at them it was pretty funny
>The eternal Anglo keeping it classy as usual....
You know nothing about class, frog...
>That cunt tries to tell the England fans off for laughing/having fun.
>Tries to get the kids to go with her, they look at her like she's crazy and ask her for money.
Roma and gypsies
Who cared, they are scum
Saw this on kikebook this morning, trying to claim it was refugee children
Your not the only one reeee
>Makes me wonder if we actually deserve to stay in the EU
No - no we don't deserve to stay. Vote leave!
Also, how the fuck are they mocking them? Top kek.
This guy^
Hahah nice one mates.
They're Roma / Gypsy kids, were probably there to steal from the drunken English
Surrender frog
Triggered m8s oi
>be british nation
>go to france
>get your ass beaten by russians
>get your ass beaten by french
>get it out on local homeless kids
god bless the queen
kek, that's just the average frog. Smelly and unwashed.
What kike are you friends with that thinks the eu is good thing
Ah yes, because they were definitely beating up those kids. You're lucky the French police or locals weren't there because they'd have hurt them.
was that woman a random frog or gypsy mom?
kekd hard
probably some libtrd frog who who knows nothing about gypsies
need a version of the anglos making monkeys fight replaced with change
im so glad that that woman feels so good about saving the day
my sides in orbit
Looks like a good time desu
>the silver rock spider at the end
fuckin lolllllllllllll, holy shit, this is great
>Local kids
Ah, so the Arabs have really taken over France.
I should do this with all the crackheads in Vancouver
It's called Jewfishing and we used to do it in school. You'd throw a coin down the hallway and watch people fight over it.
Oh wow, this is it? I've read about this yesterday and the stories sounded as if the anglo devil himself stripped the children naked an let them fight to the death in a pit over a coin. I should have known that the reality was much more harmless.
top kek
probably gypsies
Top fucking kek.
Good show, chaps. Good show.
You can laugh now, but they'll be knifing you in the guts for it in a few years time if things keep going as they are.
I'm not even going to bother going to Europe for a holiday at this rate, I'm probably going to go to Iran before Hillary bombs it.
Same thing happens if you throw a bunch of coins at gipsies.
Bonus points if they're different clans.
>10 minutes later the woman was raped by the migrant childrens father after they finally scraped together enough change to fuel his red bull purchase to reinvigorate his boner
top fucking kek
Brits keeping the real life bantz alive.
Kek I am not even kidding we would do this in school at breaks
Threw a euro in the middle of the ground, all the 12 year old shitskins would literally hit each other to get it
Best time of my life
Haha I would do that with Tokens when I worked a Chuckie Cheese. Kids would dive head first into the handful of tokens I threw on the ground.
britcuck btfo
why are they so fucking fat
>implying Ben Bernake didn't do the exact same and laugh as banks fought over it.
Because they're American
Look Sadiq, just keep mailing the crumpets and everything will be halal
I went to a school that was 60 percent black so I would throw change on the floor and let them go ape shit over it
lol at them ignoring the left wing cunt.
Fucking anglo
Makes you think..
>british humour
god i love the brits
Isn't that what Jews do to people?
>whiny harpy starts bitching
>not a single fuck given
>mfw I can't have a progressive french gril who wears hip clothing and stands up for poor kids
While it is funny as fuck and I support that behaviour, how can brits propagate the idea they are civilized? Brits are the same scum Russians are and in some cases even worse, the fact is that they got beaten because they are weak shits and not because they are
>too civilized.
Because we don't start fights and we normally try to avoid them. That, and the ultras train to hurt people, the hooligans are just drunk and silly.
The real question is why is Bulgaria lecturing us about being civil?
Are streets in Europe really that packed?
those are gypsy kids, i thought youd notice your own.
jeans and leather jacket, hip clothing, where the fuck do you live?
ITS euro cup, its tourish streets, its summer.
Yeah streets are that packed.
Somebody play devil's advocate for me here because I, for the life of me, can't think about a single reason why this is an outrage.
Kids love to fight over shit like this, toss candy or a rubber ball and they'll go chasing after it as well.
Are the English the new niggers of europe?
Why can't the be civilised like the Irish?
They look like tanned germans to me
kek I used to do this in Afghanistan
aww so cute.
Clearly the tourists were dropping coin to escape Templar guards
What is that cunt telling to the lads?
Yeah, looking at them again I actually think those are probably German kids by their complexion.
They are working for the Israelis
day of the rope is coming shill
potato nigger
lmao they don't give a shit
Their favourite pastime is drinking copious amounts of lager and sitting down NOT doing sports.
Brits are all about having banter when will you guys learn
They do anything if they can get a laugh out of it
They're not really hooligans anymore just the fucking 'barmy army' that's why they annihilated by Russian Ultras that train UFC all year for these tournaments. Like English fans in the 80s
The Brits are fat and pathetic jokers now, for the best
anglos most cowardly pussies
Mohammed mad?
that's hilarious and wonderful
also this "7 year old"
>challenge 25
Should have just paid the kid to kill him self Muslims are that stupid they would do it
It should be Anglo Internet Defence Syndicate, AIDS
Actually we needed to become your overlords 1000 years ago in order to teach you how to behave.
holy fuck. this is hilarious
you bongs are fucking killing me right now
why is every french kid I see non-white??
English hooligans don't know how to fight but at least they are funny
>tfw no french qt will shout "shame on you" while you watch the peasants battle over 1c
litteral niggers
>that butthurt French cunt
Top kek, lads.
half of these are made up sadly