When you hate islam so much you become faggot lover.
Alt-right in a nutshell
I would rather have a fag as a neighbor than a moslem
>that's right, goy, don't worry about Islam, it's those dirty fags!
Closet fag detected
Yea except white nationalism isnt alt right, or even a right wing group.
literally you are a jew. jews promote both gayness and islam
So be it, achmed
Fag neighbours = my property value goes up. Area gets gentrified, new cafes and restaurants open , and overall things get very comfy.
Muslim neighbours = crime shoots up, rape epidemic, my property value declines to shit and I have to flee to a white area.
It's pretty fucking simple to understand.
These are the subversives and infiltrators people talk about
Lose the fags
>Implying Muslims are preferable to gays
>Implying an insignificant portion of the population playing for the other team is the sexual degeneracy destroying society
>Implying casual sex/hookup culture/promiscuity & easy divorce aren't far more corrosive than fags could ever be.
>that's right goy, the only way to stop radical islam is to support cultural marxism
Fucking France man! Go back to Algeria Abdul!
>gays eliminate themselves from the genepool thus posing no threat to civilization as long as adoption is banned
>muslims breed like rabbits and are violent retards
really makes you think
fags bring up the property value
Even if you hate faggots, they don't blow people up constantly.
Sometimes you have to take the lesser of evils.
Less than 1% of the population they said.
Wont have a negative impact on society they said.
I don't agree with homosexuality, but I don't think homos should be murdered for liking it up the butt
No, but they should be politically marginalized and kept to dark nightclubs, and people should be made aware just how common aids is among them.
>that's right goy Muslims are a threat to Israel and our (((secular))) western values
>implying being gay is genetic and not a sinful lifestyle that is more popular the more it becomes accepted
Unity against a common enemy.
There's literally nothing wrong with gays. Fundamental Christians are holding back the right. Most alt right are pretty young which just shows how the old version of the right in America will die out soon
Islam want to kill all jews.
Fags want to kiss all jews and are actively promoted by jews.
Sure, Islam shouldn't be out of middle eastern countries, but if you don't see the many positive things in Islam, you have officially fallen for the jew propaganda, goy.
>people should be made aware just how common aids is among them.
More important than that is making people aware of how they get AIDS to begin with.
The odds of getting HIV from having unprotected anal sex with another man are around 0.1%. Even if a fag were to have unprotected anal sex with a different HIV infected fag every day for an entire year there's still an incredibly high chance he would not be infected by the end of it.
Despite that, 1 in 5 fags in the USA (as far as we know) has HIV.
Do the math.
Eastern muslim over fag any day
Common enemy is always a fair stance
>There's literally nothing wrong with gays. Fundamental Christians are holding back the right.
There is no right without religion you're just a degenerate racist liberal.
That's offensive. We're FAG ENABLERS not faggot lovers. Get it right, stupid Pollock.
You're a closet fag if you hate fags, not the other way around.
This. I don't want Muslims in any Christian country and they should stay where they are but I'll take Muslims over degenerate atheists ANY day.
However most muslims dont live in the middleast. The largest muslim country is indonesia. However sunnis and basically all sufis live in the eastern muslim world, the shits are in iraq and iran.
At least fags don't explode
And what's the difference?
>source: my ass and LGBT sponsored "research"
Only retarded pol memers going on about degeneracy have a problem with gays. They find them gross, and they let that emotion control them to the point where they think degeneracy is the worst thing happening in the west. Anyone with any intelligence knows, regardless of how much fags make your stomach turn on an emotional level, that Muslims are infinitely worse., and pose a much greater threat
One enjoys it up the butt the other does it to prove they aren't homophobic
Politics means sometimes making alliances with people you disagree with against people that want you both dead.
Eastern muslims are better than any hardcore leftist fag
Fags die childless because society doesn't oblige them to get married and have kids.
In a few generations their numbers will be greatly reduced, because the genes that influence the predisposition to homosexuality will reduce in frequency.
The muslims are constantly increasing their numbers and they invade non muslim countries in huge numbers.
They are a much more urgent danger.
Yeah but the point of the politics is also to not betrey your goals. There's a diffrence beetwen tolerating and accepting. I honestly prefer muslim minorityr then the destroction of society with ideology "fuck anyone you want to".
Why you are hating fags so much, are you afraid of being a fag
>Fags die childless because society doesn't oblige them to get married and have kids.
>In a few generations their numbers will be greatly reduced, because the genes that influence the predisposition to homosexuality will reduce in frequency.
Yeah, because that is working so well up to now right?
Faggotry is cultural, and culture is controlled by the jews, which are the same people that are promoting muslim invasion.
>people still think that christian extremists have any power on politics
So cheeky.
Libertarians were never faggot haters you mongrel.
>implying there aren't closet faggots inside this 72 %
This Polishman understands the distinction.
Given the choice of an American or a foreigner, I'll pick the American every time.
Only pol hates fags because 'muh degeneracy'. Only religious idiots have any real reason to dislike fags.
Yeah no you are a spastic
Really? Your one post by id cant see the end game?
Fancy shitpost m8
>being right-wing means super low taxes and hating muslims
Enjoy your stupidity or raising yours wife non-binary gender fluid transgender fag son, becouse thats how it ends tolerating degeneracy in society.
If your society is fragile enough to be broken by 3.5% of the population AT MOST, then it's pretty fuckin' pitiful and hardly anything to brag about or defend.
But I'm on Sup Forums so uh, sorry to break the circle jerk.
>all these idiots so butthurt they prefer literal savages to their countrymen who happen to be fags
put up a sign on your lawn that says god hates fags and you might get some strong words
put up a sign on your lawn with a drawing of muhammed and you get firebombed
love em or hate em fags are a part of us, they look like us, they speak our language and they hold most of our values - muslim subhumans range from arabs to monkey niggers and hate you and everything you stand for and would turn the west into a caliphate in a heartbeat - that goes for the moderate ones too
being blinded by ideology is one thing but suicidaly so? fuck off
>people don't understand alt-right
Why does everyone on this board assume it was about fascism?
If you assign yourself as fascist, go to the south and join the Aryan Brotherhood.
Is it because you want to leech off of a group that has a ton of influence?
Alt-Right was about people bred in the current cultural climate that have right wing opinions.
It doesn't talk focus on social demeaners, nor does it care.
"The enemy, of my enemy, is my friend"
The west was fine with homos until christianity, judaism and islam invaded our civilization.
Learn your history you fake rightist christcuck.