Well Sup Forums, What do we tell him?
Well Sup Forums, What do we tell him?
Go away.
tell him to kill himself
build the wall fernando
To Sup Forums 's credit, most things on here are posted with a screenshot of a real article. "Muh not true" just because theres satire on here. Kys fernando
How did he get your email?
Tell him you must first consult with kek and you must also verify that his isn't a practicing jew, of jewish heritage or a shabbos goy
>1 post by this ID
Don't be a soft cunt. Vote leave.
>little to nothing of true merit has been written on Sup Forums
Well fuck you too, mr writercunt
This. GTKRWN 14/88.
It's a reddit message.
Teach him the values of National Socialism and white nationalism.
tell him to jam a rusty metal bar up his ass, with a marker tied to the end, and if he promises to write the article with the bar, he can interview us
pics as proof, as always
Spicfag here. I can translate what Ferdie is trying to say. He means that nothing of merit has been written about Sup Forums (ie. news articles) and that, although there is quite a bit of shitposting, there are serious discussions taking place.
Sanitizing discourse through encouraging "political correctness" creates far greater problems than it fixes.
Empiricism is being marginalized and platonic relativism is dominating political discussions.
Academia and universities now encourage a homogenization of thought rather than the exploration of new ideas.
Not all people are created equal.
Conflict is natural and might does at times make right.
>"You have to go back"
Blame everything on reddit. Sup Forums is a board of peace.
Gender-based roles are natural and nothing to be ashamed of.
Learn to fucking read fatass.
Sup Forums is satire
> Conflict is natural and might does at times make right.
Moral law is an invention of mankind for the disenfranchisement of the powerful in favor of the weak. Historical law subverts it at every turn.
>Retard gets job at news paper
>Too fucking retarded to understand the subtle nuances of Sup Forums
>Blames Sup Forums for being a fucking retard who can't grasp nuance.
>Asks for help despite blaming others for being a retard.
Seems legit.
Everyone get a cock.li email and troll him
Dubs chooses the narrative we push
We write a reply to him one word at a time.
Reddit fag detected.
Ignore him.
Best meme. We're a board of peace, comprised of loyal goys.
Muslim posts are below the dignity of a response
Muslims are bad
Hi Fernando! Ready to go back and build the Great Wall? Fuck you and fuck Forbes.
Best reply.
Retarded plebs who can't grasp the nuances of Sup Forums shouldn't have their existence legitimized with any form of acknowledgement other than pure, unbridled hatred.
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is a satirical board created by the Hilary campaign to link Trump to neo-Nazism and thereby discredit him, and is primarily staffed by volunteers from a number of left-leaning news sources including Jezebel and the rest of Gawker, the Daily Kos, Huffpo, Buzzfeed, and certain Tumblr communities.
w-wha? Common sense from a leaf?
Fuck this clown. Journalism today is a farce, an this faggot wants us to give him a story.
You never trust an OP who doesn't reply to his own thread
The OP and the Spic, I bet they are one.
>little to nothing of true merit has been written on this popular board
Why bother indulging him? If that's his preassumption, he'll just just look for ways to re-affirm it.
Trump did nothing wrong
Here is the retard.
If you're really Canadian then you should have no trouble pointing out Edmonton on this map.
Kek. Sick Cunt bantz.
Looks like he's part dindu, has a spic name.
I think we know what needs to be done.
Fuck off.
Looks like a bunch of faggots from /k/ went and gave him a story. So he's never going to go away now.
>mexican intellectuals
we did it
>A large campsite has been rented 20 minutes from a shooting range for private use. There is no running water or electricity.
brilliant reporting
Tell him he has got to go back
could you possibly find a less professional, generic, obviously made up email (why not qwerty while you are at it) and then attribute it to a fucking FORBES columnist?
Really? I just had to disable ad block.
OP is obviously Fernando. Don't pay attention to it and hopefully it will go away.
I'm not Fernando, I...I...promise....
Tell him this is the only real place where true and uncensored discussion can occur, though that then means that shitposters, racists, and other types of unsavoury types are allowed to post as well.
By racist, I don't mean the liberal interpretation of "you shared facts about Muslims, therefore racist" or "blacks commit the most crime, here are the statistics" but actual racists who hate everyone of a certain race.
>throwaway e-mail isn't professional
what a shocker