As you all probably know the US is currently left with only 62% whiteys, part of them being unproductive, faggot-pandering, muzzy-enabling leftist scum since the other 38% are bound to grow like cancer and further reduce the proportion of productive whites, when do you think peak negro will occur and trigger a country-wide white flight, like happened before in cities like Detroit, or even entire states like commiefornia, crashing the US with no survivors?
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that kind of white flight will probably not happen again. a lot of whites still work in the cities. they just don't live there anymore. you just can't live 500 miles away from good jobs
shamless self bamp
fuck the shills
Don't you think those productive whiteys (and the only tax-payers, let's face it) will not consider re-immigrating to Europe?
I thought the blacks are already being reduced because they abort too much.
Probably when the mexicans become majority and take over will relegate them to ghettos and let them starve.
From what I hear the Mexican gangs are already killing the blacks if they get in their neighborhoods.
Funny you should start the thread with an image that's more unsettling than people potentially moving around.
Phosphate is the basis of our entire food industry and the finite supply dwindling alarmingly fast. Especially with rise of so called "organic" farming more and more phosphorus is being allowed to go to waste instead of going into our food plants.
>Especially with rise of so called "organic" farming more and more phosphorus is being allowed to go to waste instead of going into our food plants.
What the fuck are you on about, Finn? Explain yourself
white people inhabit 90% of this country
the dindus and other minorities are fucking enclosed in the cities
so stfu with this "DURR 60%" bullshit
phosphorus is an indispensible component of fertilizers who are in turn indispensible to feed about 5b people as of now.
By 2033, when the peak occurs, there will be a shortage of food for about 180m people, and it will keep doing the same year, after year until the population returns to about 2.5b people (the amount that can be fed without fertilizers)
It's THE happening, and there is absolutely Nothing to stop it.
>consider re-immigrating to Europe
HAHAHAHAHA. Youre more fucked than us Europe. I would still rather have a job here than sit around in europe waiting for Abu to kill me.
probably not. it's mostly the liberals that are the ones that travel and live abroad. the bill of rights is a pretty compelling reason to stay in the usa since it always guarantees you have a fighting chance
Nice trips. Also, along the same lines, even at 62% there are still almost twice as many white people in this country now as there were in 1940. It'll never be 90% white again, but our raw number are fine.
that's true. what's also true is that niggers and the flooding of spics in our country are changing the voting demographics completely. we may not live with them, but make no mistake, we're living in their country. we're fucked, bro
I think your bill of right is just fucked now that democrats are guaranteed to win in every election due to population composition.
Don't get me wrong, it's a sad thing, and ultimately bad for them too, but i think it's inevitable.
Even Minority fertility rates are dropping drastically. The Overall White Population is still higher at
"Organic" fertilizers aren't made to optimize phosphorous consumption, so a lot of it is simply washed away from the crops by rainwater and goes to seaweeds.
Developed countries can cope with this since we have the technology to make efficient fertilizers, genetically modify plants to survive with less phosphates and to reclaim phosphorous from our waste streams. Of course we'll need to keep a billion starving niggers at bay while doing it.
the fucking of the bill of rights is why the bill of rights exists. if that makes sense. if they start pulling the bullshit then people will rise up and be justified in doing so. those oppose would be marked as traitors
I'm afraid nothing will happen as dindus, spics, and mentally-ill whites outnumber you.
Srsly, get out of this trap while you still can.
- a concerned frog
i appreciate your concern. we'll be alright. if the usa falls then entire west will follow suit. i would rather live and die in my homeland than watch its destruction consume the rest of the world
Why would whites go from a cucked nation to an even more cucked continent?
Abortion and violence keeps blacks as a stable portion of the population. Their population is growing at the same rate as the US population as a whole.
Add to that dwindling oil resources that power all the the farming equipment and move food around
>being fine with losing territory to spics and nigs.
>10% invaded.
If they spread a bit more you can rename yourself to the Divided States of Uganda and New New Mexico.
as someone involved in soil science (carbon cycle) the phosphate peak is an oh fugg moment, i could see inda and china throwing a shitfit when they start to run out of food
It probably won't be because blacks, it'll be because Mexicans
The blacks are practically stagnant population wise, same with Asians. Mexicans/Hispanic will fill the gap.
People overeat/waste food constantly. If what you are talking about actually happens the price of food will go up and people will simply be more conservative with their eating habits
I don't know what's going to happen. We're going to be the minority in our own goddamn country. Probably as soon as our lifetimes. It's depressing as hell and I see no way to fix the problem.
I just don't understand why every other race gets to have their own countries but whites? No fucking way. We have to bend the knee and accept the shitskin savages.
Peak negro occured in the 1800's
The people that are replacing whites in the US aren't blacks
The black population has gone up by like 2% over the last 70 years
And that was after it went down 6% over the last 70 years before that
I should also add that for whites, there's no good place left to go. We're fucked.
Whites might migrate to White majority areas though as crimes rate rise.
Gated communities might become the norm in crime-riddled states/cities
I'd be more worried about Hispanics overrunning everything before blacks do.
>white flight
white flight is happening in many states already, like NJ. NJ was 80% white in the 80s and now is under 50%.. in 15-20 more years whites in NJ will only make up 30ish % of NJ.
but then you have other states like Maine that are 94% white.
Newark NJ is the next Detroit
Yesterday was my first visit to TRS and I skimmed through their dictionary. I chuckled at "Peak Negro" and now you're posting a thread about it. This kinda stuff creeps me the fuck out. Can some explain what phenomenon that is?
b2t: During the 2024 election cycle.
The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon.
Unfortunately I think you're right. But there's no where to go. I'm afraid we'll have to fight and die here in our own homeland.