Do Americans actually buy guns when they go away for school
Do Americans actually buy guns when they go away for school
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Americans buy guns all the time for any occasion.
Well thanks to affirmative actions and #BLM college campuses are filled with dangerous and violent minorities.
I'm american,people here obsessed with guns are usually compensating for something else. Though they'd never admit that to themselves.
Yes. I'm saving up for some proper training and a gun right now, but I'm currently in uni
Depends on where you're going.
In that video, the specific topic is what to do if you're a gun enthusiast and what to do if you're going to college. In other words, what are some guns you can easily keep with you in that situation.
yea were compensating for all you faggot anti american leftists we have to contend with.
My university is smack in the middle of the ghetto. Shootings and robberies occurs daily just off campus where a lot of students live. Wouldn't need the guns if there weren't so many nogs.
Yeh cause we all know if you buy a gun for any reason you have a small millimeter Peter. God forbid you get one for self defense.
Are American colleges that bad that you need to have a gun with you?
Does your campus let you carry them with you?
Absolutely not. The city is strict on gun laws even though the state is not. We have a small army of security guards and police but as soon as you're off campus you just cannot rely on them. Concealed carry is highly recommended if you live off campus.
Bullshit flag, nobody in the States goes to "uni" and you don't need to save up for any training, go buy a gun and go to the range, or ask your veteran uncle.
Do japanese really stuff ping pong balls in there ass and eat seaweed for breakfast?
>American colleges
yes, because a lot of of American colleges are in nigger ghettos for some reason.
you think hiroshima posts as user on Sup Forums?
nice feminist talking point
I get guns for Christmas
That would depend on where you go. Obviously inner city colleges surrounded by vibrancy and dindus means you might want to keep protection. It's nothing really to do with college but where that college happens to be located.
Furthermore, home invasions protection is not the only reason to own a gun.
>in texas
>people cc on campus
my school is full of pahjeets but i think i know a few guys who carry
only the gun nuts who go to college for six months, drop out and start posting on Sup Forums
>people here obsessed with guns are usually compensating for something else.
people obsessed with anything really
we seem to be an obsessive nation, time for a rebirth so we can direct ourselves towards science and nature
>home invasions protection is not the only reason to own a gun.
having an active military participation in your country is healthy and many nations do this less for protection and more for community involvement
No, buy myself and a few other guys carry our guns with us anyway. Our school has about 2 or 3 cops at any given time. But it is a pretty big place.
Owner of gun and graduating bachelor's in comp engineering in August here. Kill yourself shitlib
>saving up for some proper training
did you take a course to use power tools too you cuck?
t. Samantha Shekelstein
Why point out your American if i can see your flag?
There was a gun in the drawer that the nog stole, sure seems like owning a gun saved his life.
Compensating for the lack of ability to fire hot lead from their hands for self-defense.
Christ, do niggers just act like violent apes wherever they live? Fucking hell
you wish you had our freedom, nipponese ally
Poster is probably some liberal criminal rapist who is butt hurt that the person he plans to rape has a gun.
The ones ITT who'll defend those videos do
The same ones who say this country doesn't have a gun problem
I buy guns when I make a trip to the liquor store. Booze, porn, and ammunition.
It doesn't.
why are you posting ones with only black bad guys
yes. now imagine living like this without being able to own a gun.
Sorry not many white or Asian criminals.
Asian criminals in murrica is like finding a unicorn.
I feel like id go to jail if I had a gun.
like not only would I shoot the home intruder, but if I caught one id execute him judge dredd style.
I put a muslim in a wheelchair once, and got away with it.
if I was American id be like judge dredd, id just be waiting for an excuse to kill someone on the street and it be completely legal
Then maybe you shouldn't own a gun.
I would love to see someone from Sup Forums use their gun in self-defense. My guess is the gun will slip out of their sweaty/greasy hands, and then they will be murdered.
Yea but I think the decision was unrelated to actual college.
I had some disposable cash, just bought a new PC, figured it could be fun.
>top 10 purchases I ever made
t. Jamal
If I were American (and free) I'd own a gun to compensate for not being as strong or as aggressive as violent criminals.
You live in baltimore as well?
Some banks when you open a checking account will give you a free shotgun.
It would depend on where I live.
I feel safe now, but if I was in a shithole where everyone else had one id buy one so its even.
Daaamn, his eye just flew out!
so you would carry a bat everywhere you went
for sporting
So is that why you always want to grab it because you can't come out of the closet
I'm not saying based on that. If you feel that you'd start finding excuses to kill people or niggers, then maybe you're not in a good state of mind for a firearm. It's akin to the liberals who are afraid of guns because they're afraid of what they'd do with it.
I'm compensating for not being able to spit lead out of my mouth at a speed of 1800 m/s at a rate of 600 pieces of lead a minute, and until I master the art of doing so, I will continue using guns to defend myself.
>lying on the internet
You forgot about the athlete rapists the schools give an 'education' to for sports programs!!
Seriously OP do you have any idea how many dindus are in college these days thanks to affirmative action?
>I'm american,people here obsessed with guns are usually compensating for something else. Though they'd never admit that to themselves.
>1 post by this ID
>t. my ass
Does it bother you that that Lefty cuck died begging for his life as the cold steel slipped in and out of his body, wondering why the government couldn't protect him?
Does it bother you that one of your own ideological kinsmen choked to death on his own blood, sputtering and thinking of his family, as he was overpowered and slashed to ribbons on his own property?
I know it doesn't bother you, because you don't care about anyone, or anything, except virtue signalling to other disgusting ignorant Lefitsts and demanding that the government give you more shit you didn't earn. But for those of us who are not born cowards, who desire to defend ourselves and our kin from the predatory advances of criminals and tyrants, it boils the blood.
>are usually compensating for something else
oh look, yet another dick obsessed liberal!
protip - i compensate for being old and not being able to fight off a pack of wild basketball americans
I'll stop you right there, guy. How could I be Jamal if I write in complete sentences?
Auto correct can't tell that you're a nigger. Yet.
>I'm saving up for some proper training
Here is the training:
The end with the hole you point at things you want to kill, and only at things you want to kill. Don't put your finger on the trigger until you intend to kill it.
Now, go buy a fucking gun.
Maybe he means training for CCW permit, friend.
Well so much for shooting someone will make them squeeze the trigger.
Philly. Same shit basically.
I wouldnt stand in the ghetto or go some bar known for fight and wait to shoot someone. im saying, id like to have one so if some cunt ever tries to pull something id get the satisfaction knowing im safe,
again only if I moved to a shitty area. where Iam now im fine.
like all the webm's that are being posted. that kind of justice, I like that,
I am just so sick and tired of seeing the crime stats by race.
Are some groups just fucking incapable of producing people who have a low risk of committing violent crimes at the drop of a fucking hat?
there's something I heard from an old military guy who explained this clip to me.
Apparently if you aim to hit between the upper lip and the bottom of the nose, the bullet will hit the brainstem, which will negate any post-life jolts or reactions that could lead to squeezing.
Makes sense, I guess it's still a risky shot to take in such a situation.
>Yuropoors and slant eyes will never know the joy of a graduation gun or back to school gun sale.
Stay cucked faggots
did he get hurt?
carrying a bat and physically hurting someone with it requires a higher morality than simply shooting someone, it also requires you to have trained upperarms
yes and this is why people that want to ban guns generally don't live around nigs
Skin got grazed. me thinks.
can't wait for the first prank video where someone dies
absolute based beer belly guy
tiny dick detected.
Fucking nice!!!!
>sawed off moist nugget
wew lad
Because reality is that way
You are Australian, Have you ever seen an abo? Add more violence and a pinch of slightly improved Intelligence. And boom, you have an all American nigger.
Only white people.
The rest of us don't constantly trade and buy/sell guns like it's some sort of collectible card game.
yeah my dick can't fire bullets at high velocities
We had guns in my home growing up, but none of them were "mine". I bought my first rifle after I moved away to college, but that was more because I had turned 18 and I could. I never planned to use it in self defense, and I never ended up in a situation where I needed to defend myself even though I lived in little Somalia. Plenty of other students got robbed and occasionally shot or stabbed but I just avoided dangerous looking groups and kept an eye on my surroundings. Hopefully I will never live anywhere that culturally enriched again, and if I do I will start carrying.