Migrants will save the European gene pool

German minister of finances: you people are degenerate inbreds that can only be saved by some migrant cocks and meat flaps


Sup Forums BTFO once again

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He's talking abourt cultural stagnation, not genetic.
It's still bullshit btw

Don't listen to that tard on wheels. I would never trust a man that hasn't felt blood in his dick in 30 years.

is this why Switzerland is ~40% foreigners?

>to close europe to migrants is inviting consanguinity and degeneracy
>we need to open europe to them to insure openness and diversity

German politician everyone.
Destroying Europe once again

You elected one as your head of state.

Say it with me
"The first Green Party head of state in the world"

26% yes, all europeans fleeing their "great countries".

I truly wonder why.

>cultural stagnation, not genetic.
Wow geez,in a world totally consumed about economics and the material

>cultural stagnation
Can he still hear?
There is more culture churned out today than ever before in history.

Sadly this is true.
Ive heard shit long time ago, that no one will work for my pension, because there just arent enough ppl.
All women want fucking black cocks.

>26% yes, all europeans fleeing their "great countries".
Ahahaha,where are those europeans my friend?
I never saw any,except for the stressed out,assholish swiss.

Socialism is killing us.

>have 40kk christian slavic ukranians waiting to swarm to EU
>ok let's invite some subhumans that will do the trick

Srsly I dislike ukies but they're better and more civilized then niggers ever will be. Why don't take them instead?

no sorry m8, he's talking about inbreeding.

that's because they try their hardest to integrate, but swiss people can often tell them apart. they are usually the ones whining that we bully them for not being real swiss

I hear ya

Yeah, lets fix inbreeding by importing people from the most inbred nations on earth.

leftislogic, not even once

>There is more culture churned out today than ever before in history.

that's why they'll get their mandatory free german women

Slavs are lazy shits who hate working but are smart enough for real organised crime.

t. Slav

Guys, I recently found out that my grandparents were Syrian.
What am I going to do? I always thought I was white.

Shill thread


yes good goy, let's get more "foreign workers" they are all highly skilled after all !
So skilled they'll engineer a better race by screwing your women !

well yeah, german politician are retarded

This isn't about germans being inbred, Germany needs to import migrants so that we can help their gene pool by giving them German women to breed with

how tolerant

I prefer the old version of German eugenics, this is a disgrace


Reminder that Schäuble is effectively the most powerfull man in Europe.

Oh God, spouting such bullshit. Please tell me the Germans are outraged or feel insulted, at least.

Reitrement was the biggest mistake i history next to women vote.

not really

weirdly enough french media was upset about it though

>weirdly enough french media was upset about it though
They're probably aware first hand about how Mudslimes marry their cousins. An Iraqi friend I had in high school married his cousin and moved away from Canada. Around 50% of them marry their first cousins.

Der Chef-Eugeniker Schäuble - offenkunding ein biologistischer Rassist - argumentiert mit stalinistischer Umvolkungslogik.

Gegen die Juden und die Polen darf dieser umgepolte Altnazi nicht mehr wettern, nur noch am geknechteten deutschen Volk darf dieser selbsternannte Herrenmensch seine politischen Allmachtphantasien austoben. Für die Auslöschung des deutschen Volkes haben seine jüdischen Herrchen ihm ihren Segen gegeben, ein Holocaust am deutschen Volk als Rache für den Holocaust.

Wenn man sich Schäubles dysgenische Familienmitglieder anguckt, mit ihren Inzuchtfressen , vor allem sein korruptes heissgeliebtes Töchterlein das von ihrem korruptem Väterlein mit Pöstchen und Einkommen bedacht worden ist - dann weiss man woher diese kruden Ideen über Inzest kommen. Der braucht sich ja nur das Familienbild auf seinem Schreibtisch anzugucken.

i get free muslim qt if i go to yurop?

Leftists in positions of authority absolutely hate whites, hate western civilization, hate christianity, and hate our countries

>well yeah, german politician are retarded
You really believe that they actually think that they want to import shitskins to fix a population/genetic problem? It's just the most valid excuse they could come up with to appease the most moronic part of the population.

This is all subversive social engineering.

He's in a fucking welchair hahahaahahahahaha


>"switzerland is full of foreigners"
>"switzerland has low crime rate because it's a homogenous society"

fugg which one is it...

>European foreigners
>Guns everywhre
>No poor allowed

to what goal ? make europe a dumpster like africa and the middle east ?

maybe because they are forced to integrate and we bully them enough so they don't act out ?

or maybe because most foreigners we have are somewhat hard working and come from civilized countries after all.

Still, we have way too many foreigners. at least 2M too many.

The European plantation needs more slave labor.

You people never had a chance.

The West will have Rome 2.0 all over again because we never fucking learn.

The EU is all a USA plan to create conflict ad get rid of competition.
USA want a civil war in Europe, that's the only way their economy can survive.

>to what goal ?
Eleminate middle class and have a low IQ slave negroid race. It's in Kalergi's plan. Also Merkel blatantly pointed it out in an interview about the possible problematics of a foreign culture replacing the european's.

>>"switzerland is full of foreigners"

There is a difference between a large group of Portuguese or French foreigners and a large group of Muslimes or Apefricans.

meanwhile in russia en.news-front.info/2016/06/16/stoltenberg-russia-building-military-zone-of-influence/

I really wish europe would die a lot faster, the slow death is driving me insane

I like this plan tbqh
what does that make me ?

Just like South America, you can only be a country with 5% grouth without having tons and tons of poor dumb people breeding and ready to exploit.
Also dumb so they can't climb the social pyramid and stay poor like in India.

No fucking way Eskimos are that smart. They are dumber than spit.

>Implying it wasn't rigged.

these numbers are rather low, we are more than 25% non-swiss now

do you realize how insane this is ? a fourth of our population is foreign, even in war time it doesn't happen.

and to make things worse we just have no living space left here, the country is too tiny for 8+M inhabitants
I just hate this state of things.

The only thing that can threaten american world domination is a russian-german alliance. German brain power and know-how and russian ressources and military power = unilateral american world domination turns into good old cold war power blocks.

But this is only possible if the russians get to form an alliance with the 100 IQ ethnic germans. So the master plan of the americans - who have occupied Germany with their military since WW2 and exert absolute control over the german government now, even spying on their trusted employee Merkel - the master plan of the americans is to replace the 100 IQ ethnic german males with 80-90 IQ shitskins and niggers. To accomplish this goal, they are using methods of soft genocide as defined by various UN declarations: colonization, an apartheid system that favors the muslim colonists, and the annihilation of the german family unit through a combination of austerity, extremely low wages combined with high taxes, and precarious 'hire and fire' employment. Throw in a police state, state censorship, gleichgeschaltete Lügenpresse and zero civil rights for ethnic germans and there's your genocide.

All this, to permanently destroy a threat to unilateral american-jewish world domination.


>He's talking abourt cultural stagnation

What the fuck?

That makes even less sense. Europe and the US is creating the tech, apps, games, movies the entire rest of the world consumes.

This is the peak of western cultural dominance over the entire world.

>western cultural dominance
oh. my. god. are you a fucking nazi ?
how dare you say western culture dominates others ?

you fucking disgusting right winger

I agree that's insane. It would've been worse, had your foreigners been mostly non-Europeans. I live in the greater Toronto area and it's a comedy show. In the case of Canada , the only point of immigration is to inflate real estate prices since we have close to 0 industry that requires unskilled labour.

Exactly that, if Trump wins, he won't allow that.
That's our hope right now, if he's also one of them we done goofed.

Yeah I know, I need a forced basket weaving and mud hut building cultural exchange from some click speaker.

No computer use for a month until I apologize to people who WUZ KANGS N SHIT.

that and you guys literally have only 2 cities to live in if you speak english.

Add fluent french and it goes a bit up, but still.
reminds me of that dumb video (that I like because of the non of it joke)

Don't you have like a fuck ton of space to build houses or plant things?

Can't tell if bait, but if not: Arabs as Semites are an offshoot of the Caucasian races whites belong to as well. In addition, the North of the Islamic World (including Syria) is known to have large populations with Aryan (Persian) or Hellenic admixture. Odds are your Syrian ancestors actually were white people, or at least still close. The problem with Islam is that it has reduced Caucasians to the niggers of Europe. That's what Sup Forumss rage at them is most often about.

nice trips, but no m8, that's a common misconception
just watch you'll get the gist of it

stupid flaccid old fuck being an asshole to everyone else just because he gets no pussy, what's new?

Not engaging in race-mixing is the new degeneracy. You're supposed to be against degeneracy, Sup Forums
Perhaps you don't own a calendar, but the year is 2016!

diversity = white genocide, every time

nice HH dubs

but pol is supposed to go against the current political norms, isn't it ?

Yeah, let's get some inbreed arab blood.
I-It's good for us, f-for real guys
>Kill it with fire


>Don't you have like a fuck ton of space to build houses or plant things?
Canada is like Australia. It's mostly uninhabitable and the Chinese have a large influence on real estate in Vancouver and Toronto.



Doesn't matter, the chinks will end eating us all in the long run.

>importing inbred people will save us from inbreeding
Thank you enlightened minister of FINANCE. Fucking hell. Taking the cuck fetish to the extreme.


Germany has more than 4169 real Germans. All assertions that Whites have to breed with shitskins are horseshit.

Hmm. Op is being a bit of a fag.

It's even worse then
>importing a medieval way of life
Yep, that could work

>angry birds is a culture
>burger king is a culture
its time for hitler 2 tbhfam

>Europe isn't the result of centuries of holy wars
>Europe i'ts just USA 2.0

Why are Germans always trying to ruin Europe?

Can't you self-hating cuckolds stop? Destroy yourselves not Europe.

Stop subjecting Europe with your Muslim and black cock fetish.

Go destroy yourselves not Europe.

Fucking huns.

Eternal krauts.

tfw racemixing was done out of mercy to the weak white race all that time.

The eternal kraut will not rest until every european life is taken.

its what the people make of it

geNOcidal madman

>Why are Germans always trying to ruin Europe?

We can't change it.
Those politicians lack the ability to understand other points of view.
Only reason I do is because im only half german.

please fuck off shill

>your cultural stagnation will be cured by people with a culture stuck 1400 years in the past

This checks out, Sup Forums BTFO.

>get rid of whites
>no one works


EU will be Liberia tier shit.

If I was European I would kill all Germans!

I can't imagine if the Chinese told us to accept African refugees!

The whole country might riot.

Is this guy for real? How are not German voters fucking livid at their supposed representative who hates his own electorate?

Let him go and be the finance minister of Syria if he thinks its a great place to invest into and its people are so innovative and totally not inbred (yeah, right).
People who peddle this bullshit are generally rich or have rich people agreeing into them, people should dare them to put their money when they lying mouths are and ask them to invest all their money into the world's most unstable and risk filled region, if they thing that the people there are so innovative, so hard working, and have so much potential. *All of them*. So that if some warlord steals it or some ackbar blows it up then they become shit poor and beg on the streets.

He is either lying or is fucking clueless thanks to a PC rotten brain, and i don't know which is worse. No wonder EU is dying with people like that in charge, and if they are to stay in charge, then it is a mercy for the EU to die.

well, it should be pretty clear that the current cultural state of the west is not sustainable

>We need islam to save us from cultural stagnation, despite the fact their culture hasn;t changed since the fucking iron age

Mudslimes are savages even in my country.

They practice bestiality and incest.

To Muslim man fucking another mans anus is totally okay and not gay.

I don't know why Europe try to get those savages in their continent!

Even here in my country they are a problem!

>How are not German voters fucking livid at their supposed representative who hates his own electorate?
After WW2 Germans were brainwashed to hate themselves. Before WW2 they had a Mudslime/Apefrican fetish. All they have now is a Mudslime/Apefrican fetish.

Note what German women think of the German flag (1:18):

30% of the german voters support Merkel's party, mostly the 65+ year old pensionaires who want political and economical stability and their annual pension raise.

Also, the 25% of the german population that rent out real estate to the other 75% support Merkel, they are making money head over heels because of the housing shortage Merkel's government has created.

The pensionaires get bought off with insane pension raise every year and the promise of political stability through a de facto tyranny, and the landowners directly profit from mass immgiration.

Also, if you openly oppose Merkel you're gonna lose your job and your career and the government parties will openly persecute you because of your political views. Just last week a couple AfD politicians - state-employed teachers, virtually unfireable - were fired because of their 'affiliation with an extremist party'.

There is no solidarity between ethnic germans in Germany nowadays, the middle class and upper middle class are exclusively looking out for themself and most germans are simply too scared to gambit their lives and careers.

Did this guy really suggest an entire race of people should miscegenate itself out of existence? If he had said that about any other race his comment would have been considered flagrantly racist. This is very dangerous. We don't know what effect allowing the white race to erase itself from the face of the Earth will have on the future of humanity. I can't say for sure of course, but I have a very bad gut feeling about it.

So you're just gonna leave the status quo antebellum?

I can see now why Europe is dying.

People who refuse to do anything while their house burns doesn't deserve the house in the first place.

I guess it's best if we let the "refugees" become the new Europeans.

>Eleminate middle class and have a low IQ slave negroid race. It's in Kalergi's plan. Also Merkel blatantly pointed it out in an interview about the possible problematics of a foreign culture replacing the european's.

But whats the point in creating a slave class or executing any plan over many generations? The people plan and execute it will be dead when it comes to fruition so whats in it for them? It may actually be just faith driven or boredom or some strange foreign policy strategy.

Millennia of staving off middle eastern invading hordes from taking over that fertile continent, and now it just gives up its flower willingly. Good riddance indeed. Fucking flaccid pussies.

>cultural stagnation

so he doesn't just hate europeans, he hates europe itself and everything that makes it unique

the migrants themselves are severely inbred. Islam advocates in the family marriage.

When Europe abandoned God, God Abandoned them.

I guess they reap what they sow.

Mass protests failed, starting a new political party failed, the only thing left is a violent revolution.

And after 70+ years of Cold War with the communists, the german establishment are absolute experts at crushing everything that resembles an organized uprising. They'll have the media on their side all the way and the americans will censor the internet for them in real time to prevent any news about protestors being massacred from reaching the outside world.

A revolution in Germany will not be televised. The 500.000 french who protested against gay marriage in Paris three years ago? The german mass media wrote that 'a couple thousand' had a 'small protest' somewhere, an outright lie.

So, what remains? What do you suggest the germans should do?

You fucking third world shitters simply have no idea how utterly wicked and corrupt a real western zionist occupied government is.


You should kill yourselves en masse to repent for German crimes against humanity and her future crimes to Europe.

Maybe if you cease to exist Europe can be the powerhouse it once was like during the 19th century.

that's some nice body though, shame about the face from the "bit" of nose I can see she must be butt ugly

well that explain that custom of wearing towels though

>not wanting to fuck a hijabi.

Kek. If I was given the opportunity I would slander Allah and Muhammad while spanking her arse.

based user speaks the truth...ziemlich gute zusammenfassung