There's a huge scandal about to break within the next 24 hours on Donald Trump.
It's going to destroy any chance he has to become president.
There's a huge scandal about to break within the next 24 hours on Donald Trump.
It's going to destroy any chance he has to become president.
I see no dubs ain't legit
He eats pizza with a fork.
I do see dubs on your post. Confirmed for not legit.
IGNORE all shill posts
SAGE all shill posts
Kek has decided you are full of shit, op.
Sage goes in all fields
Delete your account.
Lord kek doesn't take your kind too kindly OP
delete your account
degenerate, no chance he'd win if that got out
Kek has clearly spoken. Youre full of shit op.
Daily reminder that few months ago some guy said that after getting nominated trump will be eliminated by some scandal. This was agreed long time ago so Hillary can win easily
just like every controversy from donald trump
he will survive again
I'll break it for you now:
Mr Trump sleeps with two pillows. The sheer audacity of that in a world where many people do not have one pillow outrages libtards who call for his personal comfort and excess to come to an end.
They're probably going to release some bullshit article saying Trump listens to nickelback or some other garbage nobody would care about if it wasn't Trump.
>1 post by this ID
Sage goes in all fields
Nice proxy bro
More info?
he already has no chance
shut up you fucking loser, no one is trying to shill your precious little anime board
There is literally no way he can win without $hillary getting indicted
>There is literally no way he can win without $hillary getting indicted
There is literally no way he can win without $hillary getting indicted
>There is literally no way he can win without $hillary getting indicted
There is literally no way he can win without $hillary getting indicted
>There is literally no way he can win without $hillary getting indicted
There is literally no way he can win without $hillary getting indicted
>There is literally no way he can win without $hillary getting indicted
There is literally no way he can win without $hillary getting indicted
>There is literally no way he can win without $hillary getting indicted
There is literally no way he can win without $hillary getting indicted
>There is literally no way he can win without $hillary getting indicted
>no chance to become President
Increasingly nervous man is increasingly nervous
this election will have historically low turnout. You Trumpfags better show up, because no one else is going to.
Yes they are. Fuck off.
this same thread gets posted everyday
>8s representing the eighth letter of the alphabet (H), with "HH" standing for "Heil Hitler"
His dry cleaner will reveal that in 1992, he left skid marks in his underpants.
A FUCKING LEAF for the win.
Praise kek
Holy shit
I honestly expect better. I sleep with five pillows and expect the same from my leaders.
Nobody cares about your degenerate anime pillow orgies.
so it's Trump or Hillary.
lets look at europe. Hillary will enable whats happening in europe to happen in the US. no thank you
so im voting Trump. e z
im not sure why people think the US will just live forever. countries make bad decisions and then they die out. bad decisions like trying to integrate islam with western & christian ideals.
seriously though what scandal could hurt trump anymore than the bullshit ones the msm is making up?
I'll be impressed when one of hildawgs MANY scandals actually takes her down a notch.
Breaking news: Drumpf b raysis
God has indeed confirmed that op is full of shit
That's basically every 24 hours for the past year.
we ain't dead yet.
Yeah, I'm sure it's WAY worse than Bill and Hillary trafficking in state secrets.
Praise kek
I have $1000 riding on trump
I'll die if he lost ;_;
What could Trump have done that is worse than intentionally compromising national security while Secratary of State?
1 post by this id
Shill thread detected
Anything that happens in the next 24 hours won't matter.
>It's going to destroy any chance he has to become president.
He never had a chance lol
>1 post by this ID
Proxy fag detected
KEK provides.
>no one is trying to shill your precious little anime board
>little anime board
10/10 shill. kys traitor.
Trump is going to win and free us from the faggots and dykes destroying our great nation.
Trump 2016 MAGA
lmao - his chances are already shit b/c he doesn't understand the difference between the GOP primary and general election.
here's your (you)