Third Party

So, What's your opinions on Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, Sup Forums?

Both open border faggots

>Green party
>Not the peoples party of the united states

Cant Parry The Gary

Gary Johnson is pretty cool. I like his economic policies a lot. Social issues are pretty good too.

Jill Stein I disagree with 100%, however, she supports Trump over Hillary.

>Jill Stein

>Gary Johnson

Yeah, but he's anti-welfare state.

You gotta get a load of this guy, he's pretty big, straight-shooter, releases his stuff unlike other candidates.

I #FeeltheJohnson

Oh look, it's yet ANOTHER shill trying to slide legitimate pro-Trump discussions by promoting 3rd party retards.

I think Johnson is a weak/awkward debater and I'm very concerned about his commitment to protecting the 2nd Amendment after he made his VP pick and I completely disagree with his immigration stance.

I may just not vote for President this year. More of a circus than usual.