Why are white people so much better and prettier than everybody else?

why are white people so much better and prettier than everybody else?
is every other race is a result of some kind of devolution of whites during ancient times?

idk neanderthal blood I guess

We Europeans evolved from Neaderthals (99.7%)
Niggers and Asians and all inbetween mixes come from Homo Sapiens which are linked to monkeys.

I mean it only makes sense. We are the superior race after all.



You're actually fucking retard aren't you?
There hasn't been a baby in Canada with MCPH1 ever. Find yourself the biggest gun you can and shot yourself right in the ears.

>poo in loo's overwhelmingly australoid
>north african's are dindu's
>so are natives
hmm, really makes you stink

>makes you stink

My sides are in orbit.

Filipino's are much more powerful than white's.

Except for Jews, of course.