Anyone into symphonic metal?

Anyone into symphonic metal?

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No. The most fedora of all genres.

I like the idea of it but the execution is always so corny.

This honestly. I really can't stand it.

the gathering were bretty gud

does lacuna coil count?

I want her to laugh at my dick.

It's so bad it needs big breasts to stay relevant

I'm Dutch but no.

the same could be said about many "singers"

The Gathering were barely Symphonic Metal, at least during Anneke's time.

best feet in the game

I listened to a bunch of Nightwish on a whim the other day and had a lot of fun with it. Super cheeseball though, couldn't listen to it every day

Been listening to Bane of Winterstorm recently.
Shame the band's completely iced. As far as symphonic PM goes, it's pretty unique and dark.

The Gathering isn't Symphonic. It's gothy and atmospheric, but Symphonic Metal, it isn't.

dubs confirm, really good feet it must be said

no i hate symphonic metal as well symphonic and melodic death/black metal. it's all garbage

>still using fedora memes
>"hurdur metal is edgy and autistic and not ecclectic amirite guise?"

reddit is thataway. Don't forget your Rick and Morty plushies on the way out

Back OT I've been a major fan of Nightwish's Once album, LC was kinda meh-tier save for a few songs. Not sure if Onmyouza counts but they played a few tracks that might qualify as Symphonic Metal.

What else does Sup Forums recommend?

not really, rec me some good shit lads.

God no dude

What is it with numales and their "fedora" projections?

I'm sorry metal is "2edgy" and scary for you

Sharon den Adel is better than her.

what the fuck are you talking about
there's nothing edgy about symphonic and melodic metal you fucking moron it's basically pop
kill yourself

unironicallly this

I love Epica, saw them in concert many times, but I accept symphonic is the fedora of metal and tamed as fuck
sounds a little power-ish but still cool, thanks for sharing

Ultimate soy. You need to commit suicide.

I was the first poster ITT. I was in a thrash metal band from 2004-2009. This symphonic garbage along with Yngwie Malmsteen and the rest of the neo-classic retards need to be gassed. Fans of this kind of music are scared of actual edgy metal. They are fat fedora virgins who play warcraft and cant handle a blue collar job.

Symphonic and neo-classical and most power metal is fedora to the extreme.

"Mother Earth"-era Within Temptation is top-notch.
The Promise, Deciever of Fools, Caged.
Before they started to copy Evanescence crap.
Early 2 EPICA albums are fine too. Later ones sound all the same.
Lacuna Coil - Unleashed Memories, everything else is crap.
CBA to remember shitload of smaller bands that came after 2000, so can't tell much.

There's no real 10/10s out there, but the after forever self titled, oceanborn by Nightwish, sacrificium by xandria (even though everything else they've done is shit), the first sirenia album (see Xandria) and every Edenbridge album (I love the first for nostalgia but the production has aged like dogshit though)

Epica is absolute shit, if you want stuff more atmospheric and gothy then the first third and the mortal album, first three theatre of tragedy albums and mandylion and nighttime birds by the gathering.

If you like the style you'll find some other enjoyable albums, but they're all like a 6/10 at best.

There are no enjoyable symphonic death or black metal albums. Fleshgod were only ever good on mafia where it was all but missing

I've seen Nightwish 6 times, within temptation 4, Anneke and all her bands 20, but other than that I only listen to extreme metal, and real shit like Nyogthaeblisz, blasphemy, revenge, beherit, Vassafor etc

>Enter/The Dance era WT

Silent force was a massive fuck up.

The rise of Evanescence destroyed (this kind of I know there's plenty of doom,death, black etc) female fronted metal irreparably

t. soft-eared numale cuck

and some people like symphonic metal, mainly people who don't go around seeking approval of fat tumblr clown bitches like you guys.

And cut it out with the "fedora mayamays" this isn't 2012 nor reddit. Stop projecting already, you're not fooling anyone soy-lads

Ignoring these fags, What are some other good Nightwish albums besides Once?

ehh these are more of gothic metal than symph, so didn't list them. they are woooooah

Nightwish, have great songs but other than oceanborn no great albums. (Not a bad thing, there is no Judas priest or death album without filler) Try myearthdream, shine or the new one by Edenbridge instead.

[spoiler]I unironically enjoyed Dark Passion Play[/spoiler]

Stream of passion were the last decent band keeping symphonic metal ok, and even they knew it was dying and split up.

Can't help but like everything Anneke does, but still she hasn't released a properly good album after leaving the gathering, besides the stuff Devin wrote for her. Vuur could have been good without going djenty

I like it too. It's good but it isn't great. Great being 8.5/10 and up.

EFMB could have been fantastic if they realized they had the best singing talent in the entire genre and not Anette (who if you listen to her solo album realise she's actually a nice pop singer bit not cut out for metal)

back in junior high, I used to love Epica. I even bought Design Your Universe when it came out (Still Epica's best work), but as of recent years, I became unable to stand how pretentious some fo the lyrics are. I appreciate the style, and Kigndoms of Heaven will always be a great track, as it is Consign to Oblivion, but it's just a little bit too fake-deep for me. I'm not saying I can't have fun with those ideas, but it seems like the athist kid who thinks thaat's better than everybody and everytime somebody feels sad, he goes there and says shit like "where's your god now? don't worry, I lost mine as well", and I can't stand it honestly.

Power metal is less cringy than Symphonic metal, and that's basically a nerd being better than your average anti-religious cuck.

You don't need to validate your opinion. You like what you like. You don't have to agree with me.

Yeah, Anette has a great voice and her ballades are beautiful, but that's all, she is just not a metal grill.

>work a blue collar high-risk job w/ little free time
>listened to edgy music genres including metal
>listen to symphonic metal because it's actually pretty good and DGAF about getting judged by internet "patrician"-wannabes
>never played WOW, D&D nor M:TG in my life

Damn you sure are projecting hard there bro. I'm sure your LARP club and your fat g/f think you're patrician AF

ye Epica started to eat own tail.
I still got 1 album, some mayan-themed cover sorry can't remember, it was actually pretty cool and original. later ones startd to sounds same

silent force yeah, but the next one after, with longass title was awful
however, unpopular opinion there, i unironically enjoyed The Unforgiving. they gave up with evanescence-like crap, and went into different kind
i know "fans" hated this one, but for me it was pretty refreshing, and not trying to be fakeass-deep
they really had some balls to come with something THAT different

Nah, I'm just talking about the typical listener of your favorite kind of music. Don't be so offended, little girl.

>t. soft-eared numale cuck
he says, with reddit formatting
he says, while praising clean and sleek, professional pop metal
he says, while praising fucking Nightwish
PLEASE kill yourself so you never post to this board again

I enjoy old Kamelot quite a bit.

Epica NEEDS a weird experimental album badly ala Theatre of Tragedy's Musique

>John Hughes
It's no worries man, and I give you extra credence because I live in the Chicago area.

ye, they sound so stale.
couldn't tell diffrence between Quantum Enigma (last tour i seen live) and that new album.
epica needs something odd, something strange
well, all the time i seen them live, Simone had very covering clothes, so no idea what's the deal with boobs

People only cares about frontwoman, big news
Even "we switch singer like socks" Sirenia got drama

Is Nightwish with Floor Jansen good or it just got worse? I havent listened desu

Also Lacuna Coil isnt Symphonic Metal guise

dude wtf Comalies is GOAT

went too much for 'bombastic' evanescence-like sounds. Unleashed Memories got much better and atmospherical songs, without repetitive choruses and additional crap

No since i'm not 13 anymore