I've come up with an effective way to combat the shills. It works good for me. BUMP THIS THREAD AND DO IT YOURSELF!
1) Download Sup Forums X browser extension. 2) Settings (wrench icon, upper right corner) >> Filter >> Comment 3) Copy each of the filter codes below onto the filter spreadsheet. The first one filters threads with one line of text, and the other filters threads with no lines of text, which is what most of the shill threads are.
Now with less frantic searching, you can highlight threads that are important to you and monitor them more easily. Below is a template for highlighting.
(Settings >> filter >> subject)
Replace "happening" with the subject name of your favorite threads. You can't have more than one subject on the same highlight, one string of code per subject!
Filter threads based on subject (replace "subject" with the subject name):
Note: the same filter code is used to filter threads based on comment (settings >> filter >> comment). In fact, any filter you put in "subject", you should put in "comment" as well. You can also filter words or phrases using the same code string in the "comment" section.
Xavier Stewart
This is probably the most effective for the long run.
Carson Perez
>can't bump my own thread and it's getting slid
Hudson King
Thanks, I'll try it out
Christian Flores
I'll give it a shot, thanks.
Zachary Gutierrez
How about just ignoring them instead of making autist threads like this one?
David Lopez
Quads of victory
Carson Stewart
this will work until they catch on so keep it on the dl
Nathaniel Torres
Luckily it's easy to update the filter to what the situation calls for.
Owen Miller
An endless battle with the kikes. Can't we just make a boys club in every city with an IRL meeting and code?
Ayden Young
yeah no one is being paid to "shill" your anime board, autist.
Aaron Cook
Ignore this.
Fund this.
Carson Carter
This would be the most logical solution as a society. Allow our young adults to travel our country freely, staying in youth hostels, to find their own dream and life to live instead of hopping into college or a full time job.
Jace Bailey
Here's examples for filtering and highlighting threads based on subject. Ignore my pony browsing.
Nathaniel Thompson
Here's examples for the individual posts, pretty much identical to subject filtering.
NOTE: the codes that filter one-line and no-line threads should go in the comments filtering. Putting them in the subjects field will filter important threads too.
Daniel Johnson
Can I get some bumps here?
Samuel Lopez
Gabriel Ortiz
>flutterape >pregnancy >bad Thanks for the tip though, gonna use this when I'm home from work
Levi Sullivan
Thanks friend :^)
I'll be keeping the thread alive and I'll make another edition if need be, no worries.
Levi Green
That would actually be nice, but if word got out, and it prolly will cuz it's in 'every' city, it'd be shut down immediately.
Colton Hernandez
It's too confusing, it used to be easy. Can you elaborate please OP. How do I filter just words?
Jayden Rodriguez
t. paranoid sperg
Colton Long
WARNING: janitors are removing anti-shill threads and banning people for reporting shill threads. The shills have help on the inside.
Justin Murphy
Settings >> Filter >> Comment
/words/i;boards:[board acronym]
Replace "words" with any word or phrases you want to filter, and replace "[board acronym]" with any board acronym you want to filter it on. If you remove "boards:[board acronym]" entirely, the filter will be global.
Also see for real examples
Asher Richardson
Why would Sup Forums want to destroy itself?
Ayden Parker
Does that also filter subjects?
Thomas Myers
To filter subjects:
Settings >> Filter >> Subject
The code format remains the same, except at the end there is "op:yes" that signifies that the OP will be filtered. Always leave it on.
Some examples at
Alexander Torres
got it senkyuu
Evan White
You welcome bb
Elijah Kelly
Bump for Sup Forumsiberarion
Carter Harris
I've got plenty of shitposting filters but thanks for the advice.
Jace Diaz
Carter Sullivan
is there alternative for firefox?
William Bennett
I'm not certain, you'll have to check the website. You may have to use another browser to use it if you're up for that
Jackson King
Cameron James
Yes. It's called Sup Forums X.
Samuel White
>using a nonfree browser
Lincoln Cook
there's Sup Forums X for Firefox only if you use greasemonkey addon, and instructions are useless that way
David Nguyen
No it's exactly the same. Install the greasemonkey plugin, install Sup Forums X. The filter works exactly the same.
Charles Evans
Alright lads, I've threw in all i know. I need some sleep now. Hopefully you guys can keep the thread alive.
Easton Nguyen
how the fuck do you get that screen
Caleb Baker
Scroll all the way up to the top of the page, click the down pointing arrow on the very top right, click Header, then turn on Fixed Header so it stays screen. It's at the bottom on mine with a full list of boards because of the way I have it set, I think in the same menu. The rest of the settings, filters, etc. are under the wrench icon.
Isaiah Campbell
downloading shit from a complete stranger that have a 95% or probability that it will have malaware.
download everything from here stupid shits enjoy your malawre and virus.
holy shit when did ppl turn so fucking stupid.
Grayson Hughes
thanks man
Cooper Evans
>not using 4chanX wow a spic is bad with the internet colored me shocked
Nolan Morgan
No you dont faggot.
Zachary Butler
you dont have an iphone and i do, i can only take high res pic with this iphone camera.
>hur dur i am a stupid piece of shit.
is that so annon?
Sebastian Evans
No problem.
Justin Moore
Found the pedo
Matthew Scott
you can suck his dick now baby
Jacob Morris
so are you at least are selling this shit? or is it free? or do i need to have a brain to get one?
Elijah Roberts
>why dont we throw anonymity out the window and meet in real life, anyone want to tell me their name, their political ideology, their address and phone-number?
Hudson Reed
Don't forget to throw as many redpills at them as possible
Camden Cox
lol just look at these queer faggotry atwork.
its beautifull, now rate your dicks so we can see.
we want to see dick pictures !! come on no homo tho
Joshua Sanchez
>putting blinders on your browsing >literally cupping your ears and going LALALALALA
Wyatt Price
Sorry Mexico, no iPhones here. I'm not gay.
Gabriel Sullivan
> not using superior appchanX
Cooper Bailey
redpill about what? we already know you have a big butthole becuase you play with it
What you need is not a red pill its a red suppository to satisfy your attention whoring ass.
Jordan Rodriguez
ok prove that it works, i want to to search me i give you 5 min.
if this is real this should be no problem.ok go.
Chase Powell
Makes for a perfect echo chamber
Connor Evans
Thank you
Chase Adams
ten feet higher juan
Zachary Diaz
Good god you're fucking stupid. Of course it makes perfect sense with that flag.
James Bell
I hope the morons that actually uses this method aren't also moaning about the echo chambers in universities. The hypocrisy would be mind-blowing
Ryder James
100 feet higher dumb fucker
keep repeating the same as your master commands you , fucking brainless little shits.
Justin Cook
so you cant prove that it works? how many of you are here?
Lucas Hall
I'm just filtering shitposting, man. I don't have a problem with sound, well reasoned arguments, even if they're trolls.