I'm convinced that Jews are much more destructive than Muslims, but my friend speaks of a prophecy where Muslims will unite and ruin the world together.
Redpill me on this. Who are the more destructive people?
I'm convinced that Jews are much more destructive than Muslims, but my friend speaks of a prophecy where Muslims will unite and ruin the world together.
Redpill me on this. Who are the more destructive people?
I think that till now Jews were the bad guy puppeting behind the scene. Muslim are neo-medieval people used for bigger plans by Jews and globalist/corporation that own EU and USA to destroy the european white culture.
BUT I'd say muslim are potentially more destructive, because it might come a time when they're gonna be out of control and too many to handle.
Pro tip: what do you prefer between a marx-like orwellian anti white western society or a new inquisition-like sharia medieval world? I don't know, maybe we just need to get rid of both of them
Probably sharia if I had to choose. At least with Islam we could keep nationalism.
nothing is worse than muslims
Jews put us against the Muslims to prevent us from realizing there world domination. Don't get me wrong Muslims are bad but Jews are the worst
Interesting point, I've never made that connection before
Jews are way worse. There will be an end times alliance between Muslims and eastern Christians. They'll probably be fighting against good goy protestants.
>comes on jewish controlled site
>asks if Jews are worse than "insert anything"
>expects not to get slant
I don't understand this nit-picking on religions—especially here, where Islam is vilified and Christianity gets a free pass.
All religions are backward, obsolete, and destructive. Giving one or two a free ride just because you like them makes you look biased, at best and a hypocrite at worst.
That time is already upon us.
One will fuck up your immunsystem. the other will spread like cancer and fuck you up as well.
(((you know who))) merely uses Muslims against the white world
>my friend speaks of a prophecy where Muslims will unite and ruin the world together
I personally don't give a shit about other faith or religions.
I don't think that Hebraism is evil, but Hebraism contribute to the creation of a "Jews mentality" that risk to harm the whole world. If you know what i mean...
Talking about Islam, I think that it's the religion that most easily adapt on extremisms and a neo-medieval-like society. And again i don't hate islam, but what islam-people have become
It's like guns and murderer. I don't hate guns (religion) but i hate what they lead to (filthy Jews and shitskin extremist)
Jews are the dark knights of humanity
phosphorus bombing muslims and spending every one of our shekels to do so.
Muslims are fairly open and obvious about how they wreck your societies and don't have the verbal IQs for subversion. Without den ewigen Juden we would have a culture and laws that weren't vulnerable to Muzzie invasion.
The Jews are the ones orchestrating all the events that lead to our exposure to muslims.
Muslims are only more dangerous because they don't mix well with other people if it weren't for the Jews making us interact with them they'd probably isolationist and fucking their own shit up instead of ours.
Muslims are like a sword, dangerous in their own right but in the hands of a trained master they are devastating. The Jew is the wielder of this sword however with out the sword they can not go on the offense and rely on their shield, the holocaust.
Judaism is 1.0
Christianity 2.0
Islam 3.0
Same shit, different package.
I think people are underestimating Muslim influence on the West. You look at Turkeys grip on Europe or Saudi Arabias grip on the US, the Arab money flowing in, weak Western response to their bullshit, etc. Also Muslims have gone full Jew and have infiltrated government and various organizations to get their way. Check out Steve Coughlin.
The West just needs to expel both Jews and Muslims already.
Why does one have to be worse?
Thanks for that Achmed. Just gnore the reality that ISIS, the main Sunni terror group, literally genocides Eaastern Christians.
This. Muslims have become as powerful as Jews in the last few years. They're working together mostly, for now, but it could shift at any time.
Saudis own Twitter and Uber, and fund Clinton and staff her campaign. They are now as powerful as the Israel lobby.
Muslims have 20+ kids per family.
Jews aren't the ones trying to outbreed us
Oops, that's not the real one.
See pic for how Jews and Muslims work together
Islam is basically Judaism mixed with gnostic gobbledygook and arab folklore.