>claim Trump and his supporters aren't racist
>say "you have to go back" to every mexican you see on the internet, regardless of their immigrancy status
people see through your bullshit fãm, that's why you won't win
>claim Trump and his supporters aren't racist
>say "you have to go back" to every mexican you see on the internet, regardless of their immigrancy status
people see through your bullshit fãm, that's why you won't win
What's wrong with being a racist ?
I don't see any turks praising the kurds.
>Implying the fact that your country still denies that the Armenian Genocide never happened
Racism is evil. We are all God's children.
I don't mind racism, I mind the hypocrisy. And people seeing themselves as the rightous one as they lie to get the smallest of victories.
Politics in a nutshell.
>people see through your bullshit fãm, that's why you won't win
fuckin' kek.
>Trump and his supporters aren't racist
Its true, they aren't, they just want to make america great again
But we are racists, we are most radical mass culture right-wing organization you can find.And despite this, half of us are saying things like 'based black guys'', ''I hate niggers but no blacks'', ''come here legally after you get deported'' etc.Pol isnt that bad even for normalfags.
le Sup Forums is one person meme.
I did not come here to be sassed by a cockroach.
Because Mexico isn't a race. Islams is also not a race.
Do you think Trump is going to be okay?
So true. Tear down the wall.
>implying Mexicans that aren't shitskins care about mindless banter
Fucking roaches
>Mexican is a race
Roach intelligence people
We are going to win, though. Trump has been on a steady ascent for months, and Hillary doesn't have a chance in black hell of actually standing up to him in the debates.
Who says she has to go to debates? ;)
It's a meme meant to filter people who aren't authentically there, since they know that the opposition cannot tolerate banter.
Once you shrug off a few "Have to go back"s, you will find that they will engage with you, even if you are hispanic.
There are plenty of useful idiots in the Trump camp who will continue to shout it, but you can't win everything, and at least they aren't trying to kill you when you disagree on the finer points.
Americans can't speak English.
If they cant handle the banter, they should leave, you fucking cockaroach
If only your people turned your attentions to your own country and organized.....
Fight the corruption in your own nation first, or swallow your nationalistic pride and ask for US help.
Otherwise, get fucked.
t. Pedro whose ancestor fought Pedros for independence long ago
>getting this buttblasted over a spelling check