Made my week

>brexshit will fail
>drumpf will fail
>Sup Forums will be btfo as with all f its predictions
>the left wins again and racists get locked out once again

Just give up you pathetic cucks.

Even when you win by fair vote we will just force our outcome anyway. (Based Jo cox)

Other urls found in this thread:


>britain government is so useless that the only way for a politician to become based is if they get shot

kek. smell your own upper lip first shithead

Lmao. Fuck off nazi

The white race is gonna pay for its crimes. And people like me will vote for it

very poor attempt to fit into an anonymous imageboard. sad

I'm from reddit

my point exactly

So? Think you can make me leave right guy?

Nope. You can't.


I'm just glad you can't bump your own thread so it'll die on its own. s a g e

You racist fuck wad, you white hating piece of Muslim trash. Fuck off. You think your church is going to save you when the white man Rages?
You don't want to see Whites when they've had enough.
Why do you take such pleasure in raping a little boy with your Pakistani grooming chums.

You throw around terms like Nazi,
> project much

>can't bump my own thread

Guess again loser. BUMP :)

Cool a new ID!

Yawn. Empty threats. Hitler is dead

bump :)

Fuck all you arrogant nazis






Haha stay mad racists


I win

Silly Sup Forums
Ima slide your threads :)

Silly Sup Forums
Ima slide your threads :)


Uses our lingo. Thinks we are the cucks.

>stay mad
>continues to post the same shit over and over again trying to piss people off
Whose mad? May be me...but at least I have a dad.

Buuump! Common guise :^)

Stay mad cucks

Reminder to sage all shills

Check ID

WE ARE OPs Freidns :)
Yes page one!

Dude, who are you talking to?


I for one welcome the death of kek. Worst meme 2015

Bump :)

its when redditors get bored and decide to shit up the place

You have no ability to stop the inevitable, this world will soon be clean, and we will no longer have to smell kabab, see kabab.
Remove kebab
No not empty, full,
You better get you visa sorted and make the trip before you and those like you are barred from entering.
> Banned,
Tali-Banned from the USA

Fucking scum. I think it's time for us to meme them to collective suicide.

>it's another muslim negro discovers Sup Forums thread

>implying Sup Forums is ever right

Pretty effective b8 OP

>Falling for the bait
I hope you put sage in the options field.

this is now a roll thread

oh no, you got us

>even when you win
Glad you're admitting that we're going to win. The difference, of course, is that when you "force" something, nothing happens.

When the Right forces an outcome, people like you get their teeth smashed out one at a time with hammers, and then hang from street lamps.

I look forward to tightening the noose around your neck as you blubber and cry. You have never deserved anything except to feel your neck break, and death creep up from your toes to slowly envelop the entirety of your being.

That's what it feels like, you know. It isn't quick, it takes forever. That's what you're going to feel.

PRC roll

henry rollins

meme roll

Cameron is doing campaign for bremain in Gibraltar today. I can smell fear :^)


Why is it that only stupid people use the name "Drumpf"?

You Antifas are cowards. Soon the Great One, the glorious Donald Trump, shall smite you heathen.

Based post.