are they any good Sup Forums? rarely see this mentioned here
Are they any good Sup Forums? rarely see this mentioned here
shitty religious folk, dylan aping, country music faggotry
>are they any good Sup Forums?
>rarely see this mentioned here
that's because Sup Forums's userbase is full of faggots like
I fucking love the Byrds
Mr. Tambourine Man, Younger Than Yesterday and Sweetheart of the Rodeo are all high-tier albums. Greatest Hits is a god-tier album.
The Byrds are fucking legendary man. One of, if not the most influential American rock band. They planted so many seeds.
They basically invented folk rock, and possible psychedelic rock with 8 miles high
They were the only American band that the Beatles were particularly friendly with since, unlike all the other American and British artists during that era (one band in particular with the initials "RR"), they didn't just straight copy them and they really wanted to make their own sound
Basically the only bands during the 60s that had a clearly delineated and lasting influence without just copying the Beatles were the Who, the Byrds, and the Kinks
Good post. Really good post. The Byrds and Beatles definitely influenced eachother in the mid-60s
I can’t figure it out. What is this RR band?
The Rolling Rones
That was actually supposed to be "RS," I feel like a tard now
Fifth Dimension is a really good album
Haven't really heard anything else they've done
>Influential bands from the 60s
>Lists 3
dylan invented folk rock
you're forgetting the Velvets
>Rolling Rones
it happens bud
at least you were right about everything else
Many of the British invasion bands were creative in their own right and certainly influenced the Beatles, but if we're talking most influential bands and not just "bands that sometimes influenced the Beatles," the most important were probably Velvet Underground (even though they weren't appreciated until much later), Famous Flames, and Beatles
saved from the depths
Which came first, the Byrds covering Mr Tambourine man, or Dylan going electric?
Nah man, VU influenced a lot of late 70s/ 80s artists and beyond but not a major single one during the 60s.
also the signature sound 12string was influenced and bought after The Beatles Hard day's night album/movie