Are NEETs the result of a lack of jobs in society?
Or are they just lazy losers who should get a job?
Are NEETs the result of a lack of jobs in society?
Or are they just lazy losers who should get a job?
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We're lazy fucks, most don't even try to find a job.
A bit of both depending on your area
Some countries are in hard crisis and it's really hard to get a job, others are just lazy subhumans
maybe they can find a job but it is not worth it?
Why should i find a job when i can make a living selling ripped game models to autists on open sim games.
Country is stupid enough to pay me for nothing, who am I to turn that down
Maybe I just don't understand your 1337 lingo correctly, but that would sort of count as entrepreneurship, wouldn't it?
Most in the west are lazy losers who blame their family and society. Visit /r9k/ and you'll see threads where NEETs say things like their parents didn't put 100% into raising them so they deserve to take care of them until they're 40.
If you can call theft entrepreneurship, sure.
>made over 300€ off of just overwatch models this month alone
All bless overbutts.
>1 post by this ID
>There are only two possible answers as to why someone is NEET
Step it the fuck up son.
To be fair, most millennials were raised by their TV, they're a product of how spoiled their parents are. The shitapple doesn't fall far from the shit tree Randy...
>r9k is an accurate depiction of the majority of people
I used to be neet for years. Kept getting jobs that were bad for me, an introverted person. Didn't even know it at the time. Now I work an overnight job with little human contact and it's a good fit.
All that to say some neets just need to find the right job
>socialists outsource almost all jobs that don't require 3 years experience and a diploma
>y is no one getting a jarb
No GBP for you today, young man.
It's the result of a lot of free time
I can't generalize but in my cute little country I blame the public education system that gets its funding based solely on student headcount, ergo there's no incentive to streamline education paths in tune with the market needs while there's a heavy bias towards recruitment of futureless students only for the sake of getting that piece of the budget pie
a bit of both
The government is dumb enough to pay me more than I need to live on while doing absolutely nothing, they'll slash the amount of benefits this year though.
both i really enjoyed the whole economic downturn in the late 2000s right when i graduated i had an excuse to not do anything till 2012
Lack of jobs (for inexperienced workers) is caused by a multitude of factors, including, but not limited to; outsourcing, low expectations, affirmative action, diversity hiring, over saturation, skilled migration (with out group preferences), bear market and even low interest rates, although it's probably a symptom of low investor confidence (aka bear market).
I've had a glass of goon, but I'm still lucid enough to talk about any of the aforementioned factors.
this is true
they even made an entire show out of it
its like peering through the looking glass ... through the looking glass
No good jobs. I'd be in work right now if there was a job in my local area that paid more than benefits. The problem is the jobs these days are all hard work for very little pay or you're under/overqualified. Good luck finding an internship after Uni if you didn't graduate with a 1st or from Oxford. At this stage I want either an easy job that pays decent (8+) or ill take min wage for a job that gives good exp
< this is what happened OP
Two pounds of wheat for a day's wages, and six pounds of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!
result of apathy, feeling unworthy and lack of female attention if males.
I personally blame women as much as possible even though I'm not NEET ;).
normies get fucked and rekt btw.
It is a combination of things usually.
>no father figure in their lives.
>had overprotective parent(s) usually the mother.
>low self esteem.
>socially stunted.
>dumber then the average person their age.
>chronically depressed.
>autistic to some degree.
and the biggest thing.
>some sort of constant financial safety net whether is it just leeching off of family funds or government NEETbux.
What can you do for NEETs?
>give them a hand UP and not a hand out, help them find a job and just don't give them money.
>take them away from their main distraction from time to time (i.e. camping, fishing, going to a festival, etc)
>make them feel better about themselves without giving empty praise.
we just dont care. i wouldnt mind getting kicked to the curve. itd make jumping in front of a freight truck easier. i just dont care
I have neet bros who go camping/concerts/huntin all the time
still not gonna get jobs tho
It seems to me that employers want extroverted proactive people as their employees. A lot of NEETs don't know how to converse, look in peoples eyes when talking. Moreover, NEETs are timid people in general, they havent been given a chance to spread their wings. We're the lost generation and those who are normal can't figure out what our problems are, because they live in normal-extrovert-land which is full of people who have friends, loving families, wives and gfs and all manner of other people they constantly connect with during their day to day.
We are so fucked.
time to move. It literally takes me a week to get a job whenever I move somewhere new in the US
They are a natural result of the state of society. Why would you slave away for practically nothing only to get feminism and white male privilege nonsesnse in return. May as well sit back and watch the world be engulfed in flames. If you expect young males to put in serious effort, there must be reasonable reward in return.
Personally I do not endore their life style as I see it as making a bad situation even worse. But it is understandable considering how ungrateful society is to young males.
What do you do?
>blaming the victim
I'm in a similar boat to: Despite being an honours graduate with a STEM degree and an open source project with almost 600 downloads, despite applying for something between 200-300 jobs and only getting about 10 interviews, I'm still rejected for bullshit reasons (lol ""cultural fit"" just say I'm a fucking white male, coward) and sometimes they'll just lie and say the position froze.
There is a literal problem with the employment industry, as in HR, and blaming a lack of incentive to get a job is dishonest as fuck. You think I want to be a NEET? There's so much shit I'd love to do but can't because I have no money and my parents aren't willing to give me more than a bed and food. I'd love to have a girlfriend, start some sort of martial arts, maintain a car, smoke enough weed to run a philosophy YouTube, join a chess club, get gym membership so the staff stop treating me like shit.
But of course, blame the victims. That's easier. Then you don't have to think of solutions. Solutions are hard.
what stem did you go in to melb cunt
Does Aus have such crazy affirmative action and diversity programs?
this is my experience, why hire an aussie when you can hire an incompetent indian at half the cost?
I'm not saying there isn't a problem, i'm just saying that neither you or your parents had the balls or brains to deal with it. You are too accustomed to someone else fixing everything and just giving you the bill.
>current year
>not being self-employed
Yeah, it's lefty hell. All the HR people are middle aged Indian women, I wish I were joking. There's a few white women too, but they're equally lefty.
Comes under "low expectations" and "outsourcing" covered here: I've applied to triple digit jobs, sorry, was I not meant to expect someone to "fix" it for me by simply fucking accepting me? I think after the work I've put in it actually is time for someone else to fix it.
>applying for jobs isn't meant to get you a job!
Go on, respond with some sort of variation of this theme. Do it faggot.
Canadianeet here, minimum wage is too high, there are not many jobs, I have physical issues that prevent standing long hours. Most neets are just lazy and useless though.
As a job haver I don't personally mind NEETs and don't particularly blame them.
The economy has completely changed and the older generation refuses to see it. Just gotta bring back the factories! Nevermind that due to automation the few token industrial sites they bring back require 90% less employees. Just gotta get educated, education is key! Even the medical industry requires less people than ever before, and besides. Genuinely not everyone is smart enough to be a doctor, chemist or engineer. They don't deserve to be trapped in humiliating government hamster wheels sending out resumes in vain to places that don't look at them so they can keep getting welfare.
I work manual labour in fairly awful conditions. Not everyone can do this either. Unfortunately that's beginning to be all that's left- highly educated jobs for smart people, and highly unpleasant jobs for idiots like me. People with average intellect and discipline who don't particularly want to be abused in a 45c degree kitchen for 10 hours a day have nowhere to go, really.
I don't even really feel resentment at the fact that some of my labour is going to subsidize their jacking off and video gaming. If a society can't engage people to an extent where the majority would rather stay home and jack off, and it collapses, then it wasn't a very good society to begin with.
Don't know if anyone's posted it yet, but have a look at this.
Our behaviors are probably modeled accurately by mice given infinite food.
Fucking mice. How do you feel?
Idk, but personally I am just a lazy loser with no real ambition.
I'm a Buddhist with simple pleasures, and don't really see a need to accumulate monetary possessions. I will work if I have to in order to eat, but in my current position there's no reason to do that.
With that said I'm an avid Trump supporter, and feel socialism is a bane on our existence.
Cognitive dissonance at its finest.
Personally, it is a lack of motivation. Why should I work my ass off when I can't even get married and have children. I can work at McDonald's while living with my parents to pay for vidya, snacks and the occasional hooker.
Not so crazy on affirmative action but it does exist, particularly for worthless abos who are just given jobs.
We have pretty much unlimited skilled immigration, which is why jobs are scarce and pay is shit. Although trades are generally unaffected so trades earn a ton more than skilled workers nowdays.
Australians also compete with China for housing, so our house prices are ridiculously expensive, as such rents are ludicrous. If you live in the big cities and work in the city centres, expect an hour train ride every morning and night to find affordable housing.
We also compete with China on energy, so we pay a fortune to keep the lights on.
This will only get worse until the system collapses of course. How can a nation the size of Australia have the most expensive housing in the world?
Australia is fucked, my life is fucked and I'm expected to live as a slave on slave wages for the rest of my life whereas my own father is a wealthy fuck who earns 2k a week (read: more than twice as much as me) and does so off passive income because he owns a couple houses (bought a large block of land before the boom).
Thus I'm a neet who surfs /biz/ a lot as the wages on offer are borderline slavery so I refuse to participate in the workforce as an employee, resulting in me spending a fuck load of time researching business ideas and of course playing games, wanking and brooding over how fucking shit my life is.
Some of us cunts just want the simple life - wife + home + kids and its fucking impossible to get that now. So I brood.
I think there's also great faults with the welfare system in that individuals aren't pushed hard enough or supported enough to find work.
When I sign on every fortnight, my work coach barely looks at what I've done to find work.
I overheard a guy ranting that he refused to "be a slave to society for £7.odd an hour".
That cunt should've been cut off. Who the fuck was he to demand more than minimum wage? But no, the work coach just placated him, signed off and kept his bennies going.
It just doesn't seem like anyone gives a fuck about getting people back into work.
Pretty much what said.
Everyone isn't *needed* to work. You don't need 10 men to fell trees, you have one guy operating a machine and so forth.
Work is also more demanding nowadays. Even as a loner dimwit you could do some very simple manual labour. Any pair of hands was better than nothing. That sort of labour is mostly gone.
Obviously everyone probably could "work" but maybe not profitably. Consider video games (or entertainment in general). Creating them is considered work, a job. You could have all NEETs creating video games all day long but what would that change?
You can come up with all sorts of bullshit activities just to keep people employed or active otherwise.
Whatcha did son.
Also mobile dev is free work
At this point I have been looking for jobs on and off for nearly 11 months. 5.5 of those months actually being employed. And I wasn't getting 40 hours every week sometimes not even breaking 10 hours.
And I went to a vocational high school which means I have basic trade skills, but no certification.
I also have 20+ credits in an electrical engineering major. Not enough to get a internship.
And thats the thing no one want to hire anyone who doesn't have an immense amount of experience.
>Data entry
>Be an office bitch and putting numbers into a excel spread sheet
>3 years experience required
>Retail jobs
>want 2+ years of experience
I lied to get a retail job and they gave me 70 hours over a 3 month period. The same happened to the other seasonal people
>Small electrical tech for drones
>Applied and bust my ass to get the interview
The job is literally troubleshooting drones, all electronics and I've been flying Remote controlled since I was 8
>Asks over and over again if I am sure I know what I am doing
>Never get a call back
Even if I didn't know what I was doing its not hard to teach someone to troubleshoot. Do they expect people to get a degree and then to pay them less that 20$/hr. Its driving me crazy.
Employers want you to know everything before you set foot in the door, with a degree, all the time in the world and nothing else going on in your life. A personality so great the women in the office giggle and cum just from the sight of you, but not too hard because thats sexual harassment.
They all want a fucking unicorn of an employee and they don't want to pay them a decent wage for what they do, or give them enough hours.
>Final words
Fuck this economy
I would also add that some jobs that are considered work are not work if you ask me.
Like being a salesman over phone (wtf you call that). Is it better to do nothing or help a company advertise their shit by one of the most aggressive ways possible, calling people in the middle of their work day and interrupting their work? Trying to scam senile old people to buy shit they don't need?
Although, that's probably the only thing I'd really consider "work that's not work". A sad amount of job offers are for exactly that thing though.
I think you're a tradie, there's a lot more affirmative action for hiring in STEM jobs than your fast food or retail jobs. There aren't any articles saying more women and minorities flipping burgers.
I don't think people realise how badly STEM has been targeted by lefties. There's definitely some pathology behind this.
Stem are all the left hates.
A cog is a cog and not a screw.
even in the land of opportunity this is true
i run my own biz, wife works in corporate at a major manufacturing firm
they are starved for qualified applicants, yet have hamstrung themselves to temp agencies because reasons
the demographics of the resumes she has me review does not accurately reflect that of the general population
in the 6+ years shes been bringing them home not a single one has been a white or hispanic male NOT ONE
they are almost exclusively job hopping dindus who have an average assignment time of 3 months - just long enough to milk the training without doing any real work, and being let go once they are expected to perform and dont
turnover is so high and frequent there could not possibly be any other reason than gross ineptitude - these worthless HR fucks really do not care
and when she does reject a candidate for very valid reasons upper management overrides anyway because they just want it done so they can get back to screwing off all day or hanging out in the exercise room when they are supposed to be working
its a vicious cycle and will not be broken until the whole thing collapses
THIS is why all of you who shotgun resumes out every week never get any traction - you think your shit is getting stuffed down some black hole because it is
if i ran my own biz the way they run theirs i would be out on my ass within the quarter
there is no long term thinking or strategy applied amongst so many layers - everything is about the immediate payoff and kicking the can down the road for everything else
The "why" is the interesting.
On the surface, there's a pretty pernicious stereotype surrounding STEM workers and extreme lefties are pretty notorious for being okay accepting stereotypes about white men (against stereotypes of other demographics), but I wonder if it's deeper than that.
Maybe it is as simple as hatred, would you put it past them? Their average response to white men with degrees generally lacks empathy, thinking "white male tears" responses.
Is there a reason none are white?
>be white male with STEM degree
>good experience, GPA, extra-curriculars
>apply for dozens of jobs
Now I'm a firefighter. At least males have an advantage in physical labor like dragging 2.5" lines.
Fuck I'd love to get one of those jobs over the phone. Almost got scammed into door to door sales
>Job posting
>12$/hour TELE-SALES
>Get to open interview
>Its selling LED lightbulbs
>Oh and its not 12$/hr its fully commission
>You also have to buy a better suit
>Oh and its door to door
Look at the surrounding stores in the area. Every store had LED lightbulbs already.
>First day of work they tried to cram 11 people into a van to bring us out to the boonies in New Jersey
>Said they weren't leaving until we made a sale
>Guy next to me mentions he brought extra money with him because last time they left a guy stranded with no way to get home
Fucking nope. I was off that van and on my way home within the next 10 minutes
Not a tradie or unskilled
Stem sees the world in plain terms IE fascist view. Lefties see the world in half truths and metaphors.
A cog is a cog but not a screw. Vs
Some girls are XY
>Are NEETs the result of a lack of jobs in society?
How can NEETs be responsible for lack of jobs when they don't work.
I think all the disgusting shit we put in our bodies can create imbalances in people that give them anxiety etc
NEETS don't have jobs because there isn't an app or program that tells them step by step how to get one.
NEETs are a result of wage stagnation/foreign labor importation.
Labor becomes a cheap commodity, and wages stagnate so low to the point where NEETs see that their situation will not really be any different if they jump into any job that pays less than $18 an hour.
They are the product of a society that is too comfortable.
I worked as a phone salesman for like 3 months. Then I realized my job was mostly to annoy working people and try to rip off lonely old ladies.
Also the pay isn't that great here. I had an hourly wage that was similar to something you'd get cleaning or working at McDonalds or something. So it's not that bad considering you are just sitting at a desk and calling people.. Although from what I've heard from other people, most jobs are commision only.
Still prefer NEETBUX. Although right now I am in "unpaid work training".. I get bit a more neetbux and atleast I get to do and learn about something I enjoy and would like to do for a living later on.
you would have to query the temp agency as to why this is the case
seems fairly odd that they would not put forth a single one in that kind of time period
the only males that made it through to her desk are black (2) in six years, so it is not as if males are not applying for the jobs they are just being filtered out/ignored
1: We won't hire you for a normal job because you haven't done an entry level job.
2: Entry level jobs get away with hiring illegals, then deporting them one man at a time on payday like a pest control service once they realize they have rights.
This keeps Mexicans in a state similar to Italian immigrants a hundred years ago. Afraid to talk to the police, rendering their rights null and void. You can underpay them, you can outright rob them, you can coerce their wives and daughters into sex; people who have sworn off protection of the law have only their own physical force to rely upon. Deprive them of this (easy) and they have nothing.
Blacks in Democrat cities have about the same environment. Can't talk to the police, so if you can't preserve your liberty with your own two hands then liberty just doesn't belong to you. Worldstar Hiphop runs monthly documentaries on blacks who talk to the police, just search 'fight comp.'
really interesting
Ok, so what jobs are you talking about? STEM diversity hiring is really bad, especially in a left wing shithole like Melbourne.
That's a stereotype, but I guess not an incorrect one. Maybe it's a little difficult to push postmodernism onto a people quite used to and quite expecting to suffer for their bread.
>expecting victim blaming to make sense
So you seem to believe some diversity hiring agenda might be at play? Okay, that's fine, just so long as you're not afraid to point it out. That's really it, but what else would you expect when there's a requirement on workers that absolutely has nothing to do with worker output? Of course there's going to be a strain filling those positions, of course a lot of people are going to be left out, it's just economics. "They've" created an unmeetable requirement.
Come back with this topic tomorrow morning and I'll post enough content for any of you to plagiarise for an entire video essay. I decided to drink tonight, it makes me a little dull.
>more victim blaming
Did I not mention enough times that most NEETs with the willpower to actually finish a degree actually do want jobs and actually do want more out of life than sitting at home making themselves look pretty?
Spending 32k on training and having it squandered feels kind of wasteful. I kind of want my life to get moving, raise a family, start saving up for my own home.
I'm a neet. I'm a result of bad parenting.
lack of role models
living as "natural" as possible will be the "new" thing. and it makes sense, most farmers rarely get sick and are more ground to earth when talking to them than most urban man-childs and kiddos who dont know more than their own feelings.
we are at the end of the results of industrialization/urban life style.
i hope i make enough money to get a bit of land and grow my own shit and get away from the city.
What is a job anyway?
If a Jackson Pollack qualifies as art, why shouldn't my vidya cave qualify as a job?
Why should I labor at a 'job' when labor, not jobs, is the source of all value, and all labor is of equal value to everyone?
Why be exploited at a job when I can exploit the dumb Marxist taxpayer with less effort than finding a job?
an organized agenda? who knows
however there seems to be SOMEthing systemic going on that nobody wants to address
its not as if it has been the same agency with the same rep for the entire six+ years, there have been several agencies and even more reps besides
i suppose this is what happens when someone thinks they can just throw money at a problem expecting it to get resolved - and responsibility is ultimately on the person who contracted these firms to begin with yet they can conveniently throw up their arms & say "these fukin temp people, amirite?" and still not fool anyone
all you will get from them and services like it is the bare minimum required to shut you up - you will never get quality unless it is by happy accident
More victim blaming.
Can you explain why those of us who've applied for triple digit jobs are still unemployed? If we're so lazy, why are we applying for jobs?
Trading time for money.
Be a faggot elsewhere, some of us are talking about a serious problem.
I don't believe it's purely organized, but it is in some way deliberate.
It's not throwing money at it, it's redistributing opportunities. Of course when you hire based on factors that aren't meritocratic you're less likely to get more than the bare minimum.
It's corporate Marxism, as is anything that attempts equality purely through redistribution, and the problem no one wants to address is that someone in the process has been educated into believing it's morally correct. They won't admit they're wrong, no one around them will say it's wrong, because the crazy, crazy source was the KGB during the cold war who funded the people who taught the people who taught the people currently in the system.
How do you even tell someone they've been effected by, not even brainwashing, but the ghost of brainwashing, a ball that never stopped rolling. It's crazy. You'd have to be a drunkard on an anonymous board to just out and say it.
>drunkard on an anonymous board
good one m8 heh heh
when ideology trumps reality i suppose
there is no sense of self-preservation though which is rather odd
they must be dead inside
This is what I look forward to too. When the internet connects the whole world together and jobs start to become automated, it makes little sense to stay living in cities. Many people will live in the countryside, farming their own food. Damn it would be a paradise compared the modern living, I have to start looking into this.
All I know is engineers need to be paied more. 65k on entry? Wtf is this garbage.
I like NEETs and don't mind supporting them through my taxes. They are the biggest meme creators and an important foundation of modern internet culture. I miss being NEET but I have a real job and a gf that I plan on starting a family with
I certainly prefer NEETs to single mothers.
There is literally nothing with NEETs
You will sooner or later grow out of your mental loophole and realize there is no bigger enemy than youself in life.
Guy who failed 3 rounds of co-op interviews in an engineering program at the school with literally #1 career services, here's what I got.
>one company said I had good self-confidence and appearance, basically meaning I look good in a suit, but I had poor communication skills
>a company believed I'd be a safety hazard despite having no physical or mental disabilities, though my advisor said they may have confused me for an employee with vision problems
>some other places saying I'm not a fit, no real details
My GPA was in the range 3.2-3.3 for these interviews, which isn't great but higher than other students who got hired off the bat. I suspect part of my problem is competing with guys who fix cars for fun and have dads in engineering.
My understanding is that once you get your PE it goes way up, but you need work experience to get it.
Honestly the figure I was told for a starting job is 58k and I'm fine with that, especially if I get a job near my home so I can live with mom and save up money.
>fix cars for fun and have dads in engineering
So you're saying that they have more experience of actually doing engineering work?
So what's to blame here? The school for not having enough practical training? Or not enough jobs in the area?
€300 per month isn't even close to minimum wage. Do better.
lazy loosers
i was neet for two years.
one day i literally moved my ass and started doing something instead of crying... it worked out well
if any of you fuckers are in USA and you want a better life and a family with a woman who wont divorce you then listen up:
>become a trucker
>bust ass for 3 years
>move to colombia
>buy big house
>marry smoking hot colombian
>have babies, live happy
>start own business or return to states if you need money
thats what i did, now im set
Sounds similar to me. Trying to get some businesses off the ground so I can escape this shitty NEET life.
We're all gonna make it, breh. Keep your head up.
>Needs to become an apprentice which is basically on call, leaving no time for school
>Takes 4-5 years to reach journeymen rank
>Once there make ok money but no opportunities to go much higher
And before you call me lazy I applied to be an apprentice they turned me down too
I'd have to be dead on two days before I would lower myself to be telemarketer.
No I don't give a single fuck about what you are offering/selling.
No I don't wanna hear your special offers.
Oh you cant explain some terms and conditions to me, fuck you then.
Because I get annoyed by them I sure as hell don't wanna be one annoying others.
Plus the contracts all sound shady as hell not to mention most of them are small guaranteed sum + provisions when it comes to payment.
So you may be calling 8 hours per day for a month and sell barely anything and get jack shit for your work.
Fuck that I'd rather have McJob with guaranteed wage even if small one.
that pic is wrong on so many levels, I saved it
Western society is too corrupt and greedy to function. Why work just so some greedy Landlord scum can get his hands on the fruits of your labour? They hate you anyway, so why bother even trying to get along?
The entire democratic process is a sham, and Masonic gatekeepers keep the poor down with their lying, homo-supremacist cult.
Look at the hands to see the truth.