How do you feel about breastfeeding in public?
Are you triggered?
How do you feel about breastfeeding in public?
Are you triggered?
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Don't care but I'm not letting my wife do in without a sheet or something covering her chest
I like tits desu.
As long as i can take videos and pictures they can do whatever they want
>implying you'll leave the basement and get a wife
Don't care.
If they can breastfeed in public why can't I piss in public? They're both "natural". If I have to cover my dick in public they should have to cover their tits
This. If people can't get upset like some faggot. They can't get upset if I lock on visually like a cat and a laser pointer.
As long as I get a go as well I don't mind.
Cover that shit up, attention seeking behavior is bad.
Sup Forums blown the fuck out
She shouldn't shake the baby.
Honestly it just seems a little degenerate. You're not supposed to bring your baby into public space unless you 100% have to anyway. Way easier for them to get sick of something and get permanently fucked up or die.
It just screams single mom or trailer trash. Besides the rare liberal hipster mom I've only ever seen them when I get lose and end up in poor communities.
H-holy shit...
I hate white people now.
I agree
I pee in my back yard all the time
My neighbor took down their deck that over looks my back yard, because i would go out and pee while they were swimming.
Not sure what's worse, the woman who goes to McDonalds to breastfeed her kid or the old virgin who gets triggered by it
You are so far away from reality it's hilarious.
Pray tell how a mother of a baby can go grocery shopping without bringing the baby with her.
>inb4 the husband will have to do it
the husband is fucking working to provide for his family mate
ive never seen a breastfeeding lady talk herself through the procedure before.
>okay, just gotta get this thing out now...
>You're supposed to prevent your baby's immune system from developing
Kek. My mom took me everywhere and now I have no allergies and rarely get sick.
No but don't complain if I am watching
You got to be a huge piece of shit to shout at a mother feeding her baby.
My dick says breastfeeding is ok but my brain tells me everything about it in public is degeneracy.
Only in America is breastfeeding degenerate.
This to be quite honest family.
You can eat in public. And you can't piss in public because it's dirty.
>better wrap that baby in foil or something might touch it
>How do you feel about breastfeeding in public?
I don't care. Not even a tiny bit.
>Are you triggered?
Yes. Why do Americans always feel the need to make a goddamn spectacle out of everything, to the point of fucking crying and giving thank-you speeches to all the 'wonderful people at Target' that just do their fucking jobs? Bitch get a grip.
oh god, skip to 2:30
Thats what i was thinking i would jyst record her tits till she also felt uncomfortable.
>pissing is equivalent to eating
Your mother should have tossed you a dumpster.
As long as she brought enough tity for the rest of the class I'm fine with it.
So is breastfeeding
>Pray tell how a mother of a baby can go grocery shopping without bringing the baby with her.
>>inb4 the husband will have to do it
>the husband is fucking working to provide for his family mate
Exactly, normal healthy families that aren't dysfunctional, abusive, or just poor trailer trash shop for food on the weekends when the father is off.
Actually taking your new born to go shopping screams either
1) poor planning which is probably why these degenerates got pregnant in the first place
2) Single mom whore who got knocked up before finding a guy that wouldn't leave her and would actually act like a husband and father and stay and take care of them
3) Degenerates that don't care and put their child at risk because they are uneducated and ignorant.
>Kek. My mom took me everywhere and now I have no allergies and rarely get sick.
yet you discuss politics on an japanese anime image board
>get this thing out
Just watched that movie last night. Still fucking great.
>Breastfeeding is dirty
>American education
Nothing wrong with breastfeeding in public, although perverts may enjoy it and they have every right to look as long as they are not harassing the mother. Tits are not the same thing as genitals, and public urination is an unsanitary nuisance and a false equivalency. We need to break free of puritan conditioning and stop obsessing over breasts, they are very nice but really not a big deal.
Attention whores. They are like LGBTQQRNSUDIDINAHUY+ constantly looking for attention. They can feed their children like normal women but no, they have to shit in the middle of room take out their fat tits and give it to child.
What's dirty with breast feeding ?
Seeing how its america he has the right to shoot her and her baby
>what a cuck
There is nothing wrong with breast feeding, you plastic drinking degenerates.
Also, friendly reminder that 60% of women orgasm while breastfeeding
That slut just wanted a public orgasm
You people are hilarious.
Why are the ugliest girls also the most obnoxious
>yet you discuss politics on an japanese anime image board
Literally not an argument
Honestly, you fuckers are no better than Muslims.
Because only cute and beautiful ones get attention by being nice.
>t. How does it feel that you'll never suckle on a titty as an adult?
They're both letting out bodily fluids. In fact pee is sterile compared to breastmilk that has all kinds of bacteria in it.
>Exactly, normal healthy families that aren't dysfunctional, abusive, or just poor trailer trash shop for food on the weekends when the father is off.
You're delusional. My dad worked on saturdays and stores were closed on sundays.
>Actually taking your new born to go shopping screams either
New borns? We're talking about babies who breastfeed. They do that for a while.
You're being overly "conservative" for the sake of appearing that way. You don't actually give a single shit about this issue, you just want to force an ideology.
You're the worst kind of bluepilled
Best Jim Carrey movie
I don't mind really.
Also, I can watch.
Alright what If I jerk off onto a tissue, no mess, no problem. If you want to breastfeed do it in the bathrooms, they're there for a reason.
>men talking about womens issues
it's time we stopped calling each other fags desu senpai
real men don't give a shit
thx for telling it how it is fellow medikit
Muh Brest.
Who honestly gives a shit. Its not like we have more important problems to take care of. Just feed the little shit, better than have him screech and annoy me.
You have no idea the condition of womens' bathrooms.
Khal Drogo would not be happy
>Americans eat chicken in a can, bleached eggs, bottles with tap water, mcdonalds, gmos, drink fluoride, easy cheese,
>But breastfeeding is dirty and digusting.
Americans are disgusting.
>its a prude burgerclap episode
If you have an issue with how a baby is fed you should set up your webcam right now and hang yourself on livestream
Good bait m8
>Jew Yorkers are arrogant dicks
Tell us something we don't know
I'd rather have the mommy shutting the little shit-machine up with a facefull of tit than having it caterwauling like Satan himself.
I don't care, I want to feed her my seed though.
>Fapping is the same as breastfeeding
>Anglo logic
For fuck sake we choose the wrong side...
Actualy why is he no longer around when that poor imitation, sandler is still making movies?
If you jerk into a tissu in public you're committing a felony. Breastfeeding has nothing sexual.
>breastfeeding in bathroom
Nobody should have to eat near toilets, that's disgusting.
Man up, you faggot.
> He does respect proud nationalistic women who care about their children to keep them from turning into murderous pieces of shit
Off yourself
Phaha, I've never heard of an adult dying from eating breastmilk. I haven't heard of any adult dying eating jizz as well, given the jizz was disease-free.
>Bodily fluids
I spit all the time outside, is that forbidden in the US aswell?
If the mother and child are white it is fine
americans don't eat chicken in a can or bleached eggs
our tap water is safe to drink here so it's fine to drink it here unlike in lithuania or where ever you're from
what does easy cheese mean? if you mean convenient and affordable cheese then yeah but what's wrong with low prices
I don't mind honestly but don't make a big deal when I look at your titties. You can't have your titties and eat it too.
>like urine does
>American education
>I spit all the time outside
Anatolian diaspora detected.
looks jewish atleast we "gassed" most of them in our country
>For fuck sake we choose the wrong side
Anglos are neither European nor human, they've been trying to destroy Europe for centuries, you people were really stupid.
You're a cuck
He's still in hiding after dumb and dumber to. Also Sandler's last few movies have been watchable
Kid's first milk shake.
In spain this is normal, americans are just wierd, fathers don't even kiss their daughters in public cause people can call them pedos.
You're not eating near a toilet you faggot. You're feeding someone for a minute. It's on you if your kid gets AIDS from being in the bathroom for a minute.
>Breastfeeding has nothing sexual
If done in private sure, whipping your tits out when people are trying to eat is perversion.
Seeing tits in public? Sign me up.
>To be spitting outside you must be as disgusting as a turk.
You westerners are so meak it's seriously fucked up, I'm really scared for you, how the hell do you fags live up your everyday lives if you get triggered by someone spitting outside.
There are two sides to this.
1) This is an excuse to show Tits in public. In essence, it's an excuse for a shallow wench to attentionwhore.
2) It's a laudable to raise and take care of kids in an age of declining (white) birth-rates.
If what's going through their minds is #2. Then fine. If it's #1 then they're degenerates.
To be fair, they do fuck their daughters enough to make an Albanian blush.
Fake. Breastmilk as a matter of fact has no bacteria and even has antibodies IgG that protect the baby because his immune system has not developed. No degree in biology/medicine better shut your mouth and prevent us from knowing you are an ignorant fuck.
Titties in public.....or crazy poltard with degenerate hair?
Yeah pol loses this one
They are very restrained so they end up doing weird things.
Well, there's white stuff coming out with both actions. In that sense they're quite similar.
Virgin Mary is disaproving of your anglican shenenigans.
it's a fact any woman who lets her tits out in public is an ugly whale desperate for attention so as long as I can look away there is no problem
Fine, but the milk makes my moustache sticky.