Instances where the victim is responsible for the their rape
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Does claiming victimhood cement it as fact?
You just raped me, btw.
You'd think being fully penetrated without your permission would cement it as fact. But that's just me.
White girls in Europe wearing rape-inducing clothes in front of Mohammad. She should know better than to disrespect another culture like that.
>choose to get drunk in a dangerous place
When I get drunk in dangerous places I get robbed and it's my fault I got robbed
Oh it does.
Except that is usually not an observable fact, so legally you need to go off of something else to prove that it happened, and that it wasn't consensual at the time.
And the mere claim fails to qualify, by itself.
In response to the OP question, I'd say a victim is responsible for their rape for example in situations where they willingly placed themselves in the sexual encounter, say by attending a party, drinking copiously around a group of males they know are sexually interested and ALSO visibly intoxicating themselves, and choosing to tease and proposition one of them for sexual activity.
When halfway through getting fingered she decides she does not want this to happen because she had a streak of sobered self-awareness, but feels "too pressured to say no now, even though she didn't really want it" and lets that shyness take a backseat to her dignity, then it's her fault.
If you don't fucking say no after you've said yes, then your "ongoing consent" is presumed, as of your last known stance on the topic.
There is no reason to suspect that it would change and be left unannounced if you are clearly capable of speech and have been up to that point in the encounter.
Choosing to prioritize your comfort in avoiding embarrassment and not being socially awkward over being clear about what you'd prefer is a valid (however stupid) and conscious choice that the 'victim' makes, it is NOT a loss of bodily autonomy but rather an exercise of it, and free will.
It's a choice, and any consequence is the 'victim's' to bear.
This, I would say, is an example of a situation where a reasonable 'rapist' is not in fact any such thing and cannot be blamed in any way for their interpretation of cues and action, but rather the purported victim is the one who must handle the consequences of her own willing acts, no matter whether she considers them defilement later or even as it's happening.
(As a side note, this is exactly what 'sexual maturity' is about.)
>too pressured to say no
>to say no
>say no
Unless you're a motherfucking pretty prepubescent being groomed by a priest, no freaking way should this be a thing
>wander into a cave where bears are hibernating
>get killed
>people launch campaign to teach bears not to maul
>Instances where the victim is responsible for the their rape
When they don't try to maximise their security such as travelling alone, travelling in bad areas, travelling after a certain time, wearing easily removable clothing, when they put themselves in a state where they could easily be raped (drunk or high)
TLDR if you don't lock your doors don't complain that your shit got stolen
It's not so much that as it is you understand what the deal is and don't turn to agitating others to solve the issue for you. You understand there's crime, that solving it is a multifaceted issue and your safety must be maintained through your own actions in the meantime. You do this because you
a) consider being robbed a very bad thing, and
b) you are sufficiently adept at problem solving to understand both how to avoid being robbed and that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself
Chicks don't get a, b, or both when it comes to rape. To them, men rape, that makes men morally responsible for preventing rape no matter what, end of story. If rape is genuinely as bad a thing to them as they maintain, then the only conclusion men, as adept problem solvers, can reach is that women are so bad at the dynamics of problem solving that they MUST turn to the capable to resolve the issue for them. They won't accept how effective it would be to take matters into their own hands, which can only mean that if you want something don't right, a man has to do it.
I wouldn't go as far as saying responsible but their are plenty of situations where I just wouldn't give a shit
There is only one possibility user.
With that logic, doesn't that generalise all men as rapists?
With that reading comprehension, doesn't that OP a faggot?
If I go into a store in the ghetto and leave my keys in my car with the engine running it will get stolen. I am stupid to leave my keys in the car, but the thief if 100% guilty of theft. I am 100% guilty of stupidity. It's two separate responsibilities.
I agree with the image.
I don't think the creator would agree about what constitutes "rape" though. Something tells me they think "stare rape" and "manspreading" Fits the definition of rape.
No. Criminals are rapists.
I have a friend that was a drug addict when she was 18 and 19. She stayed with a Nigerian drug dealer for over a month and now in her late twenties she tells people that the Nigerian was keeping her against her will and raping her.
I know its not true at all, I know she could come and go as she pleased and I know she fucked him willingly every day for drugs.
She only changed her story now that she is in a relationship with one of my friends.
She does not hang out with me anymore because everytime I get drunk around her and her boyfriend I call her a coal burner and blast her "I was raped story" out of the window.
She used to tell her mom that she was coming to my house when she was infact going to the Nigerian for drugs.
So if she was raped she was raped willingly.
The very last one is a severe sticking point for a lot of feminists
>get into a lion's cage covered with bacon
>spit in the lion
>lion kills you
>it's the lion's fault
i mean the lion did kill you and it will probably be shot down but if you didn't do stupid shit that would not have happened in the first place.
same principle. it's like women would rather do stupid shit on purpose just so they get fucked (literally) and have someone to blame than just stay safe and go on with their lives.
When she gets raped by a Muslim.
There's a lot of comparisons here between getting your shit stolen and your body violated.
If I'm not mistaken, thieves only have to deal with inanimate objects.
What's this? A quality post from Canada?
you're right, tha's much easier than with animate ones
>fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me,
if you dont know any better, then sure its not your fault,
but if you knowingly do something stupid and someone takes advantage of that then you are also at fault.
>she is in a relationship with one of my friends
So you let your friend date a drug addict coal burner? Are women really that scarce there?
well someone's gotta represent us right
Rapists on the other hand, have to be within the vicinity of their victim. No matter how liquored up a victim is they didn't know they were gonna get raped, it would be too late. It's not like the rapists have a tag that says "rapist".
It's NEVER victim's fault but the victim can ALWAYS do something to reduce the chances of getting raped.
>No. Criminals are rapists.
When the "victim" is married to the assailant and says "I have a headache!"
>not if she wass a woman of colour
literally name one case where a white man raped a nigger.
Dude it took me like 5 seconds to find this. It you're gonna troll, put more effort. Subtlety is the soul of doubt.