Will this weaken America's military?
Will this weaken America's military?
>Will this weaken America's military?
Anything that empowers women weakens America.
see pic
After being drafted, they will become soldiers and soldiers have to obey orders like, for example, performing actions that would improve morale of men.
Of course noone is going to send those poor, weak thingies to the frontlines
The only con is that Americans will have to pay them
>having to babysit someone during combat and hold their hand through the whole process
That's just embarrassing.
Is she an actual recruit, though? Or just a civilian? If it's the latter than the video is completely pointless because a woman being shit at physical activities is completely normal and understandable.
Why would they have a civilian run a military obstacle course?
>Why would people do something for entertainment and film it
Take a guess
Yes, it will weaken the military.
Maybe we'll return to a sane policy once all of the ISIS rape/murder videos of captured female infantry start pouring onto the internet.
But I doubt it. Feminists are insane, after all.
I think it's a great idea. It's bringing back the Rosie the riveter culture for women. Obviously women won't be drafted to be on the front lines. Instead, they'd be drafted to do other important jobs; logistics, cook (inb4 sexist,) legal work and, depending on the woman, even certain combat roles.
But this won't happen
Holy shit that's just painful to watch
I don't know anybody who runs military obstacle courses for fun. Doesn't sound like any hobby I've ever heard of.
Tfw had 2 women on the same squad. Endless whining, constant cigarette bums, couldn't carry their own shit half the way and in the basic evacuation training guess did they even try lifting a wounded squadmember. Pure cancer.
Be careful what you wish for.
They are going to be put in management positions because "combat is too brutal for women". Congratulations, America: your men will be sent into battle by women
What fucking draft, aren't you volunteers only?
As someone in a military with women in it. yes it will weaken America's military.This only passed to get feminism brownie points, and they're betting on the fact that the draft won't be needed for a very long time, if ever.
The thing is, if it turns out to be needed, a lot of women will die as a result of this political correctness
>Reporter is doing a story on drafting
>Goes to a boot camp
>Wants to do the course to see how well she'd do and and boost ratings along with it
It's the same exact reason why women are given high-caliber weapons at shooting ranges. Women trying to handle themselves when they're so out of their element is entertaining and cute.
Sometimes the government drafts people into the military if they seem it necessary. That hasn't happened since Vietnam, in 1973.
If the bill passes then women will have to register with the Selective Service Act which means they would also be drafted in such an event.
I have a feeling that because she has helpers hovering over her, and because the other dude won't leave her side, that she is some guest or something doing an "army drill" for fun and for the cameras. I don't think she's an actual soldier.
It doesn't matter because standing armies themselves don't matter and that they're actually thinking of doing this is proof enough of that.
Keep them away from combat roles and i don't see a problem.
Yes it will weaken America's military, but looking at current trends the most likely next big target for America's military is America's people.
So good.
Maybe we'll have a better chance of a successful insurgency against an army of faggots, traps, and women.
Its basically a fall back in times of "worst should happen".
Im actually ok with this. They wanted equality. You fucking got it. Die in the sand with the rest of us.
>tfw when you and your militia squad captures a Federalist Platoon
>you take warbrides
>you accidentally picked the trap
No, if we ever had a war against a near peer competitor it would be over inside a month, due to losses on one or both sides. You wouldn't have the time to draft anyone cause you have already lost to much material. Anything short of that war would not get a draft called.
When they start whining for not having as much recognition as men in combat roles we'll see this wasn't a good idea
Not as much as the unwillingness to win wars of the powers-that-be.
Yes they will.
But that's what they sought with feminism, "equality".
Don't worry, only men will die anyway.
So nothing's going to change?
That's the most disgusting thing for me, having a female officer or Hillary as Commander in Chief would piss me so much.
Just give up as always.
women with guns is always a mistake.Units with women are 600% more likely to have friendly fire incidents than those that do not.
They can include women in a draft but they will never use it again after Vietnam.Inter company morale and effectiveness was destroyed by elements within that did not sign up nor want to be there.
If there is another draft it will be a dire situation but having women on board fire teams is suicidal.
I don't understand, professor shlomoberg told us during gender studies that we are all equal....
.... omg why would our loyal jewish allies deceive us?
Can't we all just stand back and laugh at this for a minute though?
Twitter is full of humor right now
>professor shlomoberg
Yes, goy. Blame it on Jews although most gender profs are cunts.
A stupid idea based solely on feels
Women were made to be bent over and fucked, put into a position of inferiority that comes naturally to them.... as dictated by mother nature herself.
Putting a women in charge of a man is like an open mockery of the natural chain of command, only a cuck finds nothing wrong with this.
Just more field mattresses....
also known as a female jew
desu there was some indian prior enlisted kid in my platoon at OCS and he couldnt get over the first fucking obstacle on the obstacle course. We literally ran the course 5 times and he was still there and getting yelled at.
Same shit on the confidence course, he was useless. Thank god he was dropped week 5.
Cute that other countries are so accommodating to their recruits though.
I dont know much about the enlisted side yet but all the female officers that went through Quantico with me, they were the real deal.
They mostly all sucked at the humps but plenty of guys do too.
That chick in your pic still is tougher than you shitposting OP