>Be British
>Get shot
Be British
Other urls found in this thread:
More like
>be Labour bitch
>get shot
All according to plan
b-b-but we banned guns
>have rubbish policies
>get knife binned in you
guns are illegal so it's unlikely this event took place.
Impossible. Britain is a gun and knife free zone.
Yes. And banning guns means that no one can get a gun and use it.
When will americans get some common sense
she was actually shot and stabbed in a country which banned guns and knives to add insult to injury
and stabbed
It's like somebody did it deliberately to take the piss.
>if it leeds, it bleeds
What's with people calling it an "old fashioned" or "handmade" gun?
It's clearly not a fucking musket if he shot her 3 times so quickly. I doubt any of the bystanders have enough expertise to appraise a gun at a distance, so what the fuck could be so special about the gun?
3d printed.
Yeah that's what I thought at first, not sure if a 3D printed gun would look old fashioned though.
Can someone make a smug pepe out of her?
>be british
>Wish I was Australian
maybe it was one of those four barrel pirate shooters.
Hope this muzzie loving cunt suffers and dies.
>Be Australian
>Get micropenis
look who's talking
What about Captain Sweden? He doesn't have a micropenis like you straya cunts.
Post more pics please. I'll have a respectful wank dedicated to her memory this evening.
at least we dont take nigger cock up the arse
Don't think I could manage it desu
Of course not, you're too busy taking emu cock up the ass.
Did an Aussie piss in your fermented fish this morning?
>Be British
>Don't brush your tooth