>Pope Francis' enormous popularity -- his Twitter accounts in different languages have a total of about 30 million followers, about as many as Bill Gates and more than Adele -- is a consequence of his openness to diversity and a softer approach to dogma. He represents a modernized Catholic Church. By contrast, the world's second biggest Christian denomination is proving so resistant to modernization that its plans to adopt some timid changes for the first time since 787 have fallen through. >In recent years, thanks to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, traditionally considered first among equals by Orthodox church leaders, the preparations were moving along nicely: draft documents were approved, meetings among the heads of the 14 churches were held, and plans were made for a bigger gathering of dignitaries. Yet the Russian Orthodox church, the biggest of all potential participants, has pulled out at the last moment, following the defection of three smaller churches, and the Council has been rendered meaningless or even damaging to future attempts to bring Orthodox Christianity into the 21st century. >The ultraconservatism and inflexibility of the faith is an underestimated factor that's hindering the modernization of countries such as Russia and Greece. Until Orthodox Christianity takes steps toward the rest of the Christian world and starts relaxing its harsh dogmatism, these nations will continue to feel the pull of their distant past.
Can we stop this "Cathocucks are our friends meme"?
They wanted us dead since the schism, they put us to death during the crussade and the 17th century. And now they want to kill our nations and societies as well with their degeneracy.
Kevin Sanchez
>that's hindering the modernization of countries such as Russia and Greece.
>Only country that can put people in space
Zachary Diaz
Orthodox Christians are at least respectable.
Landon Sanchez
oy vey very bad russia, shouldn't you start reading shitrans in your churches for not offending mudslime subhumans, like sweden? Be more like your father Russia, Sweden gets it
Remove crosses from churches so they don't offend too maybe?
Fucking nuke your daddy russia..
Grayson Price
Well, the Orthodox church seems to be doing well. The Catholics on the other hand are bleeding members.
Angel Rivera
I was going to convert to catholicism. But then I realized that pope francis is a false pope. Then I dug deeper, and realized that a lot of the catholic dogma is outright heresy.
So instead, I'm going to convert to anglo-catholicism. There's a church nearby. They are very similar to orthodox. (There is no orthodox church nearby.). They try and be as close as they can to the pre-schism church. Because they believe that the catholic church has lost it's way. They're a remnant of catholics still in the anglican church. With their own priests and bishops etc. Seperated from mainline anglicanism because of a move away from traditional values of the church of england.
Domnule, esti prost? Cine plm te-a omorat? Cine te-a cautat in religie sa te oprime si persecute? Vorbesti ca o feminista nefututa, daca imi poti scuza limbajul.
Alexander Allen
In secolul 17 in Transilvania dupa venirea Habsburgilor a venit o perioada de convertire fortata. Asa sa nascut Biserica Greco Catolica in Ardeal.
A mai fost ceva de genu in secolul 11, dar cui ii pasa.
Gabriel Lewis
nooo oy vey such raysism... why don't you convert to islam goyim? And find an arab "qt" so get bright children with the IQ of 80.
This By the way, what religion is the most popular in FYROM? Are you Orthodox Christians or Albanian "muslims"? The saddest part is, they would rather help Muslims and brown people that actual Orthodox christians. Look at what happened in Yugoslavia, Catholic-lead forces would rather bomb Orthodox Serbs and allow Muslim Albanisn to build Mosques on their land than support them in their fight against Islam, who actually attacked them first
Gavin Reed
Recomand calduros orice tratat de istorie a religiilor poti gasi. Iar cand citesti istorie, nu o face pe wikipedia.
Un avertisment, totusi. Aceleasi perioade istorice sunt descrise diferit de istorici din tari diferite. Cu un pic de efort ai vedeam cate tari diferite au inventat stiloul, insulina, avionul, motorul cu reactie etc. Nimeni nu a omorat ortodocsi in cruciade. Cat despre convertirile fortate, probabil a fost vorba de presiunea gloatei. Nu imi pot imagina popi catolici cu pusca in mana scotand din casa ortodocsi sa ii converteasca.
Adam Gray
>Nimeni nu a omorat ortodocsi in cruciade
Ai auzit de Cruciada a 4-a?
> Cat despre convertirile fortate, probabil a fost vorba de presiunea gloatei.
Ordin de la Coroana austriaca din cate tin bine minte.
>Nu imi pot imagina popi catolici cu pusca in mana scotand din casa ortodocsi sa ii converteasca.
Pentru ca nu este in interesul catolicului de rand. Ci al papei si in trecut al unor regate.
Si acum o sa imi pun in cap niste folie de aluminiu. Fiindca unele centre de refugiatii planificate in Romania au fost create sau urmau sa fie create de catre Biserica Jesuita, care are o istorie de a promova "toleranta" in Romania. Asa ca nu am mare incredere in Biserica Catolica.
Christopher Reyes
The one true church remains true to its roots? Absolutely monstrous! youtu.be/RoJsKV6-e9M
Carson Clark
>>>Only country that can put people in space >OY VEY YOU SHOULD MODERNIZE Well said.
Ryder Hall
HOLY SHIT. Check the comment section. everyone is calling out the kikes. GET IN HERE!
Wyatt Wilson
John Torres
Because they are the only real threat to you mudslime scum? Fuck you, Amir.
Leo Brooks
>western cucks thought the Pan-Orthodox Council meant we would let fags get married and feet lickers be our leaders Fuck that
Bentley Brown
the nose has been exposed
Mason White
Russia is a fucking shithole, the people are dirt poor, unhappy and have very little freedom. It's a third world country and its dictatorship that oppresses innocent people based on religious belief/sexual orientation is comparable to Saudi Arabia's
Jaxon Adams
Fuck you are right. No wonder the West paints Russia as the biggest evil on this planet
Juan Bell
Oh fuck off you piece of liberal shit. go suck your boyfriends dick. irish arent called potato niggers for nothing
John Price
>oppresses innocent people based on religious belief/sexual orientation is comparable to Saudi Arabia's
I didn't know banning propaganda and public masturbation events was the same as throwing people of buildings.
But then again Ireland is so progressive you must clearly know what oppression is.
Leo Evans
>Russia is a fucking shithole, the people are dirt poor, unhappy
Says the potato nigger!
Daniel Rogers
the irish only know how to vote in referendum on fags and eat potatoes
Christopher Rodriguez
Lol I'm Protestant and my local church is not cucked at all. Our preacher has always denounced gays, atheists, and non-Christians. And were not some tiny little church either
Why has Bartholomew been seduced by the power of the dark side?
Ryan Gutierrez
Do you have any evidence for any of those claims?
Blake Wilson
Also keep in mind Protestants made the United States and British Empire, although we HAVE fallen a bit
Ethan Perez
>And were not some tiny little church either You are still heretics
Colton Morris
At the height of the British Empire the Anglican church had a doctrine not so far off Orthodox one, to the point that some scholars were seen as Orthodox.
Meanwhile in America all the protestant colonies tried to institute communism and failed so bad individualism was seen as the only way forward.
Leo James
So, what you're saying is that Protestantism doesn't even have morality guidelines, and policies can wildly deviate from church to church.
Honestly, Christianity is unsolvable in America. Don't even try, IMO. It's not really rooted to your tradition anyway.
Samuel Evans
>Literally "M...my grand father died fighting bad naziss.. and shit so now i can put dildo in my ass while in public."
Ryder Anderson
>imblying plastic paddie had the balls to fight anyone besides the UK when at war with Germany.
William Baker
If If was not orthodox christian, i whoud rather be a muslim, than to be catolicuck or protestards .
Hudson Ortiz
Just stop
Jace Collins
>more than Adele
Nicholas Sanchez
>a total of about 30 million followers is a consequence of his openness to diversity and a softer approach to dogma
No I'm pretty sure it's because there are 1.5 billion catholics and the office of the Pope is their golden idol.
Luke Murphy
Excellent refutation of my argument! Not liberal though, you really shouldn't have to be to recognize that Russia and Saudi Arabia are complete shitholes.
Isaiah Allen
>about as many as Bill Gates and more than Adele
Surprised Bill beats Adele, t b h. Does he tell fun jokes?
Ryder Murphy
supporting sexual orientation bullshit is liberal you fucking potato nigger. also as far as I am aware, Saudis live in greater prosperity than your shitty island. haha
Thomas Bailey
It's literally illegal to speak in favor of gay rights you dumb fuck. That's utterly pathetic, if you're right you shouldn't have to censor counterarguments. Plus they turn a blind eye to organisations that find gays strip them, video them, torture them then send the videos to their friends and family. The attackers don't even bother to hide their faces most of the time, because they know that the government doesn't give a fuck.
James Morgan
Yes, and this is a good thing. This is how Europe used to be before you KEKS came along
Jace Howard
>It's literally illegal to speak in favor of gay rights
What's wrong with that? Stay calm and enjoy your 71 genders
Christopher Sullivan
Why do you hate freedom Nigel? Do you actually believe that it would be more moral if we actively censored people who attempted to argue with you? Surely if you were right and the liberals were wrong you'd be able to argue with them, so why do you support Russia when they make arguing in favor of gay rights illegal? Do you also think that turning a blind eye to torture on the basis of something as simple as who the tortured wants to love?
Jack Martin
Justin Taylor
"it would be more moral if we actively censored people who attempted to argue with you"
Truth does not compromise with liars. I don't have to give cucks a voice, that is what has condemned entire races to death
Jeremiah Morris
>life has been hard and painful >start thinking about becoming a christian >pray >life gets better Jesus is Lord!
Lincoln Butler
this is just satire,r-right guys?
James Wood
>That's utterly pathetic, if you're right you shouldn't have to censor counterarguments Some things are not up for debate. If you allow retards to talk with other retards about how things should or shouldn't work you get 90 morons asking for their own bathroom, minorities asking for reparations and regular law abiding people having to deal with all that bullshit.
People feel way too much entitled to participate in the democratic machine when they should just pay more attention to the responsabilities they're dismissing.
Angel White
Don't compare transgenderism to homosexuality, it's objectively impossible and not supported by neurologists who have dedicated their life to the study of the human brain, whereas homosexuality is. And if you can't see what's wrong with censoring political opinions that you don't support because you're unable to counter them you're objectively not right-winged. Right-wingers place emphasis on the importance of freedom of speech, you clearly don't.
Isaac Myers
Isaac Gomez
>It's literally illegal to speak in favor of gay rights you dumb fuck.
>if you're right you shouldn't have to censor counterarguments
You mean like liberals being crybullies when ever someone brings up how BS their "Born this way" theory is?
> Plus they turn a blind eye to organisations that find gays strip them, video them, torture them then send the videos to their friends and family.
You mean like liberals who commit violence against those whom they deem undesirable.
>The attackers don't even bother to hide their faces most of the time, because they know that the government doesn't give a fuck.
Reminds me of something...
And again even if we take what you said at face value it's still not like Saudi Arabia which punishes homsexuality with death.
Anthony Taylor
More like Zeon's symbol to me.
Hunter Garcia
how is freedom of speech right wing? right wing comes from monarchism. Monarchs supressed speech all the time you fag
Zachary Bailey
Time and time again it has been proven, that Orthodox Christianity is the only true Christian faith.
Grayson Jones
What makes you say that? You have a problem with people identifying as homosexual cisgender transbigender Nazi/Unown F?! KYS intolerant idiot.
Cameron Thompson
>I sexually identify as Slaanesh
Couldn't be comfier, desu ladettes
Henry Taylor
>90 morons asking for their own bathroom That's a non-issue that's been greatly exaggerated by this entire board. Your stance on free speech is pretty dangerous, how do we decide what people aren't and are allowed to talk about? It'd become corrupt way too quickly.
Jace Garcia
>if you can't see what's wrong with censoring political opinions that you don't support because you're unable to counter them you're objectively not right-winged >Right-wingers place emphasis on the importance of freedom of speech, you clearly don't
Kevin Edwards
Henry Phillips
>Don't compare transgenderism to homosexuality
Why the hell not? Both behaviours are mental illness.
There is nothing wrong with censorship. It was used by right wing governement in past and now left-wing are using censorship a.k.a "hate speech" to secure their postion. You are just useful idiot.
Jack Watson
pointless, putinbots have taken over the thread.
Matthew Sullivan
He's still Soviet. People need to realize that.
Bentley Lewis
No, americucks have to learn it or face a 6-digit fine.
Adrian Rogers
reminder that the holy catholic church is the truth successor to Paul (Pablo), it's the church that was founded by Pablo in Rome.
Stay mad heretic scum.
Joshua Morgan
>Orthodoxy has to change for Russia, Greece and other countries to modernise Not in the least. They need a decent leader and an escape from democracy.
The people will always vote for gibs. But for gibs the people need to have a stable country.
Greece is the Prime example of lefties ruining countries.
Xavier Jenkins
There will always be people oppressed. Look at nationalists in Europe. How many people JAILED for expressing their dissent against the goverment in TEXTS. One example is Pedro Varela, 2 years in prison for talking about the holocaust. What about nationalistic parties being banned by the EU as well?
I'm very keen on Mostley's ideas of having a fascist goverment with a democratic parlament, but the proposals have to be regulated somehow. I, for example, shouldn't talk about what fishermen can or can't do in the waters because I don't know shit. An envioremental scientist or experienced fishermen should. With this logic, gay people shouldn't decide wether a christian sacrament nor a civil institution meant for couples that will reproduce is right for them or not.
Andrew Hill
Homosexuality is not a mental illness. "illness" implies that it causes harm, which homosexuality doesn't. It's also a little far-fetched to claim that 50% of bats and 2% of Americans are attracted to women but fuck men anyway because they're mentally ill. It's pretty simple to test if somebody's actually attracted to men or not, show them a picture of a man and if they get an erection they're probably gay. Censorship is fucked and you know it from how you speak about left-wing censorship. Its only purpose is to stifle rational discussion, and if you're right, you shouldn't have to resort to it.
Levi Allen
i hate left wing censorship because it censors CORRECT opinion, not because it is censorship. keep up potato nig
John Hill
Jose Roberts
Our religion is present on iss I dont think theres any other space religion in the world as of yet Step it up heretics
Cooper Johnson
This one is an edited version, but there is somewhere an actual chart which is just as long. The other wasn't a satire.
Anthony Hernandez
And what is correct opinion, according to you?
Samuel Price
[Post edited by European Comitee of Cencorship] No, not at all. I.fully support people's gender choices and I in no way discriminate against them.
Robert Smith
kys Mick.
Cameron Gonzalez
>28% of men had more than 1000 sexual partners Sure...
Chase Hughes
A good number of russian folk are still soviet. What of it? You need to be born around 80s-90s to not be soviet.
As for the quote, then yeah Stalin is the most popular figure in Russia as of modern history. Just how Hitler is popular in Germany, but it doesn't mean that he is popular in a way that everyone worship him.
Landon Anderson
Vaticanum I was a mistake.
Blake Miller
right wing opinion
Colton James
>"illness" implies that it causes harm
Ok according to this pedophilia, zoophilia and others form of sexual deviancy is not illness. Also this applies to trans.
> if you're right
Who decides what is right in democracy? Majority of people who are controlled by media. Great sollution.
Jack Baker
Nice argument Paddy.
Jonathan Carter
And what is that?
Blake Cooper
I actually agree, you orthodox are nothing but heretics..
Levi Watson
"Modernize" is just another way of saying abandon core principles and universal ethics and act like degenerate hedonism is somehow in line with Abrahamic religion.
Josiah Hughes
wow the orthodox church is opposed to change, who could have seen this coming
Mason Davis
Oliver Ortiz
It is a way to suck dick while still telling yourself that you are not a heretic.