Why is "gender" all of a sudden being given different meanings...

Why is "gender" all of a sudden being given different meanings? Is it just people with mental issues trying to cry out for attention?

/end thread/

Execute them. They provide no value to society.

More like spoiled, middle class white kids who have spent their entire lived being privileged and now need something to feel oppressed by.

Genuine cases where a person is born with a Y chromosome but the brain develops as a female is incredibly rare. This is just middle class bullshit.

When people stopped reacting to others being bisexual or homosexual these people that would've claimed to be that moved on to transsexual.

Even "non-binary" kek

>Why is "gender" all of a sudden being given different meanings?

It's 100% the fault of American college liberals, and thanks to the Eternal Anglo's tendencies it's now spreading to Europe too.

I'm beginning to think Yuri was right.

>Is it just people with mental issues trying to cry out for attention?

No, it's the American mainstream, including Hollywood and Washington, actually answering the cry for attention.

I'm a female stuck in a males body but I want to be male.


The separation of sex and gender was pushed by psychologist John Money after a canadian boy called David Reimer accidentally had his whole penis cut off during circumcision. David endured female hormone treatments, wore frilly dresses, etc, and was sexually abused. John Money proclaimed the case a success and that's how this whole thing got started, but once David reached puberty he threatened to kill himself and his treatments were reversed as much as they could, and at 38 he did kill himself.

Mentally ill people latch onto this as a cry for attention, yes OP.

IQ doesn't define intelligence, an autist who can recite pi to the hundredth decimel placemight not know how to change a tire, oil, or do plumbing when his toilet breaks. though, it's just something "lazy geniuses" on reddit use to jerk themselves off like how Sup Forums jerks themselves of to Briggs/Myer INTJ and the like.

Take a loaded gun, point it at your head and pull the trigger
-certified gender doctor